COVID-19 public health measures and advice

Find out about the latest public health measures, advice and restrictions in Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen.

Open for Step Three

Pausing the exit from the Roadmap to Reopen

In response to evolving data around the Delta variant and based on the recent experiences of other jurisdictions, the government, in consultation with Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, is pausing the exit from the Roadmap to Reopen.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts will continue to monitor the data to determine when it is safe to exit the Roadmap and lift the majority of public health and workplace safety measures currently in place.

About Step Three

Ontario moved to Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen on July 16, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. based on the provincewide vaccination rate and continuing improvements in key public health and health system indicators.

Public health and workplace safety measures in Step Three are set out in Ontario Regulation 364/20: Rules for Areas at Step 3 under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to covid 19) Act, 2020 (ROA).

Below is a summary of the public health and workplace safety guidance and measures that must be in place for specific sectors and settings in Step 3, under O. Reg. 364/20.

It is not intended to be legal advice or an interpretation of the law. For the full set of provincial restrictions, see the regulations under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to covid 19 Act), 2020. If there is any conflict with this summary and the regulations, the regulations prevail.

Businesses and organizations that are not listed in O. Reg. 364/20 are permitted to open as long as they follow they general rules that apply to all businesses, such as physical distancing and active screening, which are set out in Schedule 1 of O. Reg. 364/20.

General public health and workplace safety measures

In this section:

Approach in schools and child care


All public and private schools will return to full-time in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year with health and safety measures in place. Remote learning will continue to be an option for students and families.

Some school boards may choose to offer in-person learning for summer school, in addition to remote learning courses.

Learn about the health and safety measures that will be in place to keep kids safe at school.

Child care

Licensed child care centres and licensed home-based child care services are open with enhanced health and safety measures.

For businesses, organizations and facilities

Refer to O. Reg. 364/20 for details.

Public health advice, recommendations and instructions

Businesses or organizations must comply with the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials. This includes advice, recommendations or instructions on:

  • face coverings
  • physical distancing
  • cleaning or disinfecting
  • screening

Check with your local public health unit for any additional advice, recommendations or instructions.

Corporations that are not following the orders can be fined up to:

  • $500,000 for a director or officer of a corporation
  • $10 million for a corporation

Physical distancing and line management

Businesses and places that are open must not permit patrons to line up inside unless they:

  • maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from others
  • wear a mask or face covering (with some exceptions)

Businesses and places that are open must not permit patrons to line up or congregate outside of the business, or at an attraction or feature within the business or place, unless they maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from others.


Businesses or organizations must operate in compliance with the advice, recommendations instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health on screening individuals.

For patrons

Businesses and organizations must implement passive screening for patrons by posting signs (PDF) at all entrances informing people to screen themselves for covid 19 before entry.

Active screening is required in accordance with instructions by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below.

Businesses, organizations and customers may use the covid 19 customer screening tool to meet this requirement.

For workers

Workplaces must actively screen all workers before entering the work environment. See the covid 19 Screening Tool for Workplaces for more information.

Personal protective equipment including eye protection

Everyone must wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth, nose and chin inside any business or place that is open (with some exceptions).

Workers must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) that protects their eyes, nose and mouth, if in the course of providing services they are:

  • required to come within 2 metres of another person who is not wearing a mask or face covering when in an indoor area
  • not separated by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier

Capacity limits

Generally, all businesses or facilities open to the public must limit capacity to the number of people that can maintain physical distancing of 2 metres.

Other capacity limits apply to certain businesses. Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below.

Unless otherwise specified, to calculate:

  • 75% maximum capacity at an outdoor setting: take the total square metres of area accessible to the public, divide that number by 1.33, and round the result down to the nearest whole number
  • 50% maximum capacity at an indoor setting: take 50% of the maximum occupant load of the business of facility, or part of a business or facility, as applicable, as calculated in accordance with Ontario Regulation 213/07 (Fire Code), made under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
  • 25% maximum capacity at an indoor setting: take 25% of the maximum occupant load of the business of facility, or part of a business or facility, as applicable, as calculated in accordance with Ontario Regulation 213/07 (Fire Code), made under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997

Some businesses, including those that are open for retail sales to the public, must post a sign in a location visible to the public that states the maximum capacity they are permitted to operate under. Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below.

Cleaning and disinfection

Open businesses must ensure that equipment, washrooms, locker rooms, change rooms, showers and similar amenities that are accessible to the public are cleaned and disinfected as frequently as is necessary to maintain a sanitary condition.

Face coverings

Businesses or organizations must ensure that patrons and workers wear masks or face coverings indoors, with limited exceptions.

Face coverings are also required in some outdoor public settings as well. Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below.

Safety plans

Open businesses must prepare and make available a covid 19 safety plan. A copy of the plan must be made available to any person for review upon request, and be posted where it would come to the attention of individuals working in or attending the business.

The safety plan must describe the measures and procedures businesses have implemented or will implement to reduce the transmission risk of covid 19. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • screening
  • physical distancing
  • masks or face coverings
  • cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and objects
  • wearing of personal protective equipment
  • preventing and controlling crowding

Some businesses, places and events have additional requirements that need to be included in their safety plan, including:

  • preventing gatherings and crowds
  • ensuring that requirements for line management are complied with
  • mitigating the risk of interactive activities, exhibits or games

Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below.

Live entertainment

Performers must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres or be separated from any audience or spectators by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier.

Roofs, canopies, tents or awnings

If covered (by a roof, tent, awning, canopy, etc.), an outdoor area must have at least two full sides, or one full side and the roof, open and unobstructed.

For individuals

Face coverings in indoor public settings and physical distancing requirements remain in place throughout Step Three.

This is in alignment with the advice on personal public health measures issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada, while also accounting for Ontario specific information and requirements.

Face coverings will also be required in some outdoor public settings.

Read Canada’s public health guidance for vaccinated individuals.

Physical distancing

Everyone must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from others (except for other members of their household or their caregivers):

  • in indoor area of business or facility that is open to the public
  • at an indoor organized public event

Face coverings

Everyone must wear a mask or face covering that covers their mouth, nose and chin (with limited exceptions):

  • in an indoor area of a business or organization that is open
  • at an indoor organized public event and within two metres of another individual
  • at some outdoor public events or settings. Where this is required, it is noted in the sections below

Organized public events and social gatherings

In this section:

Events and gatherings

Indoor organized public events and social gatherings are permitted up to 25 people.

Outdoor organized public events and social gatherings are permitted up to 100 people with limited exceptions.

Retirement homes

Retirement homes are exempt from organized public event and social gathering restrictions if the home is in compliance with the policies or guidance, if any, issued by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.

Weddings, funerals and other religious services, rites or ceremonies

For weddings, funerals and other religious services, rites or ceremonies:

  • all people attending the gathering must comply with pubic health guidance on physical distancing
  • people must wear masks or face coverings when
    • they are in an indoor area at a business or facility that is open to the public, with limited exceptions
    • they are within 2 metres of another person who is not part of their household, with limited exceptions
  • indoor and outdoor capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres

Receptions are permitted indoors up to 25 people unless held at a meeting or event space, or a restaurant or other food or drink establishment.

Outdoor receptions permitted up to 100 people unless held at a meeting or event space or a restaurant or other food or drink establishment.

Restrictions for businesses

Refer to O. Reg. 364/20 for details.

In this section:

Restaurants, bars, and other food or drink establishments

Restaurants, bars, food trucks, concession stands and other food or drink establishments can open for:

  • indoor and outdoor dining
  • buffets
  • take-out, drive through and delivery

This includes the sale of alcohol.


  • capacity must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of at least 2 metres from every other person at the establishment, except for patrons sitting at the same table
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • dining area must be configured so patrons at different tables are 2 metres apart or separated by a barrier
  • for indoor and outdoor dine-in service, the person responsible for the establishment must record the name and contact information of every patron and actively screen individuals.
    • The covid 19 customer screening tool can be used to meet this requirement.
    • These requirements do not apply to quick service restaurants where the patron temporarily enters the area to place, pick up or pay for a takeout order.
  • if covered (i.e., roof, tent, awning, canopy, etc.), the outdoor dining area must have at least two full sides of the dining area or one full side and the roof (if retractable) open and is not substantially blocked by any walls or other impermeable physical barriers.
  • no dancing (see Nightclubs, restoclubs and other food or drink establishments with dance facilities below)
  • must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Nightclubs, restoclubs and other food or drink establishments with dance facilities



  • indoor capacity limited to the lesser of:
    • the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres, up to 25%
    • 250 patrons
  • outdoor capacity limited to 75% or 5,000 people, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • dining area must be configured so patrons at different tables are 2 metres apart or separated by a barrier
  • mask or face coverings required indoors and outdoors at the venue, with limited exceptions
  • if covered (i.e., roof, tent, awning, canopy, etc.), the outdoor dining area must have at least two full sides of the dining area or one full side and the roof (if retractable) open and is unobstructed
  • the person responsible for the establishment must record the name and contact information of every patron and actively screen individuals. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • physical distancing required with exceptions for:
    • participating in the activities for which patrons normally frequent such an establishment
    • patrons sitting at the same table
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Personal care services

Services can open, including:

  • hair salons and barbershops
  • manicure and pedicure salons
  • aesthetician services
  • piercing services
  • tanning salons
  • spas
  • tattoo studios
  • sensory deprivation pods
  • steam rooms and saunas
  • other personal care services relating to the hair or body

Services that require the removal of a face covering or mask can be provided.


  • capacity must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person at the establishment
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • appointments required
  • oxygen bars closed
  • the person responsible for the establishment must actively screen individuals. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • persons providing services must wear appropriate personal protective equipment





  • capacity must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person at the establishment
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • if patrons are permitted to test drive any vehicles, boats or watercraft, they must be actively screened and wear a face covering or mask
  • specialty vape stores cannot permit an electronic cigarette to be used for the purpose of sampling a vapour product in the store

Shopping malls


All retail stores can open in malls if they follow the other retail requirements listed above.


  • the number of members of the public in the shopping mall at any one time must not exceed the total capacity of the sum of the capacities of every business in the mall.
  • loitering is not permitted
  • the public can only line up inside the mall if they:
    • maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres
    • wear a face covering (with some exceptions)

Indoor and outdoor recreational amenities



  • indoor recreational amenities must comply with restrictions for Facilities for sports and recreational fitness activities below
  • outdoor recreational amenities must:
    • limit the capacity of any indoor clubhouse to permit two metres physical distancing up to 50%
    • post maximum capacity

Facilities for sports and recreational fitness activities

Open, including sports and sports leagues without restrictions on contact or the number of people participating in a sports team or league.


  • indoor capacity for the facility limited to 50% with limited exemptions (such as for day and overnight camps, child care)
  • every person must maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from every other person. There is no specific limit on the number of people in:
    • an indoor fitness or exercise class
    • the area of the gym with weights and exercise equipment
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • the person responsible for the facility must record the name and contact information of every person who enters the facility and actively screen individuals who enter the facility. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • face coverings are required indoors except when engaged in an athletic or fitness activity (with some other exceptions)
  • facilities and leagues must have a safety plan with additional requirements

If there are spectators:

  • indoor capacity for spectators is 50% of the usual seating capacity or 1,000 people, whichever is less
    • if the facility does not have a designated seating area, capacity is 50% using the calculation in the Capacity limits section or 1,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity for spectators is 75% of the usual seating capacity or 15,000 people, whichever is less
    • if the facility does not have a designated seating area, capacity is 75% using the calculation in the Capacity limits section or 5,000 people, whichever is less
  • face coverings are required for indoor and outdoor spectators (with some exceptions)

Community centres or multi-purpose facilities



  • capacity must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person with limited exemptions (such as for day and overnight camps, child care)
  • indoor or outdoor sports or recreational fitness activities must comply with must comply with restrictions for Facilities for sports and recreational fitness activities

Personal trainers



  • indoor capacity limited to the number that can maintain a physical distance of 2 metres, up to 50% if services provided where the Fire Code does not apply
  • outdoor capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of 2 metres
  • every person must maintain 2 metres physical distancing from every other person
  • the personal trainer must record the name and contact information of every member of the public they are providing services to and actively screen individuals. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • the personal trainer or sports trainer must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Day camps and overnight camps

Open if they operate in a manner consistent with safety guidelines (PDF) from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Provisions in O. Reg. 364/20 must be followed.

Rental accommodations

Hotels, motels, lodges, cabins, cottages, resorts, student residences and other shared rental accommodations



Short-term rentals and campgrounds



Meeting or event spaces, conference centres, convention centres



  • indoor capacity for the facility limited to permit two metres physical distancing up to 50% or 1,000 people, whichever is less, including:
    • maximum of 50% capacity for each rentable room
    • rooms must be separated by a partition with a hard, non-porous surface that can be routinely cleaned and disinfected
  • outdoor capacity for the facility limited to 75% or 5,000 people, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • the person responsible for the business must record the name and contact information of every member of the public who attends a meeting or event and must actively screen individuals. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • rented space must be configured so patrons at different tables are 2 metres apart or separated by a barrier
  • if covered (i.e., roof, tent, canopy, etc.), an outdoor dining area must have at least two full sides of the dining area or one full side and the roof open and unobstructed
  • certain requirements, including capacity limits, do not apply if rented for:
    • day camps and overnight camps
    • child care
    • social services
    • court services
    • government operations
    • certain professional sports leagues or associations or for certain international sport events (for example, by organizations funded by Sport Canada or recognized by the Canadian Olympic Committee or the Canadian Paralympic Committee)
  • additional restrictions apply if rented space is used for events that permit patron dancing:
    • the provisions related to food or drink establishments with dance facilities outlined in the regulation (for example, 25% capacity or 250 persons whichever is less) would apply where food or drink is sold or served while dance facilities are provided

Post-secondary institutions



  • indoor capacity in each instructional space limited to permit 2 metres physical distancing up to 50% or 1,000 students, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity in each instructional space limited to 75% or 15,000 students, whichever is less
  • a physical distance of at least 2 metres between every other person must be maintained, except when necessary for teaching or instruction

Teaching and instruction (for example, recreational classes and lessons)



  • indoor capacity in each instructional space limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres up to 50% or 1,000 students, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity in each instructional space limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres up to 75% or 15,000 students, whichever is less
  • 2 metres physical distancing must be maintained, except in situations where teaching cannot be effectively provided if physical distancing is maintained
  • the person responsible for the business must record the name and contact information of every student and  actively screen students. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement

Real estate

Open houses permitted with capacity limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person.

In-person driving instruction



  • every person in the vehicle must wear a mask or face covering at all times
  • every student must be actively screened before entering the vehicle. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement

In-person driving instruction provided in an instructional space must follow the teaching and instruction requirements above.

Marinas and boating clubs



Commercial film and television production

Open, including all supporting activities such as hair, makeup and wardrobe.


  • the film or television set may be located in any business or place, including any business or place that is otherwise required to be closed
  • the person responsible for the film or television production must ensure that the production operates in accordance with the guidance “Film and television industry health and safety during covid 19” issued by the Film and Television Health and Safety Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

If there is a studio audience:

  • capacity for the studio audience limited to 50% of the usual seating capacity or 1,000 people, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements




  • capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres with limited exemptions (such as for day and overnight camps, child care)

Museums and similar attractions

Open, including:

  • zoos
  • landmarks
  • historic sites
  • botanical gardens
  • science centres
  • museums
  • galleries
  • aquariums
  • similar attractions


  • indoor capacity is limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
    • capacity for each room is limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity in the ticketed area is 75%
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • indoor amusement rides or tour vehicles must be operated to allow every person to maintain 2 metre physical distancing except when necessary (such as for payment or health and safety)
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

If there are events or activities within the attraction:

  • indoor capacity for a seated event or activity limited to 50% of the usual seating capacity or 1,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity for a seated event or activity limited to 75% of the usual seating capacity of the venue, or 15,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity for an unseated event or activity limited to 75% or 5,000 people
  • reservations are required for indoor events or activities and outdoor seated events or activities
  • any concerts, events, performances or movies must comply with restrictions for Concert venues, theatres and cinemas below

Concert venues, theatres and cinemas



  • indoor capacity for seated concerts, events, performances or movies limited to 50% of the usual seating capacity of the venue or 1,000 people, whichever is less
    • capacity for each room limited to 50% of the usual seating capacity of the room
  • outdoor capacity for seated concerts, events, performances or movies limited to 75% of the usual seating capacity of the venue or 15,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity in the outdoor area of concerts, events, performances or movies limited to 75% or 5,000 people, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • mask or face coverings required indoors and outdoors at a concert, event, performance or movie, with limited exceptions
  • reservation required for seated events
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Can also open for outdoor drive-in or drive-through events with restrictions listed below.

Outdoor drive-in and drive through events


Includes movies, concerts, artistic events, theatrical performances and other performances.

Each vehicle must be positioned at least 2 metres away from other vehicles.

Fairs, rural exhibitions and festivals



  • indoor capacity is limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
    • capacity for each particular indoor attraction limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity is limited to 75%
    • capacity for each particular outdoor attraction limited to 75%
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • indoor amusement rides or tour vehicles must be operated to allow every person to maintain 2 metre physical distancing except when necessary (such as for payment or health and safety)
  • every person on an indoor amusement ride, other than a water ride, must wear a mask or face covering
  • reservations required for seated events
  • any concerts, events, performances or movies must comply with restrictions for Concert venues, theatres and cinemas
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Amusement parks and water parks



  • indoor capacity limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
    • capacity for each particular indoor attraction limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50%, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity is limited to 75%
    • capacity for each particular outdoor attraction limited to 75%
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • reservations required for indoor events or activities or outdoor seated events
  • indoor amusement rides or tour vehicles must be operated to allow every person to maintain 2 metre physical distancing except when necessary (such as for payment or health and safety)
  • every person on an indoor amusement ride, other than a water ride, must wear a mask or face covering
  • any concerts, events, performances or movies must comply with restrictions for Concert venues, theatres and cinemas
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Tour and guide services

Open, including:

  • guided hunting trips
  • tastings and tours for wineries, breweries and distilleries
  • fishing charters
  • trail riding tours, walking tours and bicycle tours
  • other tour and guide services


  • the number of people on the tour must be limited to permit 2 metres physical distancing
  • the person responsible for the business must record the name and contact information of every patron that participates in the tour

Boat tours



  • capacity limited to the number needed to permit physical distancing of 2 metres or 50% of the usual maximum number of passengers that can be carried on board, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • reservations required
  • the person responsible for the business must record the name and contact information of every patron that participates in the tour

Horse racing, car racing and other similar venues



  • capacity for indoor seated area limited to 50% of the usual seating capacity of the venue or 1,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity for seated events limited to 75% of the usual seating capacity of the venue or 15,000 people, whichever is less
  • outdoor capacity for unseated events limited to 75% or 5,000 people, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • reservations required
  • mask or face coverings required indoors and outdoors at the venue, with limited exceptions
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Photography studios and services



  • indoor capacity limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person at the establishment
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • patrons must be actively screened where services are provided indoors. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement

Bathhouses and sex clubs



  • capacity limited to permit physical distancing of 2 metres up to 25% or 250 persons, whichever is less
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • the person responsible for the establishment must record the name and contact information of every patron and actively screen individuals before they enter the indoor premises. The covid 19 customer screening tool may be used to meet this requirement
  • physical distancing and masks or face coverings required, with exceptions for when participating in the activities for which patrons normally frequent at such an establishment
  • staff must wear appropriate personal protective equipment
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Strip clubs



  • capacity must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person at the establishment
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • establishment must be configured so patrons at different tables are 2 metres apart or separated by a barrier
  • performers must maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from patrons
  • business must record the name and contact information of every patron (with limited exceptions) and actively screen individuals before they enter the premises. The covid 19 customer screening tool can be used to meet this requirement
  • physical distancing required with exceptions for patrons sitting at the same table
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Casinos, bingo halls, and gaming establishments



  • capacity limited to the number that can maintain a physical distancing of 2 metres from every other person at the establishment, up to 50%
  • maximum capacity must be posted
  • no loitering or congregating around tables where games are played
  • patrons must be separated from table game employees by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier
  • patrons at gaming tables or slot machines must be separated by a distance of at least two metres, or plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier
  • general cleaning requirements apply to chips, cards, dice, card holders and other table game equipment
  • business must record the name and contact information of every patron and actively screen individuals. The covid 19 customer screening tool can be used to meet this requirement
  • any concerts, events, performances or movies must comply with conditions for Concert venues, theatres and cinemas
  • any attractions must comply with conditions for Museums and similar attractions
  • business must have a safety plan with additional requirements

Businesses not permitted to open

  • Oxygen bars

Contact us

If you have questions about what will be open or impacts to your business or employment, call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659.