Our counsellors

Kids Help Phone’s professional counsellors are the heart of Canada’s only anonymous and confidential service for young people.

Since 1989, our counsellors have provided counselling, referrals and information to young people who reach out to us 24/7/365. Online or by phone, our counsellors can offer support in English or French from three counselling centres across the country.

Our counsellors have diverse educational backgrounds/professional experience and are knowledgeable in a range of topics (including youth mental health and well-being). They recognize the strengths of young people by helping them find solutions to their own struggles and encouraging them to take steps toward resolving their own challenges. Counsellors are supported by a talented and clinically skilled group of Counselling Managers, who also come from diverse backgrounds and possess varying degrees and trainings.

Kids Help Phone’s counsellors are always there — supporting young people wherever and whenever they need us most.

How does counselling work?

Counselling at Kids Help Phone is when you speak with a professional about whatever’s on your mind. This professional is a counsellor — someone who’s trained to talk to you about any problem, big or small. During counselling, they may ask you questions to help you learn more about your situation. A counsellor will work with you to come up with solutions or next steps together. Counsellors are always here to listen to you.

You can read our counselling terms of service and privacy notice here.