When you apply for or receive income support from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you and any adult family members are responsible for:

Attending periodic interviews

You will have to meet with Ontario Disability Support Program staff from time to time. You have the right to bring someone with you to the interview. This person can be anyone you choose. ODSP staff will usually schedule an interview with you.

Keeping receipts and statements

You may need to show proof of income and expenses, such as receipts and statements for:

  • rent or mortgage payments
  • housing costs, such as hydro, water, and heating
  • income tax assessments and returns
  • pay stubs
  • child care costs
  • mandatory special necessities (for example, surgical or diabetic supplies)

Telling us about your income

You need to tell us about any income that you or anyone in your family receives, or if there are any changes in your or your family’s income, for example:

  • income from child or spousal support
  • income from Canada Pension Plan benefits
  • income from Worker Safety and Insurance Benefits (WSIB) or Employment Insurance benefits
  • money received from family (gifts) or through a windfall (inheritance, lotteries)
  • money that you borrowed (OSAP or other loans)

You need to tell us about any income from employment or training you receive.

You can do this by filling out the Employment/Training Income Report form you receive each month with your ODSP income support payment.

Telling us about other changes

You need to tell us about any change in your or your family’s situation, for example:

  • a change to your present living arrangement (e.g. moved, changes in housing costs)
  • any family changes (e.g. someone moved out, finished school, had a new baby, or new person living in the home)
  • starting work
  • attending post-secondary school
  • begin receiving income from any source (earnings, Canada Pension Plan, WSIB, Employment Insurance) or if the income you are receiving changes (goes up or down)
  • admission to hospital or any other institution
  • being detained in custody
  • you or another family member is leaving Ontario for more than 30 days

Telling us about your assets

You need to tell us about any assets that you or your family have. You also need to tell us if the value of an asset changes or if you or your family get new assets.

Pursuing other sources of income

You must try to get any money or support that you or someone in your family may be entitled to or eligible for. Examples include:

  • Ontario Child Benefit
  • support from a sponsor or co-signer
  • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) - Retirement or Disability benefits
  • Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits

If you do not make a reasonable effort to get this money or support, then your ODSP income support payments may be suspended. For example, applying for a benefit you may be eligible for, such as CPP Disability, is considered a reasonable effort.

Repaying any overpayment

An overpayment is money that you received that you were not eligible to receive.

You are responsible for repaying an overpayment, even after you leave the Ontario Disability Support Program or Ontario Works.

If you have an overpayment while you are receiving financial assistance from us, then we will make deductions from your monthly income support payments until you repay all of the money that you owe.

Reporting honestly

You are responsible for following all Ontario Disability Support Program rules. This includes honest reporting of your and your family's income, assets and living arrangements.

If there is enough evidence to suggest that someone has committed fraud, the file may be referred to the police for an investigation.

Your family has responsibilities, too.

All members of your family who are 18 or older may be required to take part in Ontario Works employment assistance activities if they do not have a disability or care giving responsibilities.

This requirement may be waived in some cases. For example, a family member may not need to take part in Ontario Works employment assistance if they are:

  • already working or looking for work
  • caring for a family member who is ill, elderly, or disabled
  • ill or injured.

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