Registration for the 2021 Constantine Yorkville Run is now OPEN!

Join TeamAWHL today and run/walk in support of women experiencing abuse.  


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The Assaulted Women’s Helpline offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all woman who have experienced abuse. We provide counselling, emotional support, information and referrals. We recognize abuse as one example of women’s social, political and economic inequality in the world...

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You can help support the Assaulted Women's Helpline with a donation!
Learn more about giving and the impact of your donation today...


Reduce your net travels

We Can Help
Cover Your Tracks

Concerned about someone finding out where you’ve been on the net?  Here’s how to reduce the chances that your net travels will be traced. Browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox are designed to leave traces behind indicating where you’ve been and what you’ve been looking...

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Our Mission Statement

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all woman who have experienced abuse. We provide counselling, emotional support, information and referrals. We recognize abuse as one example of women’s social, political and economic inequality in the world. The Helpline is dedicated to working towards equality for all women.

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The Need Explained

More than 50% of Canadian women over the age of 16 have been victims of physical or sexual violence- at any stage in their lives*. Violence against women affects all cultures, ages, religions, and sexual orientations and includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial and neglect.

The demand for our crisis line continues to grow year after year, and with your support you can help us ensure we are here for women when they need us.

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*According to Statistics Canada

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