Compensation and Benefits

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) offers a competitive compensation package for you. The best way to review the total compensation package is to look at the job postings for available positions in your field. A salary range is provided with each job posting, as well as a general description of the benefits.

Benefits can vary depending on whether the position is "permanent" or "temporary". Differences in benefits packages in the OPS also depend on the employee group to which you belong. If you are represented by a bargaining agent, your benefits are determined by a collective agreement. Temporary employees may receive a percentage of pay in lieu of benefits. (See job postings for details).

Benefits may include:

  • Pension – There are two pension plans, the Public Service Pension Plan and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union Pension Plan. Both are contributory, defined benefit plans, where employees receive a pension at retirement, determined by salary and years of credit in the plan. Both the employees and the employer contribute to the pension plans.
  • Health benefits – prescription drugs, supplemental health and hospital, dental, vision and hearing aids
  • Insurance – basic life, optional supplementary life and dependent life insurance, long-term disability, accidental death and dismemberment, short-term disability
  • Vacation – You begin earning vacation credits when you join the OPS, and the number of vacation days allocated increases with years of continuous service.
  • Leave policies – paid and unpaid leaves include pregnancy and parental leave after the birth or adoption of a child, bereavement leave, discretionary leaves (including leave for religious observance), family leave, leave for jury duty, short-term sick leave.

All OPS employees have access to the Employee Assistance Program, which provides voluntary, confidential professional counseling to help employees deal with a variety of personal and work-related concerns.

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