Vision, Mission, Mandate and Values


Internationally recognized evidence, knowledge and action for a healthier Ontario.


We enable informed decisions and actions that protect and promote health and contribute to reducing health inequities.


We provide scientific and technical advice and support to clients working in government, public health, health care, and related sectors.

We build capacity, assemble expertise and guide action through:

  • advice, consultation and interpretation
  • continuing education and professional development
  • health emergency preparedness
  • information management
  • knowledge and best practices generation
  • laboratory services
  • library services
  • research, ethics and evaluation
  • support to policy and program development
  • surveillance and population health assessment.

In meeting our vision, mission and mandate, our primary clients include:

  • Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health
  • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and other ministries
  • local public health units health system providers and organizations across the continuum of care

In addition to these clients, our Partners for Health can also include academic, research, not-for-profit, community-based and private sector organizations and government agencies working across sectors that contribute to Ontarians achieving the best health possible.


  • credible: Trusted in what we do 
  • innovative: Creative solutions
  • responsive: Taking action
  • collaborative: Stronger together 
  • integrity: Acting honestly and ethically
  • respect: Valuing others 
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Updated 22 Oct 2019