MTO Indigenous Internship Program

Current Indigenous Internship Program Internships:

Infrastructure Intern positions - Click here for Indigenous Internship job information

Information on Self-Identification

  1. Who can self-identify as an Indigenous person?
  2. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO), for the purposes of the Indigenous Internship Program, uses the term Indigenous in reference to the legal definition provided in Section 35(2) of the Canadian Constitution, which defines Indigenous (Aboriginal) peoples as Indian (First Nations), Métis or Inuit.

  3. Why is the Ministry of Transportation asking me to self-identify?
  4. MTO is committed to improving relations with our Indigenous stakeholders and the principles of reconciliation. It is MTO’s intent to give Indigenous people equitable access and opportunity to employment at MTO and within the Ontario Public Service (OPS). To ensure interns are Indigenous persons with an interest in working for the ministry, self-identification of Indigenous heritage is necessary.

    To achieve the program goals and ensure that our recruitment practices are fair, open and transparent, it is necessary that only those individuals who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) will be considered for these positions.

    With this program, MTO takes a step toward being more representative of a significant and growing part of Ontario’s population. Supporting increased diversity and inclusion will enrich and strengthen the ministry and the work of our employees.

  5. How do I self-identify?
  6. During the application in-take process on the Ontario Public Service eCareers internet page, you will be asked to confirm your identify as an Indigenous person, as follows:

    Are you an Indigenous person:

    1. Yes (First Nations)
    2. Yes (Métis)
    3. Yes (Inuit)
    4. No
  7. How will my self-identification information be used?
  8. The purpose of collecting this information is related exclusively to the recruitment of eligible candidates. This information will not be shared with anyone beyond Human Resources and those immediately involved in hiring and to help improve future program and outreach activities. This information will be stored and used on an aggregated, depersonalized basis only, to ensure that an individual’s identity remains confidential.

  9. Who will have access to my information about self-identification?
  10. All candidate information collected is legally protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Human Resources branch will have exclusive access to this information and it will not be used for any other purpose other than to ensure you meet the qualifications for entry into this program.

    In addition, the hiring manager, as well as any individual who may be aware of the associated job posting and/or the MTO Indigenous Internship Program, would be aware that all qualified candidates have self-identified as an Indigenous person. The ministry is proud of this program and will ensure that candidates are treated in a respectful, fair, welcoming and professional manner as are all ministry employees.

  11. What does the ministry do with the information collected about self-identification?
  12. Your information will be securely stored only in the competition file for the respective position. As noted, this file is retained by Human Resources, and will be retained and destroyed in accordance with published schedules.

    The confidentiality of employee data is a significant matter and governed by strictly adhered-to standards. The ministry will use the information only in the following manner:

    1. As a starting point, this information will be used to ascertain that you are eligible to apply for the posted position(s).
    2. Human Resources may use this data, in a depersonalized format, to evaluate the effectiveness of outreach and recruitment efforts.
    3. Human Resources may provide aggregated, de-personalized information to report on the success of the program and/or to suggest enhancements or program offerings.
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