The Legislative Assembly makes laws that affect Ontarians

MPPs present, debate, and vote on proposed laws (bills) in the House. In committees, they study bills, issues, or topics, and report back to the House. Together, the House and committees make up the work of the Legislature. Legislative business is where you can follow what’s happening.



The 42nd Parliament, 1st Session began on July 11.

Bills are ideas to make new laws or change existing laws.

Before a bill becomes a law, it must go through the legislative process.

How a bill becomes law (PDF)
When do acts and regulations come into force? (PDF)

Private bills apply to specific people or groups.

Applying for private bills

Looking for a bill from a past Parliament?

See all bills

In the House

Find documents from current and past Parliaments, including Hansard, Orders and Notices, and Votes and Proceedings
House documents

The rules that govern House and committee proceedings
Standing orders

See where MPPs sit in the Legislative Chamber
Chamber seating plan (PDF)

The status of motions, petitions, responses to questions, and other business before the Legislature
Status of business

Information about when the House will meet this year
Parliamentary calendar


What is Hansard?

Hansard is the official record of debates. Hansard editors produce transcripts that are near-verbatim reports of everything that is said in the Legislature. 

Read recent issues of House Hansard 

Explore House Hansard by topic

Read recent issues of committee Hansard 

Explore committee Hansard by topic