Ontario is improving the health care system to give patients better connected care, focused on their needs. Our programs, services and contacts will remain unchanged until further notice.

For more information, visit ontario.ca/connectedcare or contact Service Ontario Health INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 (TTY 1-800-387-5559)

More than 85% of Ontarians are in favour of organ donation.

However, only one in three Ontarians have registered their consent to donate. It only takes two minutes to register...

BeADonor.ca is the simple, electronic and quick way for you to register your consent for organ and tissue donation. It only takes a moment to register with results that will be long-lasting and positive. Register today.


Icon- Stories of HopeStories of hope

Currently in Ontario, there are over 1,500 people on the waiting list for an organ transplant.
Sharing your decision to donate is the best gift.

Everyone has an interesting story to tell. Each story brings a unique and inspirational viewpoint. Take a moment to read their stories and share in their journey. It may even inspire you to tell others about your own, or your loved ones' experience.


Did you know?


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