The terms on this page are for informational purposes only. They are not legal definitions and do not have a legal meaning. See frequently used acronyms associated with adult learning programs.

Words used in adult learning programs

A period of training in the workplace and in the classroom for employment in jobs known as “skilled trades”.
Methods or tools used to evaluate a learners’ skills and educational needs. This lets students start learning programs that are at the right level to support their learning goals.
Basic skills
Abilities such as reading, writing, math, computer and other skills necessary for daily life, education and employment.
An amount of money that a student is given to help pay for college or university study. A bursary does not have to be paid back.
CLARS centre
CLARS stands for “Coordinated Language Assessment and Referral System.” CLARS centres help eligible, adult immigrants improve their English or French language skills after an assessment. The centres also refer people to language training classes. This service is free.
A document confirming that an individual has reached a certain level of achievement in a course of study or training.
Cooperative education (co-op)
Courses that allow students to spend time learning in the community and the classroom while they earn high school credits. These courses are also known as “co-op” and can be taken on-site, online or a combination of both.
Qualifications, achievements, qualities or features of an individual’s background. Credentials are used to indicate an individual’s suitability for something.
A record of an individual’s completion of a course that counts toward a degree or diploma.
A Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) training website for Ontarians 19 years or older. Because students learn online, it’s easier to attend classes. It is a good option if you live in a rural or remote community, or if you have a disability.
Meeting the conditions for admission or entrance to a learning program.
Essential skills
Skills needed for work, learning and life such as working independently, working with others, communication skills and continuous learning.
An individual who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
To make or become better.
An amount of money given by a lender to an individual (the borrower) with the understanding that the money will be paid back. This is based on an agreement between the lender and the borrower.
Mature student
A student who is at least 18 years old and who has been out of high school for at least 10 months.
Naturalized Canadian Citizen
A person who was born outside of Canada to parents who are not Canadians and then becomes a Canadian citizen.
Not-for-profit organizations
All money earned by, or donated to, a not-for-profit organization is used to provide products or services to improve or benefit a community. The organization does not keep the money for itself.
Ontario Works
Ontario Works, known as “OW,” is one of Ontario's social assistance programs. OW offers financial and employment assistance to eligible Ontario residents in temporary financial need.
A course, program or experience that a student must have completed before taking a more advanced course or program of learning.
Services, activities, support or courses that help individuals meet their goals and needs. Programs are funded by the Government of Ontario.
A school year divided into quarters. The summer term has the same amount of time as the autumn, winter and spring terms.
To revise or update skills or knowledge.
An individual who has been forced to leave their country to escape war, persecution or natural disaster.
Regulatory body
A public or government agency that oversees certain industries and practices.
A half-year term in a school or university.
Service provider
An organization that delivers adult learning programs.
To get higher grades or improve your skills.

Common short-forms of words used in adult learning

Short-form words are known as abbreviations or acronyms. An abbreviation pronounced as a word is an acronym.

Coordinated Language Assessment and Referral System
GED® General Education Development.
The symbol ® stands for a registered trademark. It shows that a word used to describe a product or service, or the word’s short-form, can be used only by the owner of that product or service. Organizations that are licensed by the owner and have permission from the owner can also use it.
International English Language Testing System
Ontario Works
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for Mature Students
Test de connaissance du français
Test d’évaluation du français
Test of English as a Foreign Language
Updated: August 20, 2021
Published: August 29, 2019