Consumer protection when planning a funeral, burial, cremation or scattering

Icon of a tree on a hill.What you need to know when planning a funeral, burial, cremation or scattering. Also, what to do if you discover a burial site.

Arrange a funeral, burial, cremation or scattering

What you need to know about funeral, burial, cremation or scattering services. Includes who can make arrangements, how to choose a service provider, embalming and caskets.

Funeral, burial, cremation or scattering: your rights

Learn about your rights when purchasing funeral, burial, cremation or scattering services.

Pre-plan and pre-pay final arrangements

Know your rights before you preplan and prepay for final arrangements, like a funeral, burial, cremation or scattering.

What should I do if I discover human remains?

Learn about the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act and how it affects cemeteries, crematoriums, funeral and transfer services, burial sites and war graves.

Updated: July 20, 2021