Ontario Builds: our infrastructure plan

Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in schools, hospitals, public transit, roads and bridges in the province’s history.

Priority investments

We're focusing investments in nine key areas:

*Northern projects may also be reported in other investment areas.

Find out what’s happening near you

Use the map below to browse key projects being built in your community. This is a sample of over 4,000 projects happening in Ontario. Projects will be added to the map and updated on an ongoing basis.

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Ontario’s growth

By 2041, Ontario’s population is expected to grow by approximately 30%, and our infrastructure needs to grow with it. Modernizing public infrastructure and building a seamless transportation network will help Ontario meet the needs of a growing population and strengthen our economy.

This table shows the population growth (millions) and number of infrastructure projects based on location.
  North East North West South West East Central GTA
Population growth (millions) N/A N/A .2 .4 .7 2.7
Infrastructure projects 572 378 926 860 584 967


Updated: July 23, 2021