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Ministry Status: Activation Status

Emergency Planning and Preparedness

What's New

Ebola Virus Disease

Radiation Health Response Plan (RHRP)

Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Virus

MERS CoV (Novel Coronavirus) Infections

Ontario Contingency Plan for the Management of Blood Shortages

The 2013 Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza Pandemic

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was one of the largest outbreaks of infectious disease the province had experienced in a very long time. The outbreak identified our health care system's strengths as well as the challenges it faced.

Since that time, the Health System Emergency Management Branch (HSEMB) has created a number of programs and provides access to services and supports that can help the health care sector and professionals during times of emergencies. The MOHLTC has also developed an Annual Compliance Report.

This section of the web site provides information on emergency planning and preparedness, as well as on the unique programs and services that are available to the health care system and professionals during times of emergency.

For More Information

Ministry of Health
Health System Emergency Management Branch
1075 Bay Street, Suite 810
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 2B1
Fax : 416-212-4466
TTY : 1-800-387-5559
E-mail : emergencymanagement.moh@ontario.ca


Health workers and health sector employers can call the Healthcare Provider Hotline for more information
Toll free : 1-866-212-2272

CritiCall Ontario provides a 24 hour call centre for hospitals to contact on-call specialists; arrange for appropriate hospital bed access and facilitate urgent triage for patients

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