#CycleON: Ontario's Cycling Strategy

Martin Goodman Trail Bridge. A man cycles across a trail bridge. Photo Credit: City of Toronto Ontario's Cycling Strategy looks ahead 20 years and outlines what needs to be done to promote cycling across the province as a viable mode of transportation.

Download #CycleON: Ontario's Cycling Strategy (PDF - 2.56 MB)

#CycleON: Ontario's Cycling Strategy

More and more people are choosing cycling as their preferred way to get around. Ontario's Cycling Strategy provides a route map to support and encourage this growth in cycling over the next 20 years.

Increasing the number of cyclists in Ontario holds many potential long-term benefits. Ontario's Cycling Strategy supports Ontarians adopting healthier and active lifestyles, the tourism industry, as well as the achievement of environmental and economic objectives.

The province will play a leadership role in striving to achieve our cycling vision, but we are asking municipalities, the public, road users, businesses and non-governmental organizations to partner with us to create a more cycling-friendly future for Ontario.

Ontario is taking action to implement #CycleON: Ontario's Cycling Strategy through a series of ongoing, multi-year action plans. The action plans identify clear actions that Ontario government ministries and agencies will be working on to make Ontario a more cycling-friendly province. The cumulative effect of the action plans will be to help all of us - individuals, communities and governments - reap the benefits of increased cycling.

Action Plan 2.0 is here!

Action Plan 2.0 is the second installment in the series of action plans for #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy.

Action Plan 2.0 outlines actions across all five of #CycleON’s Strategic Directions, ensuring that we continue to take the comprehensive approach needed to advance cycling in Ontario. The Action Plan also guides efforts across ministries, strategies and initiatives to ensure that we’re collaboratively working toward the vision and goals of #CycleON and that our actions are coordinated and complementary.

Action Plan 2.0 was designed according to feedback from ministries and agencies across the government of Ontario. A series of consultations with expert stakeholders, and a public engagement posting on the Environmental Registry of Ontario, were also held to gain feedback on the Action Plan.

Download #CycleON Action Plan 2.0 (PDF - 1.01 MB)

CycleON Action Plan 2.0

Action Plan 1.0

#CycleON Action Plan 1.0, released in 2014, was the first action plan to implement #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy.

#CycleON Action Plan 1.0 - highlights pamphlet (PDF - 368 KB)

#CycleON Action Plan 1.0 - full text (PDF - 107 KB)

This strategy developed in partnership with:

cycling strategy stakeholder logos Cycle Toronto Toronto Centre for Active Transportation Niagara Region Cycling Canada Greenberg Consultants Citizens for Safe Cycling Toronto Cycling Waterfront Regeneration Trust Ontario Trucking Association CAA Bicycle Trade Association of Canada MMM Group Ontario Provincial Police Share the Road Bicycle Trade Association of Canada 8-80 Cities

As well as cycling advocates Yvonne Bambrick, David Chernushenko and Chris Drew.

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