OPS Structure

The Government of Ontario includes ministries, agencies and Crown corporations. It’s workforce of 60,000+ public servants is called the Ontario Public Service (OPS). Ontario’s public service provides government services to citizens and promotes an innovative, diverse, eco-friendly and accessible workplace. The OPS is overseen by the Secretary of the Cabinet (the head of the public service and the Premier’s most senior policy advisor), and a team of deputy ministers, one for each government ministry. Deputy Ministers are appointed as the most senior public servant in each ministry, and are responsible for their ministry’s day-to-day operations.

The organizational structure of the OPS changes from time to time, depending on government priorities and current issues. Currently, there are 28 ministries in the OPS, plus Cabinet Office. The Cabinet Office provides the Premier with advice and analysis to help the government achieve its priorities.

All ministries maintain sites on Ontario.ca that include:

  • Profile of the Minister;
  • Descriptions of the ministry’s mandate, programs and services;
  • Organization chart;
  • News releases and backgrounders on issues, policies and new legislation;
  • Contacts and links for obtaining further information.

Learn about the major roles and responsibilities of Ontario’s ministries, meet the ministers and connect to related websites on the Ontario.ca site.

The OPS is committed to being a diverse, inclusive and accessible organization; as a policy maker, service provider and employer. In February 2016 the Anti-Racism Directorate was created to address and prevent systemic racism in government policy, legislation, programs and services.

There are about 540 agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs) to which the government appoints members. Some ABCs, like the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), are large operations, while others are small advisory committees. Many of these organizations are not part of the OPS and have their own unique staffing processes and procedures. You can go to the Public Appointments Secretariat to learn more about them.

Branch staff report to managers.
Managers report to directors.
Directors report to assistant deputy ministers.
Assistant deputy ministers report to the deputy minister.
The deputy minister reports to the minister.

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