Online Services

ONT-TAXS online: Refund Requests

Credit balances display when you log in to ONT‑TAXS online and balances for each account display in the My Accounts section: negative balances indicate that a credit (refund) is owed to you.

If you have a credit balance, you can ask to have the amount refunded using ONT‑TAXS online.

Not an ONT‑TAXS online user?
What you need to activate ONT‑TAXS online

Prefer to talk to us?
Call the Ministry of Finance at 1 866 ONT‑TAXS (1 866 668‑8297).


Request a refund

Here's how you can request a refund of your credit balance using ONT‑TAXS online:

  1. Select the tax account with the credit balance in the My Accounts section.
  2. Select Request a Refund to request a refund.
  3. The Refund Amount will be populated with the total credit amount. You can change the Refund Amount value to specify the amount you would like refunded.

    The refund amount cannot exceed the credit you have on your account.
  4. Select Submit.
  5. You will be prompted to verify that you are sure you want to submit the request, if you are certain select OK.
  6. A confirmation number is generated for the refund request and will display on screen. Write it down for your records and select OK.

Check refund status

Your refund request will either indicate a pending, processing or completed status. To check the status of your refund request:

  1. Select My Requests tab from the Client or Account Summary screen.
  2. Select the Confirmation # of the refund request.
  3. The Refund Request will list each refund and display:
    • the status of the refund request
    • the requested refund amount

Withdraw a refund request

If you need to withdraw a refund request, first make sure it is marked as pending – only pending requests can be withdrawn.

  1. Select the My Requests page.
  2. Select the Waiting To Be Processed tab
  3. Select the Confirmation # of the pending refund request you want to withdraw.
  4. Details of the request will display. Select Withdraw to withdraw the refund request.
  5. Select Confirm.
  6. Under the Search tab the status of the refund request is now shown as Withdrawn.
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