Frequently Asked Questions for Administrators

Who is an "administrator"? Am I one?

Administrators are responsible for the management and day to day operations of schools or school boards. If your work involves policy, funding, operations and/or leadership in the education sector, this is the section of the website for you.

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Where can I find the Education Act and other legislation?

You'll find links to frequently accessed legislation, including the Education Act, on the Statutes and Regulations page of this site's Policy & Funding section. Consolidated versions of most of Ontario's public statutes and regulations can be found on the e-Laws website. You can also obtain the Education Act on paper or CD-ROM from Publications Ontario, the Government of Ontario book store. In addition, provincial legislation may be accessed at all depository libraries, at many public libraries, and in the reference sections of those university libraries that are open to the public.

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Where do I find policy and program memoranda?

Numbered policy directives are issued to district school boards and school authorities to outline the Ministry of Education's expectations regarding the implementation of ministry policies and programs. You'll find them here, or by following the link from our Policy & Funding Publications page.

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Where do I find the policy on Ontario's French-language schools?

You'll find an introduction to Aménagement linguistique: A Policy for Ontario's French-Language Schools and Francophone Community here. You can also link to it via the Policy & Funding area of our Publications section. The complete document Ontario's Aménagement Linguistique Policy is also available.

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What are 'B' memoranda and where do I find them?

'B' memoranda are issued to school boards to provide direction on funding policy and other financial or operational matters. You'll find them here, or by following the link from our Policy & Funding Publications page.

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How can I obtain a particular document, such as a curriculum guideline or a news release?

Begin by checking the sections of this website containing ministry publications and news releases. If the document you're looking for is not posted there, you should contact Publications Ontario to determine whether printed copies are available for purchase.

Publications Ontario
Telephone: (416) 326-5300
Toll free (in Ontario): 1-800-668-9938

Some documents may be out of print. If they are, you should be able to consult them at depository libraries or at a nearby university faculty of education.

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