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This table shows the total number of job profiles matching the search criteria.

*“Growth rate” refers to the projected change in employment levels from 2017 – 2021. “Total openings” refers to the projected number of job openings from 2017 to 2021, from both new jobs (change in employment level) and jobs due to attrition (replacement jobs from retirement, death and emigration).

Ontario’s labour market information website is developed for use as a resource to help people exploring career choices. The job outlooks for each occupation use projections of future job openings, and should be interpreted with caution. Shifts in the rate of economic growth, technological developments, business restructuring, or changes in government policies can all affect the future growth prospects or skill requirements of the labour market.

Job outlooks have been developed for Ontario as a whole, and may not reflect the situation in each local labour market. The number and type of employers, the occupational make-up of the workforce, and other local economic conditions all contribute to the employment prospects for an occupation in a given community.

Please contact us if you have questions about the information contained on this site.