Youth and New Professionals

Welcome Youth and New Professionals!

Are you wondering what working for the Ontario government would be like?

Are you looking for a summer job or planning next steps in your education? Maybe you’re in the middle of your career and looking for new options or ways to improve your career skills.

You have come to the right spot.

The Ontario Public Service (OPS) is in an exciting period of renewal and modernization. We want the best-qualified and most motivated job seekers in the marketplace now and in the years ahead.

Why should you join the OPS? Here are some good reasons:

  • You will get to share the knowledge and use the skills you have worked hard to acquire.
  • You will be encouraged to continue to learn and develop.
  • You will have the kind of job satisfaction that comes from knowing you are working for the benefit of all Ontarians.
  • You will be part of a team of energetic and creative people in an organization that welcomes new ideas and people from diverse backgrounds.

On top of all that, you will receive competitive pay and benefits.

Sound good to you? Learn more about us.

There is lots of information for youth and new professionals here, but don’t miss the other information on the OPS Careers site, including How To Apply for a position in the OPS and Who We Are.

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