Canadian Armed Forces Veterans

Welcome Veterans!

Are you a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who successfully underwent basic training and is honourably discharged?

Are you looking for an exciting and challenging career in the Ontario Public Service?

If you answered “yes” to the above questions, then you’ve come to the right place!

Canada’s former military personnel have a range of skills and experience, including high-quality leadership and team-building skills that are valued in government. The Ontario government is committed to supporting Veterans by making it easier for them to access Ontario Public Service (OPS) employment opportunities.

To improve Veteran access to OPS employment opportunities, Veterans can apply to internal (“restricted”) competitions for non-represented (i.e. non-unionized) positions in the OPS.

To learn more about how to access and apply to these jobs, visit the OPS Veterans’ Job Alert Subscription Service webpage. You may also receive alerts for “open” job postings on our OPS Careers website by subscribing to this service. Should you have any questions, please visit our FAQs page.

The Ontario government appreciates the service of CAF personnel, and will help ensure that Veterans working in the OPS can build a successful career of ongoing public service.

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