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MTO Service Commitment

Winter Road Conditions

Our goal

To provide winter road condition information for provincially maintained roads to the public in English and French. Information can be accessed by telephone, Internet, or teletypewriter (TTY).

Winter road conditions information is available at:




  • Traveller Information Services: 511
  • Ontario 511 toll free access in other provinces or states: 1-866-929-4257
  • Provincial Call Centre: 1-800-268-4686
  • In Greater Toronto Area: 416-235-4686

Teletypewriter (TTY):

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can get road condition information using the teletypewriter (TTY) service.

  • Provincial TTY: 1-866-471-8929
  • Niagara Regional TTY: 905-704-2426

Our commitment to you

  • Winter road condition reports will be made available from the end of October to April each year and may be adjusted depending on weather conditions.
  • Provide road conditions information through the Internet, and telephone system, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Update the Internet and telephone systems a minimum of five times per day.

To meet your expectations:

  • Know the telephone numbers to access the winter road conditions information.
  • Place the Internet address, phone numbers and TTY numbers in an area for easy access.
  • If you have access to the Internet, make the site "a favourite" and become familiar on how to access and use the information. Refresh your screen on a regular basis.
  • No all roads are provincial roads. We are unable to provide information on municipal or regional roads. Identify which highways are maintained by the province.
  • Participate in Ministry of Transportation telephone and Internet surveys.

How to provide a compliment or complaint

We value your opinion and want to hear what you think about the quality of our service. Your compliments, complaints and suggestions will be managed in a timely and professional manner. We also seek feedback directly from clients through feedback on the Internet, comments via the telephone, TTY and client satisfaction surveys.

When you provide feedback, your privacy and confidentiality will be respected and protected. You don't have to tell us your name if you don't want to, but it will help us keep you informed about the progress of your complaint.

Your compliments let us know where we are performing well. Your complaints help us to improve the quality of our information.

Please provide your feedback on the form available here:

Performance Results

2016 Winter Road Conditions Performance Report