Job Alert Subscription Service

One employer, thousands of opportunities! Tell us about the type of career you’re looking for and we’ll do the searching for you. Sign up today to receive email notifications when Ontario Public Service (OPS) employment opportunities that meet your criteria are posted on the OPS Careers Website.

Contact Information:
Your personal information is being collected under the authority of the Ministry of Government Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 35, s. 6(a) and the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 35, Schedule A, s. 32(1).

The personal information you supply will be used to provide you with notices of employment opportunities within the OPS via the job alert subscription service. Your personal information will also be used to provide the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services with statistical information regarding the usage of the Careers Job Alert Service. Should you have any questions with respect to your personal information you can Contact Us for someone who can answer questions with respect to the use of personal information for the Job Alert Service.

Mandatory information is identified with an asterisk

Alert Criteria:
You will receive job alert notifications only when there is a job advertisement posted that matches the criteria you select below. To select multiple regions or job categories, hold down your Ctrl key while you click your mouse. Please double-check your selection before submitting.

You can update or cancel your subscription at any time via the job alert emails that will be provided. If you require technical assistance, please Contact Us.

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Vous devez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour avoir accès à toutes les fonctionnalités du site Carrières dans la FPO.

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