Ontario Newsroom

Olivia and Liam are the Most Popular Baby Names in Ontario

News Release

Olivia and Liam are the Most Popular Baby Names in Ontario

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services

TORONTO — With nine years at the top of Ontario's baby names list, Olivia could be the baby name of the decade. From January, 2010 to December, 2018, Ontario has registered more than 8,300 baby girls named Olivia. 

Here are Ontario's top baby names for 2018:

Boys                                                                   Girls         
Liam                                                                   Olivia
Noah                                                                  Emma
Lucas                                                                 Charlotte
William                                                               Amelia
Benjamin                                                            Ava

ServiceOntario makes it easy for parents to register their newborn's birth and name online from the comfort of home. With the 5-in-1 online newborn bundle parents can apply for a birth certificate, a Social Insurance Number and Canada Child Benefits, including the Ontario Child Benefit and Education Savings Referral service. That's five separate applications that are now combined into one easy-to-use online process.

Quick Facts

  • Ontario’s Office of the Registrar General compiles the annual lists of baby names from registered births in the province. Ontario keeps all baby name lists online.
  • ServiceOntario’s Newborn Bundle was launched in 2007. Since then, more than 1.5 million births of newborns have been registered using this service.

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