Family Health Teams

How to get ongoing health care from a Family Health Team that includes family doctors, nurses, dietitians, social workers and other health care providers.


When you visit a Family Health Team, you can meet with family doctors, registered nurses and other health care providers like dietitians and social workers.

Each team is set up to meet the needs of the local community, and focuses on chronic disease management, disease prevention and health promotion.


May vary by location:

  • diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses and injuries
  • referrals to health care specialists who can help with a specific condition
  • after-hours urgent care services to enrolled patients

When to use this option

  • you need diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses and injuries
  • you need support in managing a chronic condition
  • you need a referral to a health care specialist
  • you need a check-up including routine screening tests for cancer, etc.
  • you have an urgent, but non-life threatening, illness or injury


You do not need a referral to use this service, however you must already be enrolled with the Family Health Team to make an appointment.

For more information on how to enroll, contact:

Health Care Connect


Phone your Family Health Team to book an appointment. Please confirm the availability of after-hours urgent care services with your Family Health Team.


There is no fee for this service.

Please bring your health card to your appointment.

Updated: August 20, 2021