Online Services

ONT-TAXS online: Manage Account Information

ONT-TAXS online allows you to view account balances, update your profile, account details, trade name, address and financial information. Businesses can also provide access to employees or representatives to use ONT-TAXS online on their behalf.

Not an ONT‑TAXS online user?
What you need to activate ONT‑TAXS online

Prefer to talk to us?
Call the Ministry of Finance at 1 866 ONT‑TAXS (1 866 668‑8297).


View account details

To view an account’s financial information, select the corresponding Business Number from the My Accounts list.

The account’s summary screen will display:

  • trade name, mailing and business addresses
  • any balance(s) owing
  • quick links to other account activities such as making a payment or viewing the status of a refund
  • tabs to periods, my requests, activity, messages and view letters

View letters

To view letters that have been sent to your business, select the View Letters tab on the Account Summary page.

Each letter is assigned a unique ID. Select the Letter ID of the letter you wish to view. A new browser window will open and display the letter in a portable document format (PDF). You can print or save it, or close the window and return to ONT‑TAXS online.

Check the status of a request

Web requests are created for every transaction completed in ONT‑TAXS online.

You can view the status of each request by selecting My Requests. They will appear as pending, withdrawn, processing or completed.

Why is my request pending in ONT‑TAXS online?

You can view the details of each request by selecting the My Requests tab. Then, select the request confirmation number.

Only administrators can see client level requests. Administrator may delegate his/her authority to a representative or employee. The employee or representative will only have access to the requests made for the statutes that they have been granted access to.

Change profile

You can change your ONT‑TAXS online profile by selecting My Profile on the Summary page.

  1. Select Change Profile to edit your profile information.
  2. Enter your updated profile information in the green fields and select Submit.
  3. Select Main to return to the ONT‑TAXS online main page.

Change address

You can change your mailing address and business location address using ONT‑TAXS online.

  • Select the Address in the Summary section. Select Edit
  • Enter the updated address information in the fields that appear on the Address Change Request screen and select Save.
  • You will be prompted to certify that the new address is true, correct and complete. If you are certain select OK .
  • A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

Change trade name

You can change your trade name using ONT‑TAXS online.

  • Choose the account you need to edit.
  • Select the Trade Name link on the Account Summary panel. Select Edit.
  • Enter your new trade name and, when you are done, select Submit.
  • You will be prompted to certify that the new trade name is correct. If you are certain select OK.
  • A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

Change legal name

You can request a change to your business’s legal name using ONT‑TAXS online.

  1. Select the Legal Name link on the Client Summary screen.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Enter your new legal name in the green field and, when you are done, select Submit.
  4. You will be prompted to certify that the new legal name is correct. If you are certain select OK.
  5. A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

A representative from the ministry may contact you for more information about changing your business’s legal name.

Give access to an employee or a representative

The Adminstrator can provide employees or representatives with ONT‑TAXS online access to:

  • view account information
  • update account information
  • file returns make payments, and
  • send electronic messages to the ministry.

The ONT‑TAXS online administrator assigns access levels when creating employees or representatives.

Employee access

To provide access to an employee:

  1. Select My Profile from the ONT‑TAXS online main page.
  2. Select Manage Logons.
  3. Select the Access To My Accounts tab.
  4. Select Add Employee.
  5. Enter the employee’s first name, last name, and e-mail address.
  6. To assign access levels select each account individually and choose the appropriate access level from the drop-down. In the Active drop-down, select Yes.
  7. Select Submit.
  8. You will be prompted to certify that you authorize the employee to access ONT‑TAXS online on your behalf. If you are certain select OK.
  9. A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

Get the Employee Web Access Code

  1. Select My Profile from the ONT‑TAXS online mainpage.
  2. Select Manage Logons.
  3. Select the Access To My Accounts tab.
  4. Select the Employee Name link and their Web Access Code will display on screen.

To sign in to ONT‑TAXS online, the employee will need:

  • the Web Access Code, provided by you, and
  • a PIN, which the ministry will e-mail to the employee.

The Web Access Code and PIN activate the next business day.
Representatives (e.g. accountants or bookkeepers) can give their employees ONT‑TAXS online access at the same access levels their clients assigned to them. To do this, follow the steps above for employee access. 

Representative access

To provide access to an authorized representative:

  1. Select My Profile from the ONT‑TAXS online main page.
  2. Select Manage Logons.
  3. Select the Access To My Accounts tab.
  4. Select Add Representative.
  5. Enter the Web Access Code provided by the authorized representative.
  6. To assign access levels, select each tax account individually and choose the appropriate access level from the drop-down. In the Active column drop-down, select Yes for each account.
  7. Select Submit.
  8. You will be prompted to certify that you authorize the representative or employee to access ONT‑TAXS online on your behalf. If you are certain select OK.
  9. A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

The representative will be able to access account information according to the level granted by signing in to ONT‑TAXS online and selecting the Other Taxpayer Accounts tab.

Remove access

To remove access to your accounts in ONT‑TAXS online and you are an administrator or representative,

  1. Select My Profile from the ONT‑TAXS online main page
  2. Select Manage Logons
  3. Select the Access To My Accounts tab
  4. Select the name link of the employee or representative you no longer want to have access to your account(s)
  5. The user’s details will display, select Remove Access
  6. In Active field, select No from the drop-down list to remove access
  7. Select Submit
  8. You will be prompted to certify that you want to remove the employee’s access. If you are certain select OK.
  9. A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

Change access

To change the access previously granted in ONT-TAXS online to an employee or representative and you are an administrator or representative,

  1. Select My Profile from the ONT‑TAXS online main page
  2. Select Manage Logons
  3. Select the Access To My Accounts tab
  4. Select the name link of the employee or representative you no longer want to have access to your account(s)
  5. The user’s details will display, select Change Access
  6. Select the new or additional Access Level from the drop-down list
  7. In Active field select Yes
  8. Select Submit.
  9. You will be prompted to certify that you want to change access levels. If you are certain select OK.
  10. A confirmation number is generated for the request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.
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