
The Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation (OMHC) is an agency established under the Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (OMHCA) which reports to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

OMHC’s responsibilities are primarily financial in nature related to:

  • public housing property the agency used to own
  • delivering and financing various legacy housing programs


We are governed by a Board of Directors made up of Assistant Deputy Ministers from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Staff support is provided by the:

  • Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
  • Ministry of the Attorney General

Duties are carried out as part of our regular ministry responsibilities. We do not get extra compensation for OMHC work.


Our mandate is to:

  • administer public housing debt to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the Province
  • manage contingent liability for certain social housing mortgages for non-profit housing programs according to our loan insurance agreement with CMHC
  • manage environmental liabilities under the Environmental Protection Act on public housing properties formerly owned by OMHC that were transferred to Local Housing Corporations
  • manage and administer Affordable Home Ownership Program legacy mortgages transferred by Minister’s Order
  • make sure money in the Affordable Home Ownership Revolving Loan Fund and money received through the Affordable Home Ownership Program mortgages - including interest, is only used for housing purposes in accordance with a Minister approved by-law
  • administer marketable and forgivable loans and mortgages from former housing programs, including those transferred from the Ontario Mortgage Corporation
  • administer loans to colleges and universities under the Ontario Student Housing program for the development of on-campus student housing
  • administer housing programs or parts of housing programs under the Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (OMHCA), including grants, loans and security for loans
  • make housing-related loans, grants, guarantees or advances according to the OMHCA and the Housing Development Act (HDA)
  • carry out building developments according to the HDA and OMHCA
  • coordinate and arrange all borrowing, financing, short-term investment of funds and financial risk management activities through the Ontario Financing Authority, unless the Minister of Finance approves otherwise
  • subject to applicable legislation, such other matters which are within OMHC’s statutory mandate as may be assigned to, or may have been assigned to OMHC by the Minister


We do not incur travel, meal or hospitality expenses.

Updated: July 28, 2021
Published: March 21, 2019