Low Birth Weight Health Equity Snapshot

PHU/LHIN (2004–05 to 2017)

Snapshots are a collection of interactive map-based dashboards showing both geographic and temporal trends for key public health indicators by public health unit (PHU) and Ontario overall. Select Snapshots also include Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and/or LHIN sub-region (LHIN SR) data. All Snapshots provide dynamically linked tables, graphs, and maps with pre-calculated statistics.

Provides age-standardized rates of health status across five quintiles of marginalization as defined by the Ontario Marginalization Index (ON-Marg).

Summarizes the differences in health status between quintiles using measures of socioeconomic inequalities.

Results are provided for quintiles defined at the Ontario level, and re-weighted for local level geographies.

How to Use Health Equity Snapshots

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Updated 22 May 2019