
BUDGET: Ontario's Fiscal Cycle

Each year, the Ministry issues a number of documents detailing spending policies and practices. The Ontario Budget is the major policy document outlining the government's plans for the upcoming fiscal year.

The Estimates set out details of the operating and capital spending requirements of ministries and constitute the Government's annual formal request to the Legislature for approval of the expenditures involved.

During the course of the year, the quarterly finances are issued and culminate in the Public Accounts of the Province of Ontario. These present the financial statements of the province, provide financial and economic highlights of the past year, and report on performance against the goals set out in the Ontario Budget.

The annual Fall Economic Statement also provides a progress report on the economy and the status of Budget measures.

Pre-Budget consultations usually begin in late fall or early winter leading up to the next year's Budget.

The ministry publishes a wealth of economic data forming the background and context of the Budget. If you are looking for such detailed information, such as Gross Domestic Product, employment statistics or demographic projections, please see the Economy section.

Page: 2012  |