Women’s Issues

Promoting women’s economic independence and fighting against gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse.

Ontario funded emergency shelters for women and children fleeing violence are available to offer support during the covid 19 outbreak.

Economic empowerment and security

covid 19 help for businesses: Get information on safe reopening, financial relief and more.

Increasing women’s economic security is a key factor in improving the well-being of women and their families. The province funds projects that provide skills, knowledge and experience to women to increase their economic security.

What we do

  • develop strategic policy and programs that work to advance women’s equality and economic independence and prevent violence
  • fund programs and services to increase women’s economic security and help women and their children live free from violence
  • help women and children access programs and services through more than 200 community social services organizations across Ontario
  • help women and children find emergency shelters, crisis and support services, counselling services, transitional and housing support services, province-wide crisis help-lines, Indigenous-specific programs and supports to reduce violence against Indigenous women and children

Significant dates

We recognize significant dates to promote awareness throughout the year including:

  • Human Trafficking Awareness Day on February 22
  • International Women’s Day on March 8
  • Sexual Assault Prevention Month in May
  • Sexual Harassment Awareness Week from June 1 to June 7
  • Gender Equality Week during the fourth week in September
  • Women’s History Month in October
  • National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls on October 4
  • Person’s Day on October 18
  • Woman Abuse Prevention Month in November
  • Transgender day of remembrance for Ontario on November 20
  • United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25
  • National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6

Contact us

Women's Issues
College Park, 6th floor, Suite 601-D,
777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J4

 Ministry news

Updated: August 20, 2021