Education and training

Learn about Ontario’s early years, education and training systems. Includes information on child care, elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, skills training and financial aid.

Kindergarten to grade 12

Full-day kindergarten

Learn more about full-day kindergarten and other learning programs for 4- and 5-year-olds.

School curriculum

The subjects taught in our elementary and secondary schools and the achievements expected from students.

School year calendar

Key dates in the school year.

Skilled trades in Ontario schools

Learn about school programs that can help students discover the skilled trades and explore them as careers of choice.

Child care

Find out more about child care, including what programs are available, how to get funding and how to know if a program is licensed.

College or university

Study in Ontario

Attend one of Ontario’s 20 public universities, 24 colleges or 600+ registered private career campuses.

International students

Information for international students who want to attend college or university in Ontario.

Transfer credits

Learn how to transfer credits between schools in Ontario’s postsecondary system.

Study abroad

What you need to know if you live in Ontario and want to attend college or university outside of Canada.

Choose a career

Find out which jobs suit your strengths and interests, which jobs are in demand and where they're located.

Student aid


How to get help paying for your college or university education.

Other loans, grants scholarships and bursaries

Help beyond OSAP that can help you pay for a college or university program after high school.



Information to help you get started in the skilled trades.

Adult learning

Programs for adults looking to upgrade their skills or go back to school.

Second Career

Skills training and financial support to help laid-off workers find work in high-demand occupations.

Bridge training

How skilled newcomers can get licenses or certificates to work in the occupations they were trained for.

Employment Ontario

Get training, build skills or find a job through Ontario’s official employment and training network.

Contact us

Ministry of Education

Works to make Ontario’s publicly funded education and child care systems the world’s best, where all children and students have the opportunity to achieve success.

Ministry of Colleges and Universities

Works to build an excellent higher education system that gives people a high-quality education and a solid foundation of relevant skills and training.

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Working to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, promoting and enforcing employment standards, helping settle workplace disputes and collective agreements, supporting apprenticeships, the skilled trades, industry training and employment services in Ontario.

Updated: May 20, 2021