As of June 1, 2021, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, Environmental Review Tribunal, Board of Negotiation, Conservation Review Board and the Mining and Lands Tribunal were merged into a new single tribunal called the “Ontario Land Tribunal”. Please note that new forms are available on our "Forms" page. We are continuing to update our site to reflect the new Tribunal. Thank you for your patience.

Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act

A list of reasoned decisions made by the Ontario Land Tribunal under the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act.


These documents are available in English only.

Decision Date Format
Clearbeach Resources Inc. v. The Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Licences, permits, amend conditions imposed, brine disposal, Minister’s discretion, s.s. 13(2), the OGSRAO. Reg. 245/97, as amended.

Jan. 20, 2011 PDF 
Echo Energy Canada Inc. v. NRG Corp & Robert Thomas Carrel et al.

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease and Grant, spacing unit, joining the interests, unleased landowner, working interest, pooling agreemernt, royalty rate, cl.8(1)(a)(b) and (c) of the OGSRA, s. 9 and 14 of O. Reg. 245/97, as amended to O. Reg. 75/04. (Schedules available upon request)

Oct. 16, 2008 Order

Jan. 29, 2009 Order on Costs

Jan. 29, 2009 Reasons




Robert Frederick Davies v. Fischtein Investments Limited & Poynts Estates Limited, Peter & Joanne Gugliemli, Vincenzo & Elisa Dipalo & Stanley & Josephine Davies

Petroleum & Natural Gas Lease & Grant, spacing unit, private well, joining the interests, unleased landowner, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, pooling, ss. 8(1) of the OGSRA, s. 14 of O. Reg., 245/97, amended by O. Reg. 75/04. (Schedules available upon request.)

June 25, 2007 PDF
Portrush Petroleum Corporation v. David O’Neill Enterprises Limited & Gregory Bruce Baker, Mchelle Lee Baker, Lloyd George Young, Anna Lillie Young, Keith Lloyd Young & Gayle Young

Petroleum & Natural Gas Lease & Grant, spacing unit, drilling a well, joining interests, unleased landowner, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, pooling, term of lease, notice of hearing, ss. 8(1) of OGSRA, s. 8 & 14 O.Reg.245/97, amended to O.Reg. 75/04.
(Schedules available upon request)

Feb. 5, 2007

Feb. 9, 2007
Amended Order



Metalore Resouces Limited v. Corporation of Norfolk County and Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease and Grant, spacing unit, joining the interests, unleased landowners, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, royalty rate, past royalties payable, rental, legal description, terms of lease, s.s. 8(1) of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, as amended, Part VI of the Mining ActOntario Regulations 440/93, 245/97, as amended to 22/00 and 263/02. (Schedules available upon request)

July 27, 2005 Order

May 4, 2004 Interlocutory Order



Farmers Oil and Gas Inc. v. James Albert Lyle Robinson, et al., Talisman Energy Inc. and Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Unitization, joining the various interests, drilling or operating wells, designation of applicant as initial unit operator, appor-tioning costs & benefits, leased, unleased landowners, over-riding royalty owner, working interest owner, unit operation agreement, s. 15, O.Reg. 245/97, s.s.8(2)(3)&(4), Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act.

March 11, 2005 Order

Apr. 26, 2005 Order on Costs





Metalore Resources Limited v. Phillip Charles Bentley and John Doleman

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease and Grant, spacing unit, drilling a well, joining the interests, unleased landowner, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, pooling, s.s. 8(1), the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, s. 14 of O. Reg. 245/97. Order granted on consent with Conditions. (Schedules available upon request)

July 25, 2003 PDF
Lagasco Inc. v. All Leased Landowners and Lease Interest Holders in the Zone”B” Pool

Unitization, compulsory unitization, unit operation agreement, unit area operator, unleased landowner, joining of interests, apportioning costs and benefits, royalty payments, deemed effective date, subsection 8(2) of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources ActO. Reg. 245/97. (Schedules available upon request)

July 23, 2003 PDF
Lagasco Inc. v. All Leased Landowners and Lease Interest Holders in the Zone”C” Pool

Unitization, compulsory unitization, unit operation agreement, unit area operator, unleased landowner, joining of interests, apportioning costs and benefits, royalty payments, deemed effective date, subsection 8(2) of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources ActO. Reg. 245/97. (Schedules available upon request)

July 23, 2003 PDF
Talisman Energy Inc. v. All Unleased Landowners in the Wigle Pool, Unit 12 and All Leased Landowners in the Wigle Pool, Unit 12

Petroleum and Natural Gas Leases and Grants, unitization, compulsory unitization, unit operation agreement, unit area operator, leased landowner, unleased landowner, joining of interests, apportioning costs and benefits, royalty payments, in paying quantities, adequacy of notice, cl.8(1)(b) and s.s. 8(2), Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, s. 15, O. Reg. 245/97, amended to O. Reg.22/00. (Schedules available upon request)

Mar. 8, 2002 Order

Nov. 7, 2002 Amended Order



Lowrie Holdings Inc. and Clearbeach Resources Inc. v.All Leased Landowners in the Romney 6-11-1 Pool

Unitization, compulsory unitization, unit operation agreement, unit area operator, leased landowner, joining of interests, apportioning costs and benefits, royalty payments, deemed effective date, notice of hearing, producing from, in paying quantities, costs, cl.8(1)(b) the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, s. 116, 117, 119, 126, 127 and 128, the Mining ActStatutory Powers Procedure Act, s.14 and 15, O. Reg. 245/97, amended O. Reg. 22/00. (Schedules available upon request)

Dec. 12, 2001 PDF
Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry v. Metalore Resources Limited

Orders of Inspector to deny application for a well licence, appeals to the Minister, jurisdiction of Commissioner to award costs, proceeding, what commences a proceeding, referral, non-compliance, operating standards, s.s. 1(3), 14(1) and 19(1) of the Oil Gas and Salt Resources Act, s. 116, 126 and 127, the Mining Act.

Mar. 23, 2001 PDF
Metalore Resources Limited v. Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Plugging a well, jurisdiction of Commissioner to award costs, order to plug, compliance, s.s. 1(3) and s.s. 7.0.2(1),(2),(3) and (8) of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, s. 126, the Mining Act.

Mar. 2, 2001 PDF
Gaiswinkler Enterprises Limited v. All Leased Landowners in the Colchester South 81-1 Pool

Unitization, compulsory unitization, unit operation agreement, unit area operator, leased landowner, joining of interests, apportioning costs and benefits, royalty payments, deemed effective date, clause 8(1)(b) the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources ActOnt. Reg. 245/97. (Schedules available upon request)

Dec. 3, 1999 PDF
Metalore Resources Limited v. Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

Drilling permits, drilling a well, spud, spud in, spud date, well licence, preparation to drill, commencement of drilling, start drilling a well, section 7.0.2 of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources ActOnt. Reg. 245/97.

Apr. 30, 1999 PDF
Talisman Energy Inc. v. Rosaire St. Pierre and Evelyn St. Pierre

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease and Grant, spacing unit, drilling a well, joining the interests, unleased landowner, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, pooling, clause 8(1)(a), the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, section 14 of Ont. Reg.245/97. (Schedules available upon request)

June 17, 1998 PDF
Talisman Energy Inc. v. Jack Murray Hyatt

Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease and Grant, spacing unit, drilling a well, joining the interests, unleased landowner, spacing order, pooled spacing unit, pooling, notice of hearing, clause 8(1)(a), the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, s.s. 6(1) the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, sections 114, 115 and 116, the Mining Act, s.s. 10(5) and clause 13(c) of Ont. Reg. 245/97. (Schedules available upon request)

June 17, 1998 PDF

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