Kids Help Phone 101

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. We offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.

Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through our website, you can connect with us whenever you want, however you want.

Our service is completely confidential — you don’t even have to tell us your name if you don’t want to. Find out more.

Created in 1989 to provide a way for young people to confidentially report abuse, a unique telephone counselling service was launched providing free, accessible support to any young person reaching out, anywhere in the country.

Almost immediately, young people let us know that they needed more from the service than one focus, and one channel to reach us.

Over the past 30 years, we have evolved our response and solutions, always focused on staying relevant to youth, recognizing the complexity of issues they face and ensuring counsellors are ready to address the continuum of emotional and mental health needs from crisis situations to the everyday concerns of growing up.

For 30 years, Kids Help Phone has shown up for youth in distress. Watch the new video here.

We offer a wide range of articles, tools and resources on our site to help young people through challenges or experiences they might face. We also have professional counselling support and a variety of resources to help youth in any moment of need. Learn about the services Kids Help Phone offers.

Kids Help Phone is always there for you. No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgement, totally private, 24/7.  We take privacy seriously and want to ensure you feel comfortable speaking with our counsellors.  Learn more about our promise and your privacy.

To learn more about the people who work at Kids Help Phone, our partners, and our future goals visit About us.