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ALERT: With the deregulation of Ontario's intercommunity passenger transportation sector, the Ontario Highway Transport Board (OHTB) was dissolved on July 1, 2021.

Bill 213, entitled the Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020, was proclaimed in force on July 1, 2021. The bill included provisions to repeal the Public Vehicles Act, 1990 and the Ontario Highway Transport Board Act,1990.

With the repeal of these acts, the OHTB has no further function. As a result, the Board has been dissolved and this website is being decommissioned.

Please see Bill 213 for more information about the repeal of the Ontario Highway Transport Board Act, 1990 and the Public Vehicles Act, 1990.

More information about Ontario's intercommunity passenger transportation sector is available at Ontario.ca.



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© Queen's Printer for Ontario
This page last updated: July 1, 2021