Get out and cycle Ontario!

Get around your community

Paths and routes can help you cycle where you need to go.

Across the province, communities are improving cycling routes to make it even easier for you to get around on your bike.

bike lane

Cycling-friendly communities

Through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program, we’re doubling our investment in projects that make it easier for people to cycle to work, school and around their communities. $94 million will be used to build bike lanes and support other local cycling projects, as part of our Climate Change Action Plan.

Recreation and tourism

There are many opportunities for recreational cycling and tourism across Ontario.

A province-wide cycling network

Plans are underway to develop a province-wide cycling network to connect communities and destinations across Ontario. We’ve identified a network of primary cycling routes across the province using input from stakeholders, communities and the public.

See a map of the network and the final report from the province-wide cycling network study..

We will be working with our partners to develop an implementation plan.

Reports and strategies

Our 20-year plan for cycling

#CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy is a route map to promote the growth of cycling across the province over the next 20 years. A big part of our plan is focused on making it safe and convenient for you to cycle every day.

Action Plan 2.0

This plan outlines the specific actions we will take to promote cycling and cycling safety.

It focuses on the five key areas of:

  • designing healthy, active and prosperous communities
  • improving cycling infrastructure
  • making highways and streets safer
  • promoting cycling awareness and behavioural shifts
  • increasing cycling tourism opportunities

Action Plan 2.0 is the latest installment in the series of action plans for #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy. We release Action Plans every five years. Read Action Plan 1.0 (2014)

This plan sets out actions to support cycle tourism projects, create active communities and promote Ontario as a cycling tourism destination.

Climate Change Action Plan

This is Ontario’s five-year plan to fight climate change, reduce greenhouse gas pollution and transition to a low-carbon economy.

A timeline of action

April 2018

Ontario launches the next five-year action plan to encourage cycling, improve safety and provide more travel options.

April 2018

Ontario publishes a final report and route map identifying an aspirational network of over 9,800km of primary cycling routes.

April 2018

Introduces information on how to safely cycle through some of the newest road and cycling infrastructure, and provides updated information related to new road signs and signals, as well as new penalties and fines.

December 2017

$94 million is committed to 118 municipalities through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program.

April 2017

Ontario releases a draft network with more than 8,000 km of cycling routes to major communities and other destinations.

April 2017

Filling the gaps connected a total of 2,000 km of routes, continuous from Ottawa to Windsor and from Fort Erie to Huntsville.

October 2016

As part of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, cities and towns are encouraged to provide bicycle lanes and secure bike parking near major transit stations.

April 2016

Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program

37 municipalities share $10 million to build new, or improve existing, cycling infrastructure.

September 2015

For drivers: increased penalties for opening a car door in a cyclist’s path, mandatory one-metre distance from cyclists when passing

For cyclists: increased fine for improper lighting, can now ride on paved shoulders, municipalities can build contraflow (opposite direction of car traffic) lanes and install bike-specific traffic signals.

July 2015

Ontario unveils its Cycling Training Fund, which provides support for safe-cycling education projects in 2015 and 2016.

April 2015

Ontario commits $15 million to design and build more than 90 km of infrastructure (e.g. paved shoulders and barriers on bridges) on highways along the Waterfront Trail, Georgian Bay Cycling Route and Lake Huron North Channel Cycling Route.

December 2014

Built for the Pan/Parapan Am Games, the velodrome continues to be a year-round training and competition venue for cycling athletes.


Banner photo - Credit: Ontario Growth Secretariat, Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Updated: August 20, 2021
Published: May 24, 2017