House speaker index

Letter: F

  • Fedeli, Hon. V. (PC, Nipissing)

    • Aerospace industry
    • Aggregate industry
      • resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2320, 2457
    • Alcohol retail
    • Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
    • Apprenticeships
      • government strategy, 4321
      • journeyperson-to-apprentice ratio, 2456
    • Auditor General
      • Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances, 1119, 1167, 1383
    • Automobile insurance rates
    • Automobile insurance reform
    • Automotive industry
    • Aviation fuel tax
    • Beer
    • Beer Store, The
      • bottle return program, 5571
      • foreign ownership, 5570
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Bombardier (Thunder Bay)
      • layoffs
        • government response, 5793
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • in northern and rural Ontario, 2320
    • Budget 2017
    • Budget 2018
    • Budget 2018-2019
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2021
    • Budget deficits
      • government strategy, 5267
    • Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
    • Business
    • Business - COVID-19
      • government supports
        • financial assistance
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
    • Business - Digital Main Street program
    • Business environment
    • Business - main street recovery plan
      • consultation process, 10065
      • general remarks, 10068
      • PPE grant
      • Small Business Recovery Network
      • small business recovery webpage, 10066
    • Business - small and medium-sized
      • support organizations
      • taxation
        • corporate tax rate, 10065
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
      • general remarks, 973
      • historical use, 974
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
    • Cannabis
      • equity of access, 1347
    • Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
    • Cannabis consumption - youth
    • Cannabis - legalization
      • federal jurisdiction, 1649
      • general remarks, 1648
      • implementation timeline, 808
    • Cannabis production
      • regulation of
      • supply shortage, 5132
    • Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
    • Cannabis - regulatory framework
    • Cannabis retail
    • Cannabis retail - licensing
      • application process
      • facility requirements, 1349
      • oversight by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), 1346
      • quantity caps
        • on retail store authorizations, 1349
        • on retail store authorizations, due to supply shortage, 3961, 5132
    • Cannabis retail - Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)
    • Cannabis retail - physical stores
    • Cannabis retail - unlicensed dispensaries
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
    • Cap-and-trade
      • purchase of credits from Quebec and California, 5129
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
      • general remarks, 335
    • Carbon tax (federal)
    • Cat Lake First Nation - state of emergency
      • government response to, 3374
      • jurisdiction, 3374
    • Child care
      • Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement
        • provincial funding, 10069
      • CARE tax credit
        • benefit rates, 4335
        • general remarks, 4329
    • Child care - CARE tax credit
    • Child care spaces
    • City of Toronto et al. v Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
        • provincial jurisdiction, 973
    • Clean technology
      • investment in
        • emissions reduction fund, 4322
    • Community food organizations
      • regulatory reform, 5971
    • Community housing - supply, 2320
    • Community safety
    • Consumption and treatment services
      • review
    • Consumption and treatment services - sites
      • federal permit extension, 1323
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
      • stay-at-home order
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • Culture media industry
    • Curriculum - reform
      • general remarks, 4321
    • Dental care
    • Driver licences
      • fee freeze, 972
      • online renewal, 4664
    • Dry cleaning industry
      • regulatory reform, 5970
    • Economic conditions by region
    • Economic development
      • general remarks, 2454, 10067
      • government strategy, 5364
        • northern Ontario, 4464
      • in rural and northern Ontario, 6832
    • Economic development by region
      • northern Ontario, 338
    • Economy
    • Education funding
    • Education reform
      • parents' bill of rights, 4321
    • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
    • Electric vehicles
    • Employment
    • Employment creation
      • and business regulations, 6831
    • Endangered Species Act, 2007, SO 2007, c 6
      • general remarks, 2455
    • Energy policy
    • Environmental assessments
      • general remarks, 2455
    • Estate administration tax
    • Far North Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 18
    • Federal budget 2019
      • economic impact, 3665
    • Film and television industry
    • Financial services
      • mutual fund regulations, 888, 1383
    • Foreign investment
    • Forest industry
      • environmental protection legislation, impact of, 2455
      • regulatory reform, 5972
      • resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2320, 2457
    • French-language debates
      • Budget de l'Ontario de 2019 (11 avril 2019), 4319, 4324
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Perspectives économiques et revue financière, 2318–2321
    • Gaming industry
      • online gambling, 5130
      • single-game sports betting, 3566
    • Gasoline prices
      • impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 1488
    • General Motors (GM)
      • electric vehicles, 12888
      • investment in Durham, 10380
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
      • employment insurance, 2766
      • future use, 6872
      • worker retraining, 2766
    • GO Transit
      • infrastructure expansion
        • and private sector, 5130
      • service expansion, 4322
    • Golf courses
    • Government appointments
    • Government debt
    • Government debt - annual deficit
    • Government downsizing
      • as fiscal policy, 973
    • Government expenditures
      • approval process, 3740
      • general remarks, 5555
      • ministries, operational efficiencies, 4320, 5128
      • review of government programs, 2452
    • Government finances
    • Government finances (federal)
      • fall economic statement (2018), 2454, 2514
    • Government finances - line-by-line review
      • mandate, 231
      • oversight of, 133
    • Government notices of motion
      • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Government procurement
      • centralization, 4323
    • Government record
    • Government services
    • Green Energy Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 12, Sched. A
    • Gun violence
      • government strategy, 4322
      • government strategy, funding for, 5132
    • Hairdressing
      • regulatory reform, 5970
    • Health care funding
    • Health care system - reform
      • general remarks, 4320
    • Health sciences
      • research and development, 9717
    • Home and community care
      • government funding, 4462
    • Home and community care - workers
    • Horse racing industry
    • Hospital funding
      • capital grants, 4320
      • general remarks, 4462
    • Housing
      • government strategy, 2320
    • Housing supply, 2320
    • Hughes, Ken
      • alcohol retail consultant
        • consultation process, 4127
    • Hunting and angling
    • Immigration
      • Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program, 12915
    • Independent Financial Commission of Inquiry
    • Indigenous communities
    • Indigenous relations
      • government strategy, 4324
      • resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2320, 2457
    • Infrastructure - energy
      • pipeline development
        • provincial veto, 2320
    • Innovation and technology sector
      • government funding, 5757
      • trade with India, 6514
    • International trade
    • International trade missions
    • Legislation
      • of previous governments, 5592
    • Licence plates
    • Light rail transit (LRT)
    • Long-term care - beds
    • Long-term care - government funding
      • general remarks, 4462
    • Long-term-care beds
      • new
        • geographic distribution, 12889
    • Long-term-care facilities
      • closure
        • Lady Isabelle Nursing Home, 4462
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Manufacturing industry
      • during COVID-19
        • government supports, 10032
      • Ontario Made program, 9064, 10032
      • operational reconfiguration
        • as economic policy, 9063
        • and Ontario Together Fund, 9063
      • recovery rate, 10065
    • Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2576
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • The Case for Change: Increasing Choice and Expanding Opportunity in Ontario's Alcohol Sector (2019), 5393–5395, 5570
      • Focus on Finance, October 2017
        • government finances, 1168
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Members'/ministers' travel
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • government strategy, 1325
      • housing services, 1325
    • Mental health and addictions services funding
    • Mining
      • Critical Minerals Strategy
      • Ontario Junior Exploration Program
        • government funding, 12888
      • training
        • Ontario Mine Rescue Program, 12888
    • Mining industry
      • economic impact, 7488
      • foreign investment
      • global ranking, 3740
      • government funding, 7488
      • regulatory reform, 5971, 12915
      • resource revenue-sharing agreement, 2320, 2457
      • role in land exploration, 2457
      • working group, 2457
    • Ministerial statements
      • Economic outlook and fiscal review
    • Ministry of Education
    • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
    • Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
    • Municipal finances
      • Municipal Modernization and Accountability Fund, 4322
    • Municipal finances - COVID-19
      • provincial transfers
        • Social Services Relief Fund, 12890
    • Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
      • changes to
        • impact on residential taxes, 5134
    • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
    • Natural gas - access to
      • in northern and rural Ontario, 2320
    • Natural gas expansion
      • private sector distribution, 1118
    • Nipissing First Nation
      • economic strategy, 4080
    • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - renegotiation
      • provincial advocacy, 1323
    • Northern Ontario
      • economic strategy, 2141
      • employment recruitment
        • Northern Ontario Internship Program, 4464
      • government strategy, 4324
      • transportation and transit development, 12890
      • transportation strategy, 4322
    • Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, 12889
      • application process, 12915
    • Occupational health and safety
    • OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
    • Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
      • earnings exemption, 4321
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
      • grant eligibility, 4321
    • Ontario Works (OW)
      • earnings exemption, 4321
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
      • cost of, 1169
      • financing for, 2453
      • report by Auditor General
        • The Fair Hydro Plan: Concerns about Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Value for Money, 1168–1169
    • Opioid use
    • Opposition parties
      • support for government policy, 2511
    • Palliative care
      • in northern Ontario, 884
    • Palliative care facilities
      • Nipissing Serenity Hospice, 884
    • Parliamentary Budget Officer
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
      • Ontario Together Fund, 10032
    • Political fundraising
      • events
        • general remarks, 4755
      • union and corporate donations
    • Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
      • election platform (2018)
        • general remarks, 972
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Provincial bonds
    • Provincial branding
      • Trillium logo redesign, 4323
    • Provincial credit rating, 5364
    • Public accounts 2017-2018
    • Public assets
      • vacant properties
    • Public assets - sale/lease of, 2452
      • vacant properties
    • Question period
    • Rail service
    • Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit
    • Regulations
    • Regulations - reduction
    • Regulatory reform
    • Remembrance Day, 10347–10348
    • Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
      • fiscal impact, 972
    • Rental housing
      • rent control
        • general remarks, 2320
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
    • Ring of Fire development
    • School facilities
    • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Skilled trades
      • government strategy, 4321
    • Skilled tradespeople
    • Skills gap
      • general remarks, 2456
    • Small Business Support Grant
    • Social assistance programs
      • employment services
        • integration with Employment Ontario, 4321
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Steel industry
      • pension benefits, 1929
    • Supply Act, 2019 (Bill 81)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Taxation
    • Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
    • Time allocation motions
      • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Toronto City Council downsizing
      • jurisdiction over, 973
      • public response to, 974
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • funding
        • general remarks, 5130
      • general remarks, 4322
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
      • transfer to provincial jurisdiction, 4322
    • Trade with United States
      • economic impact, 6781
      • government advocacy, 135
      • government strategy, 7213
    • Transit
      • government strategy, 5130
    • Transportation services
      • in northern Ontario
    • Trucking industry
      • regulatory reform, 5971
    • Tuition fees
      • rate reduction, 4321
    • United States
      • Department of Commerce
        • minister's appearance before, 135
    • United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
    • United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry
      • assessment of, 1323
    • Wildlife management
      • impact on forestry industry, 2455
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • employer premiums, reduction in, 2454, 5793
  • Fee, A. (PC, Kitchener South—Hespeler)

    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Alcohol retail - buck-a-beer
      • incentives, 633
      • via minimum price floor, 633
    • Autism
      • personal narratives, 3893
      • as a spectrum, 3893
    • Autism services
      • access to, 540
      • diagnostic services
      • prior to Ontario Autism Program (2016), 3894, 3907
      • wait-lists
        • general remarks, 3108
    • Autism services - reform
    • Automotive industry
      • economic impact
      • general remarks, 3963
    • Budget 2019
    • Business development
      • chambers of commerce, 3762
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
      • and parliamentary supremacy, 971
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
        • political community, response of, 971
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
      • fiscal impact, 2311
    • Carbon pricing
      • general remarks, 574
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • adjustment for businesses, 574
      • cost of, 2311
      • general remarks, 2311
      • government response to, 574
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
      • second reading, 7589
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 8548
    • Debates re answers to question period
    • Domestic violence
      • general remarks, 9714
    • Driving instructors
      • blood alcohol/drug content, 5104
    • Education funding
    • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
      • second reading, 971
    • Electricity rates
      • affordability, 1568
    • Farmers
      • natural gas access, 2671
      • natural gas access, impact of, 2671
    • Firefighters
    • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
    • GO Transit
      • rail maintenance and development, 4153
    • GO Transit expansion by region
    • Government debt
    • Government downsizing
      • as fiscal policy, 971
    • Government expenditures - budget allocation
      • health care
        • administration, 3652
    • Government services - digital delivery
      • general remarks, 4714
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
      • second reading, 1568
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
      • general remarks, 3606
    • Health care services
      • billing structure, 3654
    • Health care services - delivery
    • Health care system
    • Health care system - reform
    • Highways
    • Home and community care
    • Immigration system
      • general remarks, 373
    • International trade missions
    • Legislative process
      • time allocation, 5103
    • Long-term care - beds
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
      • Kitchener South–Hespeler, 538–539
      • Kitchener South—Hespeler, 2670
    • Members'/ministers' inaugural speeches, 538–541
    • Members'/ministers' personal narrative, 3893–3894
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 539–540, 3907
    • Mental health care funding
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
      • impact on employment, 541
    • Motorcycles
      • in high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, 5104
    • Natural gas
      • conversion to
    • Natural gas - access to
    • Natural gas expansion
    • Natural gas expansion - cost of
      • funding source, 2674
    • Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
    • Natural gas rates
      • impact of cap-and-trade cancellation, 2670, 2672
    • Ontario Autism Program (2016)
      • funding, 3108
      • general remarks, 3907
      • public response to, 3894
    • Ontario Autism Program (2019)
      • eligible services, 3893
      • government funding, 5144
      • income testing, 3893
    • Ontario Health
      • general remarks, 3652
    • Opioid addiction - government strategy
      • general remarks, 5210
    • Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
      • class-action lawsuit against
        • general remarks, 5211
    • Opposition day motions
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
      • recruitment and retention, 7589
    • Petitions
    • Police officers
      • naloxone administration, 3317
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • general remarks, 3124
    • Private members' public business
      • GO Transit
      • Immigrant and refugee services
      • Mental health and addiction services
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Public education campaigns - environment
    • Question period
      • Automotive industry
      • Beverage alcohol sales
        • presented, 633
      • Economic development
      • Government services
      • Guide and service animals
      • Health care
      • Home care
      • Immigrant and refugee services
        • presented, 373
      • International trade
      • Job creation
      • Opioid abuse
      • Police services
      • Taxation
    • Rail service
    • Refugees
    • Refugees - resettlement
      • funding for
    • Renewable energy projects - siting
      • municipal jurisdiction, 1568
    • Road safety - roadside workers
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
    • School buses - safety
    • Service animals - in schools
    • Sikh Genocide (1984), 10164
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
      • initiation criteria, 3318
    • Sports - amateur
      • general remarks, 9987
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
      • second reading, 9987
    • Teacher candidates
      • math proficiency assessment, 3063
    • Teachers - sexual misconduct
      • revocation of certificate of registration, 3062
    • Time allocation motions
      • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
      • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Toronto City Council
      • legislative process, 971
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
      • transfer to provincial jurisdiction
        • general remarks, 5104
    • Transit
      • regional integration, 5338
    • Tributes
    • United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) - impact on industry
      • automotive industry, 1428
    • Vehicles
      • digital dealer registration, 5104, 5338
    • Veterans
      • appreciation for, 10164
      • support services
        • personal support workers, 4869
  • Fife, C. (NDP, Waterloo)

    • Abortion services
    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Affordable housing
      • government funding, 12399
      • municipal transfer payments, 11459
    • Aggregate extraction
    • Aggregate industry
    • Aggregate sites - by site
    • Agriculture - temporary foreign workers, COVID-19
    • Agri-food industry
    • Agri-food premises - security from trespass
    • Alcohol policy
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
    • Alcoholic beverages
      • availability in airports, 5876
    • Amber Alerts
      • Jaffri, Jannah, 3638
    • Ambulance services
    • Animal protection system
      • general remarks, 3542
      • investigations
        • and identification of related offences, 3542
    • Animal welfare
      • cosmetic altering, 3543
      • veterinary care
    • Animal welfare offences
      • offenders
        • and interpersonal violence, 3542
    • Appreciation
    • Apprenticeships
    • Apprenticeships - employers
    • Apprenticeships - occupational health and safety
    • Arts and culture industry
      • government funding, 9747
    • Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
    • Attorney General of Ontario
    • Auditor General
    • Auditor General of Ontario
      • 2019 annual report
        • Food and Nutrition in Long-Term Care Homes, 8573
    • Autism
      • personal narratives, 3079
    • Autism services
      • wait-lists
        • reduction, cost of, 43
    • Autism services - providers
    • Autism services - reform
    • Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
      • public registry, 7888
    • Automobile insurance rates
    • Basic Income Pilot cancellation
      • general remarks, 1969
    • Beer Store, The
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
    • Blair, Brad
    • Blood donation, 9779–9780
    • Broadband infrastructure development
      • government strategy, 11881
      • use of electricity infrastructure, 11939
    • Broadband infrastructure - expansion
      • private sector
    • Broader public sector - hiring freeze
    • Budget 2018
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2020
    • Budget 2021
    • Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
    • Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
    • Budget speech 2021 (March 24, 2021)
    • Building Opportunities in the Skilled Trades Act, 2021 (Bill 288)
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
    • Business
      • boards of directors
        • residency requirements, 9829
    • Business - COVID-19
    • Business - COVID-19, essential businesses
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
    • Business - COVID-19, government supports
      • grants and loans
    • Business - COVID-19, insurance
    • Business - Digital Main Street program
      • general remarks, 9747
    • Business - main street recovery plan
    • Cabinet ministers
      • mandate letters, 9199
    • Canada Christian College
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
      • s.2(d): freedom of association, 3848
    • Cancer Care Ontario
      • general remarks, 4431
    • Cancer - pediatric
    • Cancer treatment - take-home medication
      • government funding, 2492
      • universal coverage, 2492
    • Cannabis
    • Cannabis consumption - location restrictions
    • Cannabis - legalization
    • Cannabis producers
      • pre-legalization, 1403
    • Cannabis production
    • Cannabis - regulatory framework
      • Bill 36, introduction timeline, 1362
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
    • Carbon tax (federal)
      • government response to, 359
      • provincial media campaigns, 5290
    • Chief Scientist (Ontario)
      • termination of, 19
    • Child care
    • Child care - CARE tax credit
    • Child care - COVID-19
    • Child care funding
    • Child care providers
    • Child care - regulations
      • compliance and enforcement, 3054
    • Child care - regulatory reform
    • Civil liability
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
    • Class sizes - adjustment
    • Clean technology industry
      • employment opportunities, 4835
    • Climate change mitigation
      • government strategy, 4835
    • Colleges and universities
      • contract faculty
      • mental health services, 6380
    • Colleges and universities - COVID-19
      • affordability
        • due to job losses, 9018
        • housing for students, 9018
      • campus outbreaks, 9018
      • government response
        • general remarks, 9018
      • mental health supports, 9018
      • online learning
        • broadband requirements, 9018
      • priority programs
        • hands-on learning, 9018
      • testing
      • tuition
        • affordability of, 9018
    • Colleges and universities - degree-granting authority
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Commercial tenancies
    • Commercial vehicles
      • insurance rates
        • during COVID-19, 9746
    • Committee procedure
      • clause-by-clause, 5240
    • Committee process
      • public consultation, 3632
      • witness presentations, grouping of, 10051
    • Committees
      • and legislative calendar, 11879
    • Community food organizations
      • regulatory reform, 5871
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Concussion prevention and management
    • Congregate care facilities
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • Conservation authorities - reform
    • Construction industry
    • Consumption and treatment services - sites
    • Correctional facilities
    • Court administration
      • Child Witness Centre, 11659
    • COVID-19
    • COVID-19 - child benefits
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
      • mental health services, 12400
      • supports for, 10711
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - Health Command Table
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • government communications, 8558
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (March 2020)
      • emergency orders
        • health care workers
          • scheduling and redeployment, 12627
    • COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020 (Bill 190)
    • COVID-19 - Science Advisory Table
    • COVID-19 - testing
    • COVID-19 - transmission
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
    • Criminal justice system
    • Crown liability
    • Curriculum - health and physical education
      • student safety and well-being, 42
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (1998)
      • content, 42
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
      • general remarks, 731
      • legal challenges to, 731
      • students, response to, 1236
    • Curriculum - Truth and Reconciliation
      • writing workshops, cancellation of, 20, 1236
    • Cybersecurity
      • research and development, 9663
    • Cycling safety
      • dooring collisions, reporting, 13068
    • Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
    • Development industry
    • Developmental services
    • Domestic violence
    • Driving - drug-impaired
      • public education, 1398
    • Duffins Creek development, 11966–11967
    • Early childhood educators (ECEs)
    • Economic conditions
    • Economy
      • government strategy, 1971
    • Education
      • general remarks, 4576
    • Education - COVID-19
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
    • Education - e-learning
      • credit requirements, 3639
    • Education funding
      • formula, 3640
      • return on investment, 4642
    • Education funding - post-secondary
    • Education - post-secondary
      • work-integrated learning, 10710
    • Education programs
      • for racialized students, 4576
    • Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
      • chair, compensation, 3399
    • Education reform
      • consultation, 3966
      • general remarks, 3967
      • impact on staff, 3639
      • mandatory e-learning, 3966
    • Elections/by-elections
      • municipal level
        • voter registry, provincial consolidation, 9435
    • Electoral process - COVID-19
    • Electoral reform
    • Electricity billing
      • unit sub-metering companies
    • Electricity conservation programs
    • Electricity system
      • regulation
    • Emergency management - emergency orders
      • extension of
    • Emergency preparedness
      • pandemic planning, 10974
    • Employment
      • gig workers
        • classification of, 10962
      • precarious, 1967
    • Employment - annual leave days
    • Employment - COVID-19
    • Employment standards
    • Employment standards reform (2018)
    • Employment - youth
    • Endangered species
      • general remarks, 4835
    • Entrepreneurship
      • equity-seeking groups
        • development and promotion, 12961
    • Environmental protection
    • Estate administration
      • virtual service delivery
        • witnessing of documents, 11659
    • Executive Council Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 265)
    • Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, SO 2017, c 22
      • effect on employment, 1966
      • holiday pay formula, 1970
      • personal emergency days, 1965
      • repeal of provisions, 1967–1968
      • scheduling, 1967
      • wage reviews, 1965
      • worker classification, 1968
    • Family law
      • parenting coordinators, 9589
      • property division
        • matrimonial home exception, 9589
    • Family law reform
    • Family law reform - terminology and definitions
      • "best interest of the child," 9588
      • "family violence," 9590
      • "mobility," 9588
    • Family Responsibility Office
    • Farms - security from trespass
      • and biosecurity, 6950
    • Fiera Foods Company
      • and temporary workers, 1966
      • worker fatalities, 5728
    • Financial Accountability Officer (FAO)
      • general remarks, 9743–9744
      • independence, 4429
      • oversight role, 1250, 1267
      • reports
        • Expenditure Estimates 2019-20: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 5295–5296
      • role and responsibilities, 4429
    • Financial literacy
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Flood management
      • government strategy, 12401
    • Food delivery industry
    • Food delivery services
    • Food security
      • general remarks, 9198
    • Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
    • Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43)
    • Gaming industry
      • charitable bingo and gaming, 4362
    • GO Transit
      • electrification, 4154
      • fares
        • discounted double fare program, termination of, 7574
      • Kitchener-Waterloo service
        • CN freight bypass, 4154
      • stations
    • GO Transit expansion by region
    • GO Transit stations
      • electric vehicle charging stations, 4835
    • Government accountability and transparency
      • general remarks, 9433
    • Government agencies
    • Government appointments
    • Government contracts
      • cancellation of
        • effect on business environment, 5289
      • general remarks, 1971
    • Government contracts - public-private partnerships (P3s)
      • relative cost, 7177
    • Government debt - annual deficit
    • Government downsizing
    • Government finances
    • Government finances - line-by-line review
      • general remarks, 1249, 1267
      • role of Auditor General/Financial Accountability Officer, 360–361
    • Government notices of motion
      • Extension of emergency declaration
      • Order of business
    • Government orders
      • Concurrence in supply
      • Government policies
      • Legislative reform (as amended)
      • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Government procurement
      • health sciences sector, 9283
      • Ontario manufacturers, 12402
      • supplier diversity, 13086
    • Government procurement - supply chain management
      • general remarks, 12960
      • municipal governments
        • vendor diversity programs, 12961
      • in other jurisdictions, 12960
      • procurement models
      • vendors
    • Government record
    • Green Ontario Program (GreenON) cancellation
      • retrofit rebates
        • impact on consumers, 41
    • Greenbelt
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
      • government funding, 12401
      • government strategy
        • review by Auditor General, 6666
    • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA)
      • to fund local economies, 41
    • Health care funding
    • Health care - innovation and technology
    • Health care services - delivery
    • Health care system - administrative centralization
      • general remarks, 4429
    • Health care system - reform
    • Health care workers
    • Health care workers - COVID-19
    • Health sciences
      • research and development, 12331
    • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
    • Highway 407
    • Highway construction and expansion
      • Highway 7, 4451
      • Highway 413
        • environmental impact, 12401
    • Highway tolls
      • COVID-19 price mitigation, 10489
      • Highways 412 and 418, 10489
    • Home and community care - reform
    • Home renovation
      • energy retrofitting
    • Homelessness
      • support models
        • ShelterCare system, 9153
    • Hospital beds
      • alternate-level-of-care patients, 6889
      • unfunded, 5869
    • Hospital construction by site
      • St. Mary's General Hospital
    • Hospital funding
    • Hospitality industry
      • restaurant sector
        • third-party delivery fees, 9746
    • Hospitality industry - COVID-19
      • hours of operation, 9417
      • insurance
      • restaurant sector
        • general remarks, 9748
      • third-party delivery fees, 9832–9833
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
    • Hospitals - overcrowding by site
      • St. Mary's General Hospital (Kitchener), 5869
    • Housing development
    • Housing Supply Action Plan
    • Hughes, Ken
      • alcohol retail consultant
    • Human trafficking
    • Human trafficking - hotels
      • short-term rentals, 11702
    • Hydro One
      • purchase of Avista Corp.
        • termination fee, 4061
    • Income inequality
      • and economic policy, 1971
      • and minimum wage, 1969
    • Infrastructure - roads and highways
      • cycling
        • government funding, 339
      • by project
    • Inmates
      • mental health and addictions services
    • Innovation and technology
      • personal aircrafts
    • Innovation and technology industry
      • government procurement
    • Innovation and technology sector
    • Insurance industry
      • general remarks, 9751
    • Journalism, 3938
    • Judicial appointments
      • candidate recommendations
        • number of candidates per list, 11479
      • reform, 11651, 11660
      • reform, stakeholder response, 11479, 11651
    • Justice - administration of
    • Justice system
    • Kamloops Indian Residential School
      • human remains, discovery of, 13835
    • Laboratory services
      • via private sector
        • general remarks, 7970
    • Land acknowledgements, 20
    • Land use planning
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
      • Duffins Creek, 11935, 12110
      • general remarks, 11939
      • provincial policy statement
        • exemption from, 11966
        • exemption from, retroactive application, 11967
      • provincial policy statement exemption, 11943, 12109
      • use of, 11967
    • Landlord and Tenant Board
      • hearings
    • Laurentian University
    • Law Enforcement Complaints Agency
      • investigation referral, 3269
    • Legal aid services
    • Legions
    • Legislative drafting
      • regulations, deferred drafting, 14014
    • Legislative grounds
      • demonstrations
        • general remarks, 4647
    • Legislative procedure
      • party status, 12628–12630
      • speaking to the topic of debate, 3397
      • speech should relate to matter being discussed, 5479
    • Legislative procedure - COVID-19
      • attendance cohorts, 14009
      • changes to, duration of, 12968
      • committees
        • oversight committees, 9199
      • meeting schedule, 7969
    • Legislative procedure - order of business
      • disclosure of, 8571
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • question period
    • Legislative process
    • Legislative process - COVID-19
    • Licence plates - new
      • slogan change, 3984
    • Light rail transit (LRT) - Hamilton
      • cancellation, 8780
      • land expropriation, 7110
    • Literacy
      • early intervention, 5602
    • Living wage
      • general remarks, 1966
      • vs. minimum wage, 1964
    • Lobbyists
    • Local Planning Appeal Support Centre (LPAT)
    • Long-term care
      • vs. hospitalization, 6889
    • Long-term care - beds
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term care - funding
      • general remarks, 6894
    • Long-term care - government funding
    • Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153)
      • first reading, 6424
    • Long-term care - public vs. private
    • Long-term care - reform
    • Long-term care - residents
      • food and nutrition
        • report of the Auditor General (2019), 8573
    • Long-term care - staff
    • Long-term care - standards of care
      • facility inspections
        • infractions and violations, 11963
      • government funding, 11173
      • minimum hours of care, 360, 6889
    • Long-term-care facilities
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
    • Long-term-care facilities - private vs. public
      • general remarks, 6889
      • private delivery
    • Long-term-care facilities - residents
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
    • Marriage
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' birthdays
      • Shaw, Sandy (Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas), 1732
    • Members'/ministers' correction of record, 2469, 9711
    • Members/ministers quoting
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
      • general remarks, 43
      • sources of
    • Mental health and addictions services funding - children and youth
      • general remarks, 5296
    • Mental health care funding
    • Mental health conditions and addictions
      • left untreated, cost, 5898
    • Metrolinx
      • operating subsidy, 7182
    • Minimum wage
      • exclusions
      • general remarks, 2440
      • vs. living wage, 1964
      • mandatory review, cancellation, 1964
      • and poverty reduction, 1969
    • Minimum wage earners
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
    • Minimum wage increase - to $15
    • Ministerial statements
    • Ministerial zoning orders
      • environmental impact, 11913
    • Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
    • Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
    • Missing persons
    • Missing Persons Act, 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 3, Sched. 7
    • Missing Persons Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3, Schedule 7, 3199, 3258, 3268, 3270, 3400
    • More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
      • time allocation motion
    • Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
    • Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020 (Bill 207)
    • Municipal elections
      • ranked ballot procedure
    • Municipal finances - provincial transfer payments
      • changes to
        • general remarks, 4642
        • retroactive application, 5240
    • Municipal planning
    • MUSH sector
      • as non-construction employers
    • Names, legal
      • changes to
    • New Democratic Party (NDP)
    • New home industry
      • consumer protection, 8597
    • New home industry - reform
      • warranty administration
        • general remarks, 8595
    • News media
      • government relationship with, 3938
    • Newspapers
      • community and local
        • publication frequency, 3938
        • role of, 3938
    • Non-profit organizations
      • registration restrictions
        • veterinary clinics, 2210
    • Northern Ontario School of Medicine
    • Not-for-profit organizations
      • government funding, 12397
    • Nurses
      • employment opportunities, 43
      • layoffs
        • Grand River Hospital (Kitchener), 3565, 4427
    • Occupational health and safety, 13069
    • OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
    • Ontario Autism Program (2016)
      • implementation committee report, 3901
    • Ontario Autism Program (2019)
      • childhood budgets
      • government funding, 5290–5291
      • implementation timeline, 3399
      • income testing, 3034
    • Ontario College of Trades (OCOT)
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
      • independence of, 4822
    • Ontario Food Terminal
    • Ontario Gazette
      • regulatory reform, 9829
    • Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB)
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
      • consolidation of tribunals
      • hearings
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - commissioner
      • appointment of Ron Taverner, 3399
        • process independence, disclosure by Brad Blair, 3397–3399
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
      • enforcement of animal protection legislation
        • general remarks, 3542
    • Opioid addiction
      • overdoses and fatalities, 6381
      • provincial coordinator, 6681
    • Opioid addiction - government strategy
      • in British Columbia, 6386
    • Opioid use
    • Opposition day motions
      • Autism treatment
      • Cancer treatment
      • Climate change
      • Education funding
      • Hospital funding
      • Public transit
    • Opposition parties
    • Organ and tissue donation
      • donor registration declaration
        • completion during drivers' license and health card issuance or renewal, 1099–1100
    • Paris Galt moraine
      • conservation strategy
        • general remarks, 3554
      • general remarks, 3554
    • Pawnbrokers
      • municipal regulation, 3847
      • and stolen goods, 3052
    • Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.6
    • Pay equity
    • Pay equity - gender wage gap
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
    • Personal health information
      • authority of Ontario Health and Ontario Health teams to collect, use and disclose, 6143
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Persons with disabilities
    • Pet ownership
    • Petitions
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Plastics
      • single-use, ban, 3554
    • Police officers
      • community relations, 3269
      • naloxone administration, 3267
    • Police services
      • intersectionality of, 3199, 3267
      • missing persons investigations
        • access to records, 3268
      • outsourcing, 3269
    • Police Services Act, RSO 1990, c P.15
      • investigations, provisions regarding, 3397
    • Police services oversight
      • general remarks, 3270
    • Police services oversight - disciplinary process
    • Police services oversight - reform
    • Political fundraising
      • cash for access, 3398, 12627
      • union and corporate donations
    • Political fundraising - personal donations
      • annual contribution limits, 11965
    • Political fundraising - per-vote subsidy
    • Poverty reduction
      • and minimum wage, 1969
    • Pre-apprenticeship training programs
    • Premier's Office
      • travel expenses, disclosure, 4712
    • Private members' public business
      • Convenience Store Week Act, 2021 (Bill 262)
      • Education funding
      • GO Transit
      • Immunization
      • Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure Act, 2021 (Bill 274)
      • Long-Term Care Homes Amendment (Till Death Do Us Part) Act, 2019 (Bill 153)
      • Mental health and addiction services
      • More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
        • second reading, 9337
      • Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021 (Bill 293)
      • Organ donation
      • Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
        • second reading, 3554
      • Protecting Our Pets Act, 2019 (Bill 65)
      • Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
      • Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
      • Supporting Ontario's Community, Rural and Agricultural Newspapers Act, 2019 (Bill 78)
        • second reading, 3938
    • Progressive Conservative (PC) Party
    • Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020 (Bill 229)
    • Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
    • Protecting Small Business Act, 2020 (Bill 192)
    • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
    • Public assets - sale/lease of, 1326
      • general remarks, 1251
    • Public education campaigns - children
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
      • Scottish Heritage Day, 14050
    • Public education campaigns - education
      • Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day, 1588
    • Public education campaigns - health
      • Bridges to Hope, 1732
      • Rowan's Law Day, 1238
    • Public education campaigns - innovation and technology
    • Public education campaigns - safety
      • Cyber Security Awareness Month, 9663
    • Public health units
    • Public health units - restructuring
    • Public policy research
    • Public sector compensation increases - cap on
      • and collective bargaining rights, 5728
      • impact on health and social services sector, 5780
    • Question period
    • Racism
      • anti-Asian racism, 12330
    • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
    • Regional/district chairs
      • election cancellation (2018)
        • regions affected, 712
        • timing of, 710
      • selection method, 712
    • Regulations - reduction
      • environmental impact, 3554
      • government strategy, 14016
    • Renewable energy
    • Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
      • impact on business environment, 360
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
    • Rental housing - short-term
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
    • Reports by committees
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Road maintenance in winter - northern Ontario
    • Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr39)
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
      • general remarks, 3270
    • School boards
      • supervisory officers
        • qualifications, 8782
    • School boards - directors of education
      • qualifications, 8782
    • School facilities - maintenance and repair
    • Schools
    • Scottish Heritage Day Act, 2021 (Bill 208)
    • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
    • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2010)
    • Senior Volunteer Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 270)
    • Seniors' advocate
    • Sexual assault crisis centres
    • Skilled trades
      • boards of trade, 13967
      • occupational health and safety, 13463–13464
      • perception of, 13968
      • personal protective equipment, 13461
      • promotion of
        • general remarks, 9745
    • Skilled trades - compulsory/voluntary
    • Skilled trades - education
    • Skilled Trades Ontario
      • advisory committees, 13967
      • board membership, 13461
    • Skilled tradespeople - recruitment
    • Small Business Support Grant, 11276, 11467, 12222
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
    • Social assistance programs
    • Social assistance recipients
      • employment services, private delivery, 7165, 7308
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - governance and administration
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission - reform
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
      • initiation criteria, 3268
      • length of, 3268
    • Sporting events
      • Special Olympics provincial games, 7153
    • Standing Committee on Estimates
      • consideration of 2020 estimates, 11879
    • Standing Orders
      • amendment (2018)
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Stem cell research
      • government funding, 5120
    • Suicide prevention
      • Bridges to Hope project, 1732
      • national strategy, 10345
    • Supply Act, 2021 (Bill 261)
    • Supply Chain Management Amendment Act (Provincial Diverse Vendor Strategy), 2021 (Bill 275)
    • Supply Ontario
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Supporting Local Restaurants Act, 2020 (Bill 236)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Supportive housing
    • Tarion
      • 2019 Special Report: Tarion Warranty Corp. (Auditor General of Ontario), 8592
      • executive compensation, 8593–8594
    • Tarion reform
    • Taxi industry
      • illegal operators
      • licensing
        • for ride-share providers, 9746
    • Teachers
      • surplus notices, 5292
    • Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
      • mandate, upholstered/stuffed articles, 3053, 3056
    • Temporary workers
      • fatalities, investigation of, 42–43
    • Tesla Inc.
      • student opportunities, 14041
    • Throne speech debate
    • Ticket sales
      • online
        • consumer protection, 8594
    • Time allocation motions
      • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
      • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
      • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (Bill 108)
      • Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020 (Bill 156)
      • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
      • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Toronto
      • amalgamation (1998), 710, 712
    • Toronto City Council downsizing
      • and democracy, 712
      • timing of, 710
      • and voter representation, 711
    • Toronto city councillors
      • impact of council downsizing
        • on access to councillors, 711
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
      • streetcars
        • illegal passing, camera enforcement, 13068
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • Metrolinx, role of, 7110
      • stations
        • site decision-making, 7184
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
      • land expropriation
        • compensation for, 7110
        • hearings-of-necessity, 7188
    • Toronto ward boundary review (2016), 714
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
      • financial aid, 8781
    • Toxic substances
      • impact on health, 3844
    • Toxic substances - regulation of
    • Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, SO 2009, c 19
    • Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
    • Trade with United States
      • trade representative, firing of, 19
    • Traffic congestion
      • economic impact, 10489
      • environmental impact, 10489
      • Harmony Road (Oshawa), 10489
    • Transit
    • Transit funding
      • general remarks, 2517
    • Transit infrastructure development
      • project prioritization, 7174
    • Transportation
      • commute times, 4154
    • Tribunal proceedings
      • virtual, recording of, 14010
    • Tribunals
    • Tributes
    • Trillium Gift of Life
      • general remarks, 4431
    • United States
    • Vaccinations
      • return on investment, 5164
    • Veterans
    • Veterans - support services
    • Veterinary clinics
      • non-profit status, eligibility for, 2742
    • Veterinary clinics and hospitals
    • Violence against women
      • government funding, 12397
    • Water extraction
      • for commercial bottled water
        • municipal jurisdiction, 9831
    • Water power generating facilities
      • Parkhill Dam
    • Water protection
      • general remarks, 9836
    • Watershed management
      • conservation authorities, 11171
    • Watersheds and wetlands
    • Water-taking permits
      • regulatory reform, 5882
    • White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
      • fiscal impact, 42
    • Whittrick N D T Services Ltd. Act, 2021 (Bill Pr50)
    • Wireless services
    • Wireless Services Agreements Act, 2013, S.O. 2013, c. 8
    • Women
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Amendment Act, 2021 (Bill 238)
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) - COVID-19
  • Ford, Hon. D. (PC, Etobicoke North)

  • Fraser, J. (LIB, Ottawa South)

    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Advertising - third-party
      • Vaughan Working Families, 13322
    • Affordable housing
    • Agriculture - temporary foreign workers, COVID-19
      • in other provinces, 8278
    • Alcohol policy
      • government strategy, 5575
    • Alcohol retail - expansion
      • general remarks, 4373
    • Anti-racism
    • Appreciation
      • Bradley, Jim, 2889
      • El Masry, Fadi, 11769
      • Stringer, Gordon and Kathleen, 1239
    • Assistive Devices Program
      • health technology assessments
    • Auditor General
      • Review of the 2018 Pre-Election Report on Ontario’s Finances, 101
    • Autism services
      • in northern Ontario, 7662
    • Autism services - reform
    • Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
    • Basic Income Pilot cancellation
    • Beer Store, The - master framework agreement cancellation
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
      • third reading, 6769
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213)
    • Better Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 5)
    • Blood donation
      • plasma collection sites, 12439
    • Boulet, Logan, 4173
    • Bringing Choice and Fairness to the People Act (Beverage Alcohol Retail Sales), 2019 (Bill 115)
    • Budget 2018
    • Budget 2018-2019
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2021
    • Budget deficits
    • Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
    • Budget speech 2020 (November 5, 2020)
    • Canada Christian College
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
    • Cancer Act, RSO 1990, c C.1, 3464
    • Cannabis - legalization
      • general remarks, 1653
    • Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
      • general remarks, 1653
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
      • third reading, 1653
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
      • second reading, 550
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
      • fiscal impact, 101
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
      • general remarks, 101
    • Carbon pricing - in other jurisdictions
    • Carbon tax (federal)
    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - training
    • Chief Medical Officer of Health
    • Child abuse
    • Child care - COVID-19
    • Children and youth in care
    • Children's aid societies (CASs)
    • Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
      • contractual standard, 9983
      • general remarks, 10412
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
    • Class sizes - adjustment
      • general remarks, 7034
    • Climate change
      • general remarks, 2238
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Coal-fired electricity generation
      • plant closures, environmental impact, 101
    • Commercial tenancies
    • Committee procedure
    • Committee process
      • general remarks, 8786
    • Compassionate Care Act, 2020 (Bill 3)
    • Concussion prevention and management
    • Congregate care facilities
    • Connecting Care Amendment Act (Patient Bill of Rights), 2020 (Bill 212)
      • first reading, 9622
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • Consumption and treatment services
    • Consumption and treatment services - sites
      • new sites, moratorium on, 781
    • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act, 2020 (Bill 189)
    • COVID-19
      • government communications, 7991
      • pandemic declaration, anniversary, 12033
      • public response to, 7781
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
      • on equity-seeking groups
      • legislative committee study on, 8279
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - emergency orders
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • federal
        • Safe Restart Agreement
          • allocation of funds, 9244
        • wage subsidy, 7765
      • provincial
        • response fund, 7714
        • tax deferrals, 8234
      • taxation, 7765
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - Health Command Table
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency
    • COVID-19 - provincial state of emergency (January 2021)
    • COVID-19 - public gatherings
      • restrictions on
    • COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020 (Bill 190)
    • COVID-19 - Science Advisory Table
    • COVID-19 - testing
    • COVID-19 - transmission
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
    • COVID-19 - vaccination by population
    • COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
    • Crown liability
      • scope of liability
        • general remarks, 5248
    • Culture and cultural identity
      • heritage events, 5618
    • Curriculum
      • food literacy, 9820
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2015)
      • consultation process, 21
      • content, 21
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2015), repeal of
      • general remarks, 21
      • student safety and well-being, 102
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
      • consultation process, 709
    • Darvey Holdings Limited Act, 2021 (Bill Pr48)
    • Debates re answers to question period
    • Defibrillator Registration and Public Access Act, 2020 (Bill 141)
    • Defibrillator Training and Access Act, 2019 (Bill 158)
      • first reading, 6667
    • Dental care
      • for senior citizens
        • general remarks, 5248
    • Developmental services
    • Diabetes - glucose monitoring
      • continuous glucose monitors
    • Duma, Dan, 3241
    • Eating disorders
    • École Polytechnique massacre (December 6, 1989)
      • commemoration, 6653
    • Economic conditions
    • Education - COVID-19
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
    • Education funding
      • Grants for Student Needs (GSN), 8666
    • Election Finances Amendment Act (Leadership Fundraising Loophole), 2019 (Bill 103)
    • Electoral process
    • Electoral process - polling stations
      • advanced polling days
    • Electoral process - ranked ballot system
    • Electricity rates
      • reduction, financing for, 3058
    • Electricity transmission
      • blackouts/brownouts
        • impact on public safety, 2959
    • Emergency management
      • government accountability during, 8576
      • public health
    • Emergency management - emergency orders
      • continuation of
      • continuation with amendment, 8576
      • extension of
        • impact on collective agreements, 8905
    • Employment - annual leave days
    • Employment - COVID-19
    • Employment standards
    • Employment Standards Amendment Act (Infectious Disease Emergencies), 2020 (Bill 186)
      • second reading, 7757
    • Employment standards reform (2018)
      • general remarks, 1925
    • Environmental assessments - process reform
      • ministerial orders
        • general remarks, 8784
    • Environmental protection
      • general remarks, 3554
    • Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 22
      • repeal of provisions, 1798
    • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
    • Filipino community
    • Food security
    • Foundations for Promoting and Protecting Mental Health and Addictions Services Act, 2019 (Bill 116)
    • Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43)
    • French, Dean
    • French-language debates
      • Affaires d'intérêt public émanant des députées et députés
      • Débat sur la motion d'ajournement
      • Débat sur le discours du trône
        • participation, 102
      • Déclarations des députées et députés
        • Centres d'aide pour victimes d'agression sexuelle, 7479
        • Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 8319
        • La Francophonie, 3671
        • Services en français, 5762
        • Soldats canadiens, 10288
      • Déclarations ministérielles et réponses
        • Accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées, 10521
        • Journée de l'intégration communautaire, 4765
        • Perspectives économiques et revue financière, 2322
        • Soins de santé, 3252
      • Dépôt des projets de loi
        • Loi de 2019 sur la francophonie, projet de loi 135
          • première lecture, 5648
      • Government notices of motion
        • Rapport sur la situation d'urgence provinciale de l'Ontario, 10331–10332
      • Loi de 2018 visant à rétablir la confiance, la transparence et la responsabilité, projet de loi 57
        • troisième lecture, 2919
      • Loi de 2019 sur les soins de santé pour la population, projet de loi 74
        • deuxième lecture, 3507
      • Loi de 2020 modifiant la Loi sur l'emblème franco-ontarien, projet de loi 182
      • Loi de 2020 modifiant la Loi sur les normes d'emploi (situations d'urgence liées à une maladie infectieuse), projet de loi 186
        • deuxième lecture, 7757
      • Loi de 2020 pour connecter la population aux services de soins à domicile et en milieu communautaire, projet de loi 175
        • troisième lecture, 8450
      • Loi de 2021 visant à protéger la population ontarienne (mesures budgétaires), projet de loi 269
        • deuxième lecture, 12440
      • Période de questions
        • Responsabilité gouvernementale, 2515
      • Pétitions
        • Gestion des situations d'urgence, 10305
    • French-language services
      • general remarks, 2662
      • health care, 3507
    • Gender-based violence
      • survivor services
    • Government accountability and transparency, 2515
    • Government contracts
      • cancellation of
        • impact on business environment, 5401
    • Government contracts - limited liability provisions
      • effect on business environment, 249
    • Government debt
      • general remarks, 6310
    • Government downsizing
      • consultation process
    • Government expenditures
    • Government expenditures - budget allocation
      • health care
        • general remarks, 4419
        • Ontario Health Sector: 2019 updated assessment of Ontario health spending (Financial Accountability Office of Ontario), 3507
    • Government finances
      • accounting practices
        • pension assets, 3058
      • revenue generation
        • from highway tolls, 10490
    • Government notices of motion
      • Appointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
      • Extension of emergency declaration
      • Legislative reform (as amended)
      • Reappointment of Chief Medical Officer of Health
      • Report on Ontario's provincial emergency
      • Report on Ontario's Provincial Emergency
      • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
        • amendment
    • Government orders
      • Legislative reform (as amended)
      • Order of business
      • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Government record
    • Government record (federal)
      • PC (1984-1993)
    • Hate crimes
      • prevalence of, 4562
    • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
      • governance structure
        • board of directors
          • occupational representation, 13883
    • Health care
      • equity of access, 4418
    • Health care policy, 4418, 4420
    • Health care - primary
    • Health care services - delivery
    • Health care system
      • general remarks, 4422
      • performance measurement, 104
    • Health care system - administrative centralization
    • Health care system - reform
    • Health service organizations
      • transfer, integration, and dissolution orders
    • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • time allocation motion
    • Highway construction and expansion
    • Highway tolls
      • Highways 412 and 418, 10490
    • Home and community care
      • delivery model
        • private vs. public, 8452
      • interprovincial billing agreements, 3241
      • legislative framework for, 7344
      • patient bill of rights, by regulation, 8450
    • Home and community care reform
      • coordination and integration, 7169
    • Hospital beds
      • occupied by long-term-care patients, 10951
    • Hospital construction by region
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
    • Housing development - development charges
      • eligible services, 8494
      • project application
        • long-term-care facilities, 8785
    • Humbolt, Saskatchewan accident, 4173
    • Independent Financial Commission of Inquiry
      • general remarks, 7857
      • independence of, 104
    • Indigenous relations - reconciliation
      • government strategy, 102
    • Infrastructure - energy
      • pipeline development
        • provincial veto, 2322
    • International trade
      • barriers to, 101
    • Italian community
    • Justice system - youth
      • youth justice centres
    • La Francophonie Act, 2019 (Bill 135)
      • first reading, 5648
    • Labour Relations Amendment Act (Protecting Ontario's Power Supply), 2018 (Bill 67)
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders
    • Legal aid services - delivery model
    • Legislative drafting
      • regulations, drafting process, 8278
    • Legislative procedure
      • order and decorum, and conduct of members in the House, 11046
      • reasoned amendments, 349
      • recognized party status, 6594
    • Legislative procedure - COVID-19
    • Legislative procedure - independent members
      • participation in committees
      • participation in proceedings
        • government bills and substantive motions, 348
        • question period, 9047
    • Legislative procedure - order of business
      • restrictions on
        • times called per day, 9047
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • adjournment debates
      • question period
        • friendly questions, 9047
        • party allotment, 9047
      • substantive motions
        • take-note debates
          • general remarks, 9048
    • Legislative procedure - sessional day
      • evenings
        • adjournment debates, 9048
        • impact on members, 9048
    • Legislative procedure - Standing Orders
    • Legislative process
    • Legislative process - COVID-19
    • Legislative staff
    • LGBTQ+ community
      • discrimination against, 10659
    • Local health integration networks (LHINs)
      • community-centred model, 4420
    • Long-term care
    • Long-term care - beds
      • capacity projections, 13885
      • development and redevelopment
        • number of, 102
      • new
        • geographic distribution, 13885
      • new, cost of, 3508
    • Long-Term Care Commission's Recommendations Reporting Act, 2021 (Bill 290)
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term care - government funding
      • government meeting minutes
      • Treasury Board request, 8380, 9244
    • Long-term care - public vs. private
      • and COVID-19
        • revenue and dividends, 13883
      • general remarks, 13257
      • staff working conditions, 13256
    • Long-term care - residents
    • Long-term care - staff
      • compensation
      • recruitment and retention
    • Long-term care - standards of care
    • Long-term-care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term-care facilities
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, government response
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
    • Long-term-care facilities - inspections
      • resident quality inspections (RQI), 12818
    • Long-term-care facilities - Ombudsman investigation
      • initiation of, 8012
    • Long-term-care facilities - operators
      • transparency and accountability, 8450
    • Long-term-care facilities - private vs. public
      • operational comparisons
        • under COVID-19, 9804
    • Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47)
      • third reading, 2449
    • Making the Patient Ombudsman an Officer of the Assembly Act, 2021 (Bill 302)
    • Managing Transformation: A Modernization Action Plan for Ontario (2018)
      • findings, 1219
      • recommendations
        • re pension treatment, 1219
    • Members' introduction
      • Blais, Stephen (Orléans), 7791
      • Collard, Lucille (Ottawa—Vanier), 7792
    • Members' statements
    • Members'/ministers' conduct
    • Members'/ministers' constituencies
    • Members'/ministers' personal narratives, 1035, 2904, 5998, 7169, 9335, 10972–10973
    • Members'/ministers' remarks
    • Mental health and addictions services
    • Military personnel
      • appreciation for, 5998
    • Minimum wage increase - to $14
      • effect on employment, 2449
    • Minimum wage increase - to $15
    • Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
    • Ministerial statements
      • Accessibility for persons with disabilities
      • Child Abuse Prevention Month
      • Community Living Day
      • Concussions
      • COVID-10
      • COVID-19
      • Economic and fiscal update
      • Economic outlook and fiscal review
      • Health care
      • Home and community care
      • International Day of Persons with Disabilities
      • Italian Heritage Month
      • National Housing Day
      • Ontario economy
      • Organ and tissue donation
      • Personal support workers
      • Religious freedom
      • Seniors' Month
      • Woman Abuse Prevention Month
      • Women's History Month
    • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
      • advisory councils
        • French-language health services advisory council, 3507
        • Indigenous health council, 3507
    • Motions
    • Municipal elections
      • ranked ballot procedure
        • restrictions on use, 10412
    • Native Child and Family Services
    • Natural gas
      • extraction, impact on aquifer, 550
    • Nurse practitioners
      • scope of practice, 13562
    • Nurses - education and training
    • Occupational health and safety
    • Occupiers' Liability Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 118)
    • Office of French Language Services Commissioner
      • transfer of role, 2662
    • Office of the Environmental Commissioner
    • Office of the French Language Services Commissioner of Ontario
    • Officers of the Legislature
      • appointment and termination, 2515
    • OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
      • coverage gaps, 4033
      • second-payer model, 4033
    • Ontario Autism Program (2019)
      • childhood budgets
        • delivery timeline, 7662
      • eligibility criteria, 3906
      • income testing, 3025–3026
    • Ontario Autism Program - interim
      • regional services, 7663
    • Ontario Health
    • Ontario Health teams
      • community engagement, 4420
    • Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG)
      • chair appointment, 13322
    • Ontario Power Generation (OPG) - collective bargaining (2018)
      • history of negotiations
      • strike, prohibition of
    • Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - commissioner
      • appointment of Ron Taverner
        • process independence, 2973
    • Ontario Rebuilding and Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 222)
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
      • financing for
        • accounting practices, 3058
    • Opioid addiction
      • harm reduction, 6855
    • Opioid manufacturers/wholesalers
      • class-action lawsuit against
        • revenue allocation, 6855
    • Opposition day motions
    • Opposition parties
    • Organ and tissue donation
    • Palliative care
    • Palliative care facilities
      • clinical costs
        • government funding, 10972
      • Ottawa, 5121
    • Palliative care - pediatric
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
    • Personal injury - slip-and-fall lawsuits
      • statute of limitations, 10991
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
      • government funding, 12390
    • Persons with developmental disabilities
      • general remarks, 6585
    • Persons with disabilities
    • Petitions
    • Physician assistants
      • regulation of
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Poet Laureate
      • Ontario
    • Poet Laureate of Ontario Act (In Memory of Gord Downie), 2019 (Bill 6)
      • third reading, 6905
    • Political advertising - third-party
      • financial reporting
        • disclosure timelines, 12630
      • spending limits
    • Political fundraising
    • Political fundraising - personal donations
      • annual contribution limits, 12630
      • attestation requirement, 2515
      • employer information
    • Political parties - internal elections
    • Private members' public business
      • Accessibility for persons with disabilities
      • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
      • COVID-19 response
      • Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61)
        • second reading, 2904
      • Education funding
      • Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), 2020 (Bill 172)
      • Egyptian Heritage Month Act, 2019 (Bill 106)
        • second reading, 5618
      • Employment Standards Amendment Act (Sick Notes), 2020 (Bill 200)
      • Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act, 2019 (Bill 150)
      • Equity Education for Young Ontarians Act, 2021 (Bill 287)
      • Food Day Canada in Ontario (in Honour of Anita Stewart) Act, 2021 (Bill 163)
      • Food Literacy for Students Act, 2020 (Bill 216)
        • second reading, 9820
      • Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week Act, 2021 (Bill 230)
      • Immunization
      • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Amendment Act (Advanced Glucose Monitoring Devices), 2021 (Bill 272)
      • More Than a Visitor Act (Caregiving in Congregate Care Settings), 2020 (Bill 203)
      • Nancy Rose Act (Paediatric Hospice Palliative Care Strategy), 2019 (Bill 114)
      • "Notwithstanding" clause
      • Paid Personal Emergency Leave Now Act, 2021 (Bill 247)
      • Paris Galt Moraine Conservation Act, 2019 (Bill 71)
        • second reading, 3554
      • Public Health Accountability Act (In Honour of Dr. Sheela Basrur), 2020 (Bill 227)
      • Seniors' Advocate Act, 2020 (Bill 196)
        • second reading, 9709
      • Support Workers Pay Act, 2021 (Bill 266)
      • Tenant protection
      • Time to Care Act (Long-Term Care Homes Amendment, Minimum Standard of Daily Care), 2020 (Bill 13)
      • United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, 2019 (Bill 76)
    • Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (Bill 124)
      • third reading, 6042
    • Protecting Elections and Defending Democracy Act, 2021 (Bill 307)
    • Protecting Ontario Elections Act, 2021 (Bill 254)
      • second reading, 11753
      • judicial review
      • third reading, 12630
    • Protecting Passenger Safety Act, 2019 (Bill 170)
      • first reading, 6880
    • Protecting Small Business Act, 2020 (Bill 192)
    • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100)
    • Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
    • Public accounts 2017-2018
    • Public education campaigns - accessibility
      • Community Living Day, 4765
      • International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 6585, 10997
      • National Disability Employment Awareness Month, 10521
    • Public education campaigns - children
    • Public education campaigns - community
    • Public education campaigns - community development
      • Kindness Week, 6979
      • National Housing Day, 6229
      • Seniors' Month, 13999
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
    • Public education campaigns - culture
      • Filipino Heritage Month, 13915
      • Italian Heritage Month, 14077
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Public education campaigns - historical/national
      • Egyptian Heritage Month, 5618
      • Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 8319
    • Public education campaigns - occupations
      • Front-line and Essential Service Worker Week, 11037
      • National Nursing Week, 13562
      • Personal Support Worker Day, 13617
    • Public education campaigns - safety
    • Public education campaigns - violence, sexual violence, and harassment
    • Public education campaigns - women
      • Women's History Month, 5766
    • Public health units
      • government funding, 12438
      • program funding allocation, 7548
    • Public health units - restructuring
      • funding formula, 7548
    • Public sector compensation increase - cap on
      • legal challenge, 6042
    • Public sector compensation increases - cap on
      • and collective bargaining rights, 6042
    • Question period
    • Racism
    • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
    • Regional/district chairs
      • selection method, 709
    • Remembrance Day, 5998
    • Rental housing
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
      • above-guideline increases
      • rent freeze
    • Rental housing - evictions
      • due to renovation, 8856
    • Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (Bill 195)
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57)
      • third reading, 2919
    • Retirement homes
      • in other jurisdictions, 13258
    • School boards
      • systemic barriers, annual reporting on, 13744
    • School boards - directors of education
    • Schools
      • mental health services, 6386
    • Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight
      • appearance of COVID-19 command table, 9787, 10332, 10777
      • COVID-19 vaccine oversight, 11208
      • general remarks, 8585
      • independent members
        • time allocation, 8585
      • mandate, 10977
      • role of, 8711
      • written reports
    • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Senior citizens
    • Senior citizens - COVID-19
    • Seniors' advocate
      • creation of office
        • general remarks, 9709
    • Small Business Support Grant
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
    • Snow removal industry
      • liability insurance
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
      • second reading, 9409
    • Somali community
    • Somali Heritage Week Act, 2020 (Bill 180)
    • Special education - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
    • Standing Orders by order - 2020
      • III. Meetings of the House
        • S.O. 7: parliamentary calendar
          • (c): evening sittings, 6593
      • VI. Rules of Debate
        • S.O. 27: questions on speeches, 6593
      • VIII. Daily Routine
        • S.O. 35: question period
          • (e): responses to questions, 6593
          • (g): independent members, 6594
        • S.O. 36
          • (b): proceedings on adjournment, 6593
      • X. Special Debates
        • S.O. 45: opposition days
          • (b) (iv.1): independent members, 6594
      • XI. Motions
        • S.O. 50: time allocation motions
          • (b.1): independent members, 6594
      • XVII. Private Members' Public Business
        • S.O. 101: time allotment
          • (iv): independent members, 6594
      • XX. Committees
        • S.O. 116: committee membership
          • (e): temporary substitutions, 6594
    • Standing orders reform - 2020
    • Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 25
    • Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 25
    • Suicide - child and youth
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Taxation - low-income individuals and families tax credit
      • general remarks, 2322
    • 10 Paid Sick Days for Ontario Workers Act, 2021 (Bill 305)
    • Throne speech debate
    • Time allocation motions
      • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
      • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
      • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Tornadoes in Ottawa (September 2018), 1122
    • Toronto
    • Transition Child Benefit
      • for refugee claimants, 5208
    • Tributes
    • United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
      • legislative alignment with
    • Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
    • Vaccinations
      • flu shot
    • Vaping and youth
      • as gateway to smoking, 1653
    • Vaping products
      • marketing, target demographics, 1653
    • Veterans
    • Violence against women
    • Vision care
      • public health programs
        • children's vision screening, 7548
    • Vision health
    • White Pines Wind Project - cancellation
      • cost
        • general remarks, 349
      • impact on business environment, 349
    • Women
      • rights and advancement, 5766
    • WSIB Coverage for Workers in Residential Care Facilities and Group Homes Act, 2020 (Bill 194)
    • Youth
      • and policy development, 8787
  • French, J.K. (NDP, Oshawa)

    • Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (Bill 245)
    • Access to Natural Gas Act, 2018 (Bill 32)
    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283)
    • Affordable housing
    • Aggregate industry
      • reform
        • impact on groundwater, 6768
    • Alternate-level-of-care (ALC) beds
    • Animal fighting
      • Chatham 21 pitbull ring, 6092
    • Animal protection system - reform
      • consultation process, 6092, 6307
      • general remarks, 6094
      • interim period
        • general remarks, 6093
      • regulations under, 6093
    • Animal welfare
    • Animal welfare inspectors
    • Animal welfare offences
      • cases
        • general remarks, 6093
    • Animal welfare offences - penalties
      • general remarks, 6307
      • judicial discretion, 6095
      • prohibition orders, 6095, 6098
      • restitution orders, 6098
    • Arts and culture industry - COVID-19
      • economic impact, 8743
    • Automobile insurance reform
      • rental cars, liability cap, 5008
    • Automotive industry
      • COVID-19
        • worker supports, 9411
      • economic impact
        • employment, 234
      • government strategy, 234, 517
    • Automotive workers
      • employment leave, 517
    • Basic Income Pilot cancellation
      • transparency, 516
    • Beck, Adam, 4184–4185
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • impact on business environment, 1460
    • Broadband infrastructure development
    • Broadband infrastructure development programs
      • Improving Connectivity for Ontario (ICON), 11935
    • Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10)
      • first reading, 481
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2021
    • Budget speech 2019 (April 11, 2019)
    • Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (Bill 171)
    • Bullying and cyberbullying
      • awareness and prevention, 8988
      • school response
    • Business environment
      • general remarks, 1460
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - s.33: notwithstanding clause
      • re Toronto City Council downsizing
    • Cannabis - legalization
    • Cannabis - regulatory enforcement
      • police resources, 1350
    • Cannabis Statute Law Amendment Act, 2018 (Bill 36)
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4)
    • Cap-and-trade
      • as carbon tax, 627
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation - economic impact
      • general remarks, 628
    • Charities and non-profits
    • Child care
      • fatalities, 3996
      • Ontario Ombudsman report
        • Careless About Child Care 2014, 3996
    • Child care - CARE tax credit
    • Child care - regulatory reform
      • provider-to-child ratios
    • Civil liability - COVID-19
      • application
        • long-term care, 9841
      • contractual standard, 10413
    • Civil liability exemptions - COVID-19
      • application
        • long-term care, 8489
      • stakeholder response, 10413
    • Clean technology industry
      • government funding, 1566
    • Climate change
      • general remarks, 1566–1567
      • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
        • Global Warming of 1.5 °C report (2018), 1565
    • Climate change impact
    • Climate change mitigation
    • Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 (Bill 251)
    • Commercial tenancies
      • and COVID-19
        • Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA), 7824
    • Committee procedure
      • amendments
      • clause-by-clause, 2654
    • Committee process
    • Community housing
      • retrofit programs, funding, 1385
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68)
    • Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act, 2020 (Bill 175)
    • Conservation authorities - reform
      • stakeholder response, 11931
    • COVID-19
      • data collection
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
      • on equity-seeking groups
      • general remarks, 7824
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • in equity-seeking groups
      • and women, 12420
    • COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197)
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • federal
        • Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
        • wage subsidy, 7824
      • provincial
        • persons with disabilities, 8374
      • by sector
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
      • health and safety
        • general remarks, 8029
    • COVID-19 - public response to, 8028
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
      • administration locations
      • paid leave during, 12421, 13297
      • rollout strategy, 12420
      • target populations
        • BIPOC communities, 13243
    • COVID-19 - vaccination by population
      • high-transmission communities, 13653
    • COVID-19 - vaccination, data collection
    • COVID-19 - vaccines
    • Crime
      • victim services funding, 13333
    • Crown attorneys
      • training and education
        • animal welfare, 6307
    • Curriculum - health and physical education
    • Curriculum - health and physical education (2019)
      • consultation process, 518
    • Cycling safety
    • Dental care
      • for senior citizens
      • via emergency or primary health providers, 4372
    • Developmental services - providers
    • Driver education
    • Driving - careless
    • Driving - dangerous
    • Driving - drug-impaired
    • Driving - stunt driving and street racing
    • E-bikes
    • Education
      • e-learning credit requirements, 6313
      • general remarks, 4646
    • Education - COVID-19
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
    • Education funding
    • Education funding - post-secondary
      • general remarks, 4371
      • tied to performance indicators, 4371
    • Education reform
      • general remarks, 4582
      • public response, 4582
    • Efficient Local Government Act, 2018 (Bill 31)
      • second reading, 970
    • Elder abuse
    • Electricity billing
    • Electricity price mitigation programs
      • Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program, 1471
    • Electricity rates
      • affordability, 1565
    • Electricity system
    • Employment - COVID-19
    • Employment standards reform (2018)
    • Energy rates
    • Environmental assessments - process reform
    • Environmental protection
      • administrative penalties, 6764
    • Environmental Registry
      • posting of government bills
        • natural gas expansion, 1471
    • Estate administration
      • virtual service delivery
        • witnessing of documents, 11483
    • Fairness for Road Users Act (Contraventions Causing Death or Serious Bodily Harm), 2019 (Bill 122)
    • Fairness for the Auto Sector Act (Employment Standards), 2018 (Bill 12)
      • first reading, 482
    • Farmers
      • natural gas access, 1460
    • Fixing the Hydro Mess Act, 2019 (Bill 87)
    • Flood management
    • Former members/ministers - record
      • DiNovo, Cheri (NDP, 2006-2017)
        • private members' public business, 6092
    • Freeing Highways 412 and 418 Act (Toll Highway Amendments), 2020 (Bill 43)
    • French-language debates
      • Jour de l'opposition
        • Services en français, 2711
      • Loi de 2021 visant à accélérer l'accès à la justice, projet de loi 245
        • deuxième lecture, 11486
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant closure
    • General Motors (GM) - Oshawa plant reopening
      • impact on auto parts suppliers, 12421
    • Getting Ontario Moving Act (Transportation Statute Law Amendment), 2019 (Bill 107)
    • GO Transit
      • fares
        • discounted double fare program, termination of, 7575
      • service expansion, 4375
    • GO Transit expansion by region
    • Government advertising
    • Government contracts - public-private partnerships (P3s)
      • relative cost, 7126
    • Government finances
      • revenue generation
        • from highway tolls, 10486
    • Government notices of motion
    • Government orders
      • Government policies
      • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
      • Standing orders
        • amendment to the amendment (lost)
    • Government record
      • Liberal (2003-2018)
      • PC (1995-2003)
        • energy policy, 1565
      • PC (2018-present)
    • Green Energy Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 12, Sched. A
      • provisions to be re-enacted, 1566, 1569
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34)
    • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
    • Health care services - delivery
      • private vs. public, 4371
    • Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 (Bill 204)
      • second reading, 9387
    • Highway 407
    • Highway construction and expansion
      • Highway 413
        • environmental assessment, 13273
    • Highway tolls
    • Highways - speed limits
    • Home and community care
      • legislative framework for, 7351
      • patient-staff continuity, 13248
    • Home and community care - reform
      • statements by stakeholders, 8473
    • Homelessness
      • shelters, siting of, 15
    • Hospital beds
      • alternate-level-of-care patients, 5863
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
    • Hospitals - overcrowding
      • general remarks, 7343
      • government strategy, 7343
    • Hospitals - overcrowding by site
      • Lakeridge Health (Durham), 5863
    • Hospitals - private
    • Housing development
    • Housing supply, 15
    • Housing - supply
    • Human trafficking
    • Human trafficking - awareness of
    • Human trafficking - factors affecting
      • socio-economic conditions, 13333
    • Human trafficking - government strategy
    • Human trafficking - hotels
      • short-term rentals, 13334
    • Human trafficking - law enforcement
    • Human trafficking - survivor services
    • Hydro One privatization
      • general remarks, 1565
    • Immigration and refugee policy
      • Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, 15, 40, 391
    • Infrastructure development
      • COVID-19, impact on timelines, 8030
    • Infrastructure - roads and highways
      • construction process
        • timelines for, 8766
    • Invasive species
      • garlic mustard, 5216
    • Judicial appointments
    • Judicial appointments - Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
    • Justice - administration of
    • Justice system - COVID-19
    • Land expropriation
      • land appraisals
        • report service timelines, 11481
      • mandatory land inspections, 11481
    • Land use planning
    • Land use planning - ministerial zoning orders, 10287–10288, 10906–10907
    • Land use planning - Transit-Oriented Communities Program
      • implementation timeline, 8766
    • Legal aid services
    • Legions
    • Legislative drafting
    • Legislative procedure
      • answers to written questions, 5910
    • Legislative procedure - proceedings
      • opposition days, 1069
    • Legislative procedure - sessional day
      • night sittings, 1069
    • Legislative process
    • Legislative process - COVID-19
    • Library services funding
      • impact on interlibrary loans, 4560
    • Licence plates
      • unused inventory, 7033
    • Licence plates - new
    • Light rail transit (LRT) - Eglinton Crosstown
      • construction delays
        • costs to TTC, 7127
        • impact on community, 7126
    • Long-term care
    • Long-term care - beds
    • Long-term care - by region
    • Long-term care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term care - government funding
      • allocation, 2156
      • Treasury Board request, 8489
    • Long-term care - public vs. private
      • operational comparisons
        • resident investment, 7853
    • Long-term care - residents
      • abuse and neglect
      • safety, 3783
    • Long-term care - staff
      • working conditions, 13244
    • Long-term-care - COVID-19 review commission
    • Long-term-care facilities
      • public notification
    • Long-term-care facilities - by site
      • Orchard Villa (Peterborough), 7853
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, infection control
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19, staff
      • mental health supports, 13244
    • Long-term-care facilities - private vs. public
      • private delivery
        • living conditions, 9809
        • transition to public delivery, 9809
    • Main Street Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 215)
    • Manufacturing industry
      • operational reconfiguration
    • Members' statements
    • Members/ministers quoting
      • Financial Accountability Officer (FAO)
        • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan, 517
      • Green New Democratic Deal, 11929
      • letters
        • long-term care, 7854
      • municipal resolutions
        • disclosure of sex offenders in LTC facilities, 3782–3783
      • news media, 3996
      • Office of the President of the Treasury Board
        • ministerial zoning orders, 11934
      • Ontario's Flooding Strategy, 11934
      • other members, 4184
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • de-escalation resources, 518
    • Mental health and addictions services funding
    • Mental health and addictions services - funding
    • Mental health and addictions services funding
      • general remarks, 4371
    • Ministerial statements
    • Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    • Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
      • directive powers
        • climate change strategy, 629
    • Motorcycles
      • as vulnerable road users, 5008
    • Moving Ontarians More Safely Act, 2021 (Bill 282)
    • Municipal finances
      • under COVID-19, 8030
    • Natural gas
      • consumer protections
        • commencement of, 1471
      • conversion to
        • impact on heating costs, 1460
      • sale of, revenue restrictions, 1470
    • Natural gas - access to
    • Natural gas distribution
      • private sector involvement, 1462
    • Natural gas expansion
    • Natural gas expansion - cost of
    • Natural gas expansion - project approval
      • authority to approve, 2655
      • prioritization of projects, 2655
      • return on investment
    • Natural gas expansion - rate protection program
    • Natural Gas Grant Program (NGGP)
    • Natural gas rates
      • general remarks, 1473
    • New Democratic Party (NDP)
      • election platform (2018)
        • natural gas expansion, 1459
      • Green New Democratic Deal, 11929
    • Ontario Autism Program (2019)
      • childhood budgets
      • general remarks, 3185
    • Ontario Autism Program (2020-2021)
      • pilot program
    • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
    • Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, SO 1998, c 15, Schedule B
      • consumer protection provisions
        • proclamation of, 1471
    • Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
    • Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
    • Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
    • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA)
      • enforcement of animal protection legislation
        • constitutional challenge, 6091
    • Ontario Special Investigations Unit Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3, Schedule 4
      • O Reg 355/18, immediate medical care, 3221, 3223
    • Ontario Trillium Foundation
      • government funding, 13351
    • Ontario Works (OW)
    • Ontario's Fair Hydro Plan
    • Opposition day motions
    • Opposition parties
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
      • professional development, 13243
      • training standards, 13243
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
    • Persons with disabilities
      • community centres, 12422
    • Pet ownership
      • dogs on food premises, 6768
    • Petitions
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138)
    • Police officers
    • Police services
    • Police services oversight
      • general remarks, 3222
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • public response to, 3223
      • Tulloch report (2017), recommendations, 3222
    • Policy development
      • public consultation, 4371
    • Polio
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
      • diagnosis of, 595
      • in emergency service providers
        • presumptive legislation, 595
    • Preventive health
      • cost-effectiveness, 4370
    • Private members' public business
      • Brunt and Kendall Act (Ensuring Safe Firefighter and Trainee Rescue Training), 2018 (Bill 10)
      • Greenbelt
      • Immigrant and refugee services
      • Non-Profit Sector Appreciation Week Act, 2021 (Bill 285)
      • PTSD Awareness Day Act, 2018 (Bill 9)
      • Road safety
    • Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act, 2020 (Bill 184)
      • third reading, 8741
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 269)
    • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
    • Public education campaigns - community development
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Public education campaigns - justice
      • Human Trafficking Awareness Day, 11398
    • Public education campaigns - Mental health
    • Public education campaigns - women
      • International Women's Day, 11843
    • Public health units - restructuring
    • Question period
    • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159)
    • Refugees
    • Refugees - resettlement
      • funding for
        • jurisdiction, 84, 518
        • from province, 15
      • housing, 15
    • Regional/district chairs
      • election cancellation (2018)
        • general remarks, 518
    • Regulations
    • Renewable energy contracts
      • impact on electricity rates, 1565
    • Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
      • impact on business environment, 518
    • Rental housing - COVID-19
    • Rental housing - evictions
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66)
    • Road safety
    • Road safety - roadside workers
    • Road safety - speed limits
      • increase speed pilot programs, 11377
    • Road safety - vulnerable road users
    • Road tolls
    • Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2019 (Bill 48)
    • Safer Ontario Act, 2018, SO 2018, c 3
      • general remarks, 3221
      • police services, outsourcing, 3223
      • SIU investigations, initiation criteria, 3217, 3221, 3223
    • Safety and rescue training
      • participant deaths, 2097
      • regulation of, 2097
    • School boards
      • review task force, 4370
    • School buses - safety
      • improper passing penalties, 5008
      • stop-arm cameras, 5008
    • Schools
    • Select Committee on Alternative Fuel Sources (2001-2002), 1256
    • Select Committee on Financial Transparency
    • Select Committee on Mental Health and Addictions (2009-2010)
      • recommendations, 1256
    • Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment (2014-2016), 1256
    • Select committees
      • general remarks, 1256
    • Sexual assault crisis centres
      • government funding, 13333
    • Skypride Travel & Tours Ltd. Act, 2020 (Bill Pr32)
    • Small Business Support Grant
    • Smarter and Stronger Justice Act, 2020 (Bill 161)
      • third reading, 8393
    • Social assistance - COVID-19
    • Social assistance programs
      • benefit rates
        • changes to, 516
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission
    • Soldiers' Aid Commission Act, 2020 (Bill 202)
    • Special Investigations Unit (SIU) - investigative process
    • Standing Orders
      • amendment (2018)
        • historically, 1068
        • impact on debate time, 1070
        • review at committee, 1070
      • general remarks, 1070
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 (Bill 154)
    • Strikes
      • back-to-work legislation
        • impact on bargaining process, 245
    • Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021 (Bill 257)
    • Supporting Ontario's Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020 (Bill 218)
    • Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act, 2021 (Bill 276)
    • Throne speech debate
      • participation, 40
    • Time allocation motions
      • Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019 (Bill 136)
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion - acceleration
      • compensation
        • general remarks, 7127
        • loss of right to, 7125
      • deliverables
      • municipal consultation, 7125–7126
      • obstruction and interference
        • definition of, 7125
      • property access
      • secondary costs to municipalities, 7125
      • tree removal, 7124
      • utility relocation, 7125
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
      • transfer to provincial jurisdiction
        • and accountability, 5014
        • terms of reference, 5007
    • Towing industry
    • Transit by region
    • Transit funding
      • general remarks, 2518
    • Transit infrastructure development
      • general remarks, 7123, 7127
      • impact on community, 7126
      • project management, 7125
      • project prioritization, 7125
      • public-private partnerships (P3s)
      • stakeholder consultation, 7123, 7126
    • Transportation enforcement officers
      • enforcement powers, 13676
    • Transportation policy
      • regulatory exemptions, 5007
    • Tributes
    • TV Ontario/TFO
      • online education
        • administration of, 13263
    • Unions
      • government relationship with, 4162
    • University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
      • rebranding and renaming, 4134
    • Urgent Priorities Act, 2018 (Bill 2)
    • Veterans
    • Veterans - support services
    • Violence against women
      • shelter availability, 4373
    • Water quality
      • nutrient pollution, 11928
    • Wetlands
    • Wills
    • York University strike - back-to-work legislation
      • impact on bargaining process, 518
  • Fullerton, Hon. M. (PC, Kanata—Carleton)

Last updated