To see if you are eligible for Ontario Disability Support Program Income Support, the first step is to calculate whether you qualify financially.

You will need to tell your Ontario Disability Support Program worker about your and your family's personal and financial information:

  • when you apply for Income Support, and
  • on a regular basis if you are receiving Income Support.

You will have to tell your worker:

  • about your family, including
    • who is part of your family
    • how many children you have, how old they are and whether they are in school
    • whether or not you have a spouse or adult dependants
  • where you live and how much you pay to live there
  • how much money you and your family are earning right now
  • if you have any other income, such as Canada Pension Plan benefits or child support
  • about your assets, such as any savings you have in the bank and any property you own.

You may be asked to give or show your worker certain documents about you and your family. Here are some examples:

  • birth certificates
  • immigration papers
  • Social Insurance Numbers (SIN)
  • Ontario health card numbers (OHIP)
  • documents about your housing costs
  • documents about your income
  • documents about your assets.

Your worker will look at all this information to decide if you

  • qualify financially for Income Support, and if so
  • how much you can receive.

Income Support is meant to supplement other income. You need to make reasonable efforts to obtain any financial resources that you or your family may be entitled to.

If you qualify financially for Income Support

You also need to meet the definition of "a person with a disability" as defined under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act.

If you do not qualify financially for Income Support

You can ask to have the decision reviewed. This is the first step in the appeal process and is called an Internal Review.

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