Part 5: Administration and promotion of the agreement

5.1  Exchange of information


Ontario and Quebec will promptly exchange copies of all statutes, regulations, administrative procedures and any other information that is required to administer this agreement.

5.2  Bilateral coordinating committee


Ontario and Quebec agree to renew the mandate of the Bilateral Coordinating Committee (BCC) to monitor implementation of the agreement, promote workforce mobility and access to construction sites, and to deal with all other relevant issues.


The BCC is composed of three (3) members from each province: the Assistant Deputy Minister of Labour; the Official Contact; and one other designated member.


The BCC will meet as required, but at least twice a year. The first meeting will take place within 90 days of the agreement coming into force.  The members will carry out a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of this agreement every five years and issue a written report.  To support the comprehensive review, Ontario and Quebec agree to exchange data annually on all aspects of labour mobility covered by this agreement; and, on the tendering of construction contracts by the crown corporations and the electrical utility corporations identified in Part 7 of this agreement.  


The BCC may undertake initiatives that it deems necessary to further labour mobility and fair competition in Ontario’s and Quebec’s construction industries. 

5.3  Measures of access for future trades and occupations


Ontario and Quebec agree to:

  • continue to work together to develop measures of access for the trades and occupations under review at the time of signing of this agreement; and,
  • work together to recognize training and certification programs that may be developed by either province in the future to increase the competency of construction workers.


 The BCC will review applications from the Ontario and Quebec governments to recognize trades, trade specialties, activities of trades, occupations, training programs and competencies related to construction, that are not in the current agreement.

The BCC will determine whether these applications for additional trades, etc. have merit and should be included in the agreement.


The BCC will consider applications from the Quebec and Ontario governments to review and amend the content of trades, trade specialties, activities of trades, occupations, training programs and competencies related to construction, that are already recognized in the current agreement. 

The BCC will determine whether these applications for proposed changes to recognized trades, etc. should be approved


The BCC may call upon experts to participate in sub-committees to assist in accomplishing its mandates.


The BCC may modify the trades, trade specialties, activities of trades and occupations found in Appendices 13, and 4.


The BCC must inform the government that made an application of its decision within thirty (30) days.


Each province may consult individuals/organizations regarding construction labour mobility issues as it deems necessary.

5.4  Promotion of the agreement 


The governments of Ontario and Quebec agree to promote the agreement by:

  • issuing a joint news release expressing support for the new agreement and summarizing its main elements;
  • offering information sessions to relevant staff in the organizations, trade unions and employer associations affected by this agreement. These sessions will include information on the issue of harassment of construction contractors and workers.
  • developing and distributing brochures and pamphlets outlining the procedures to be followed to work in Ontario and Quebec (for example, permits or licences needed, government agencies to contact, etc.).





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Updated: October 21, 2019