Entering Canada by land and air during COVID-19

August 9, 2021: Border changes

Fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be allowed to enter Canada for discretionary travel on the following dates if they meet specific criteria:

  • August 9: American citizens and permanent residents of the United States, currently residing in and arriving from the United States, and who qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption
  • September 7 (tentative): All other foreign nationals who qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption

Travellers are no longer required to book a 3-night hotel stopover when entering Canada.

Travellers entering Canada must follow the rules set out by the Emergency Orders under the Quarantine Act to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. Failure to comply with any requirements or providing false information may result in fines, penalties or imprisonment. If you develop symptoms at any time, isolate yourself from others and contact local public health.

Before you travel: For all travellers

Plan your quarantine. Even if you are fully vaccinated, you still need a quarantine plan in case it is determined at the border that you do not meet the necessary requirements.

Take a COVID-19 molecular test within 72 hours before arrival at the border, or be prepared to show proof of a positive COVID-19 molecular test that was taken between 14 and 180 days before your arrival.

If you are unvaccinated and have proof of a negative test result, create an account with an in-Canada Arrival test provider in advance to save time at the border.

Use ArriveCAN to enter your information within 72 hours before you arrive in Canada, including your pre-arrival test result and proof of vaccination. Have your ArriveCAN receipt and test result ready. If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident traveling for discretionary purposes, you must show your ArriveCAN receipt prior to boarding the flight to Canada.

If you are a vaccinated traveller, you must carry your actual vaccine documentation (paper or digital copies, for each dose received) with you to show proof of vaccination, and retain it for 14 days after entry. This is in addition to the requirements for your ArriveCAN receipt.

At the border: For fully vaccinated travellers

Provide required information and documents. Answer all eligibility and health screening questions.

Most fully vaccinated travellers won't need to take an arrival test. However, you may be randomly selected for the border testing surveillance program upon arrival in Canada. If you are selected for testing, complete your on-arrival test. You do not need to quarantine while awaiting test results. If selected, you must take the test or you will be subject to quarantine and penalties/fines.

If the test is positive, isolate yourself immediately and contact local public health authorities.

You may receive notifications from ArriveCAN. If qualified for the fully vaccinated exemption, you may ignore these notifications.

At the border: For unvaccinated travellers

Provide required information and documents. Answer all eligibility and health screening questions.

Collect 2 COVID-19 molecular test kits.

Note: Arrival and Day 8 testing may differ for some provinces or territories. Follow the instructions provided at the border. Travellers must comply with both federal and provincial/territorial requirements. In cases where the requirements differ, travellers should follow the most stringent measures.

Complete your on-arrival test.

Keep the second kit for use on Day 8.

If you have symptoms or an unsuitable quarantine plan, follow the directions provided by the government representative.

Your quarantine: For unvaccinated travellers

Go directly to your place of quarantine.

Use ArriveCAN or call 1-833-641-0343 to check-in within 48 hours to confirm that you have arrived at your place of quarantine or isolation. You'll also need to complete a daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessment during your quarantine period as long as you are asymptomatic.

Complete and ship your Day 8 test kit according to the instructions.

You will be contacted by Government of Canada and provincial or territorial officials.

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