: Contact Us

Use the following form to send us your questions, comments and suggestions. The Government of Ontario is always looking for ways to improve the information and services provided on this website. Your comments and inquiries are welcome. We want to make your experience the best it can be.

You can also call us, mail us or visit us.

If you have questions about Ministry of Finance programs and services, first read our frequently asked questions — you may find the answer to your question more quickly than via e-mail, phone or mail.

We welcome your feedback

Phone, Fax or Write

Ontario Budget information: 1 800 337-7222

Phone: 1 866 ONT-TAXS (1 866 668-8297)
Fax: 1 866 888-3850
TTY: 1 800 263-7776

Write: Ministry of Finance
  33 King Street West
  Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
  L1H 8H5

  The Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy
  Minister of Finance
  7 Queen's Park Crescent, 7th floor
  Toronto, Ontario
  M7A 1Y7

Request an interpretation

To obtain an interpretation on a specific situation not addressed, please send your request by:

Visit a ServiceOntario Location

ServiceOntario offers walk-in services to Ministry of Finance clients at certain ServiceOntario locations. These services include issuing receipts and accepting the following:

  • completed paper registration applications
  • applications for refunds
  • payments and other documents in sealed and unsealed envelopes, and
  • cash payments (12 locations only).

Visit a Ministry of Finance Tax Office

Ministry of Finance Tax Office representatives are available by appointment only. If you need to meet with a ministry representative to discuss your tax issue(s), please call 1 866 ONT-TAXS (1 866 668-8297).

Find a Ministry of Finance Tax Office near you.