Our Values

You can tell a lot about an organization by its values. Values are important to the way an organization works, how staff members are treated, and how people work with each other and with people outside the organization, like customers and stakeholders. The OPS organizational values are what the public service as a whole is striving for and the working environment that we are creating together. These values guide our behaviour and relationships.

Trust – We act honorably and honestly in all our relationships with the people we serve, work with and who rely on us. We do our best to keep our commitments and fulfill expectations.

Fairness – We deal with others in an open, impartial and non-discriminatory manner. We ensure that the processes we use and the decisions we make are fair and seen to be fair.

Diversity – We celebrate our differences and draw on the strengths and capabilities of all of Ontario’s communities. We welcome and respect divergent points of view to inform and enlighten us. We depend on and value each other.

Excellence – We strive for and recognize competence and excellence. We work hard to provide the best policy advice and the highest quality services that respond to the needs of Ontarians.

Creativity – We create new solutions by listening and learning and by being innovative and open to new ideas and approaches.

Collaboration – We work with team members, colleagues and partners to build consensus, solve problems and share responsibility.

Efficiency – We make careful, prudent and effective use of the hard-earned public dollars, assets and resources entrusted to us.

Responsiveness – We engage with clients, stakeholders, bargaining agents, the general public, and our staff to find out how we can do better. We monitor and measure to make sure we are meeting our goals.

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