Private members' motions

42nd Parliament, 1st Session

A motion is a proposal an MPP makes that requires a decision from the House. The House may discuss the motion before it makes a decision. The House can agree to the motion, disagree to the motion, or amend the motion.

Here you will find the current version, stages, and outcome of motions proposed by opposition or backbench MPPs during the current session of Parliament.


Moved without notice Mr. Rasheed (Mississauga East—Cooksville)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario condemns all acts of violence and terrorism against people of the Muslim faith and reaffirms its condemnation of all forms of Islamophobia and its support for the Anti-Racism Directorate.

motionJune 12, 2021Kaleed Rasheedmoved-
motionJune 12, 2021-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Crawford (Oakville)

That the Orders for Second and Third Reading of the following Private Bills shall be called consecutively and the questions on the motions for Second and Third Reading of the Bills be put immediately without debate:- Bill Pr34, An Act to revive Apollo Shawarma and Grill Inc. Bill Pr37, An Act respecting the Parya Trillium Foundation. Bill Pr39, An Act to revive Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited. Bill Pr40, An Act to revive Castleform Developments Inc. Bill Pr41, An Act to revive 2560462 Ontario Ltd. Bill Pr42, An Act to revive Hawke-Lea Holdings Ltd. Bill Pr43, An Act to revive 2271767 Ontario Inc. Bill Pr44, An Act to revive 2353043 Ontario Inc. Bill Pr45, An Act to revive 1825821 Ontario Ltd. Bill Pr46, An Act to revive Shuang Ying Company Ltd. Bill Pr48, An Act to revive Darvey Holdings Limited. Bill Pr49, An Act to revive Woodex Inc. Bill Pr50, An Act to revive Whittrick N D T Services Ltd.; and That the Member for Oakville (Mr. Crawford) may move the motions for Second and Third Reading of Bills Pr34, Pr37, Pr40, Pr42, Pr43, Pr44, Pr45, Pr46, Pr48, and Pr49 on behalf of their respective sponsors.

motionJune 2, 2021Stephen Crawfordmoved-
motionJune 2, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 166 Mr. Glover (Spadina—Fort York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should conduct a thoughtful, comprehensive public review of the proposed redevelopment of Ontario Place, inclusive of robust public consultation that includes the Indigenous community.

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Motion 165 Ms. Lindo (Kitchener Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should, as part of an effort to enhance transparency and accountability and to address the impact of renovictions in the rental housing market, establish a rent registry maintained by the Landlord and Tenant Board and set out rules requiring that landlords file statements with the Board for inclusion in the registry, providing for consequences for failing to file the statement and governing the disclosure of information in the registry.

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Motion 164 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should address housing affordability for Ontarians by implementing a Greater Golden Horseshoe region-wide vacant home tax set at 2% percent of a home’s property value for investor-owned properties that are not occupied for six or more months each year, and use the revenue generated by this tool to build affordable and deeply affordable housing.

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Motion 163 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should address housing affordability for Ontarians by implementing a Greater Golden Horseshoe region-wide speculation tax set at 2% of a home’s property value on owners who pay the majority of their taxes outside of the province, and use the revenue generated by this tool to build affordable and deeply affordable housing.

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Motion 162 Ms. Singh (Brampton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should allow outdoor amenities and activities to immediately re-open safely, in keeping with the recommendations of the Ontario Science Table and other public health experts, as part of an overall effort to promote the mental and physical health of Ontarians during COVID-19 lockdown orders.

motionMay 17, 2021Sara Singhmoved-
motionMay 17, 2021-debated-
motionMay 17, 2021-question putvote deferred
motionMay 17, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 161 Ms. Karpoche (Parkdale—High Park)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should officially recognize May 5 of each year as Maternal Mental Health Day in Ontario.

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Motion 160 Mr. Hassan (York South—Weston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should eliminate the issuance of N13 eviction notices during the pandemic and develop a post-pandemic framework that prioritizes the rights and protections of tenants during N13 application processes.

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Motion 159 Mr. Hassan (York South—Weston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should take steps to reduce the high costs of auto insurance in the Greater Toronto Area by ending postal code discrimination and mandating a COVID-19 rebate and reduction in rates to reflect data on lower automobile usage and lower rates of collisions during the pandemic.

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Motion 158 Mr. Nicholls (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should create a working group to examine the issue of ground current and to provide recommendations about developing best practices in order to protect people and livestock from stray current.

motionMay 3, 2021Rick Nichollsmoved-
motionMay 3, 2021-debated-
motionMay 3, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 157 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of an affordable housing strategy and efforts to protect renters, implement an immediate ban on above guideline rent increases (AGIs) to protect tenants until at least 12 months after the official end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

motionMay 11, 2021Jill Andrewmoved-
motionMay 11, 2021-debated-
motionMay 11, 2021-question putvote deferred
motionMay 12, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 156 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of an effort to protect the rights of tenants, withdraw the proposed amendments to the Statutory Powers Procedure Act from Bill 276, including the punitive fines for recording proceedings, and instead develop procedures to ensure broadcasts and recordings of such hearings adhere to the core open courts principle as part of an effort to ensure transparency and accountability of the tribunal process.

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Motion 155 Mrs. Martin (Eglinton—Lawrence)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Legislative Assembly of Ontario should, in broad consultation and direct engagement with Ontario’s Jewish community, establish a Holocaust memorial on the grounds of the Assembly no later than 2025.

motionApril 19, 2021-question put-
motionApril 19, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 154 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of its COVID-19 response, implement a full shutdown of non-essential businesses with high rates of COVID-19 transmission as reported by municipal and provincial public health data, and extend adequate financial supports to workers and businesses impacted by the interruption.

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Motion 153 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of its COVID-19 response, legislate a provincially-mandated paid sick days plan that includes provisions for paid time off for the purposes of vaccination.

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Motion 152 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should immediately repeal Regulation 298/21 and withdraw the expanded powers granted to Ontario’s police services.

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Motion 151 Ms. Triantafilopoulos (Oakville North—Burlington)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should expand the Greenbelt to further protect the province’s environment, groundwater, and agricultural resources for future generations, through the addition of portions of land located in the Paris Galt Moraine.

motionApril 21, 2021Effie J. Triantafilopoulosmoved-
motionApril 21, 2021-debated-
motionApril 21, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 150 Mr. Bourgouin (Mushkegowuk—James Bay)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should commit to a truck owner-operator strategy to address the truck driver shortage and the increasing truck insurance costs affecting truck owner-operators that includes mandating trucking companies that operate fleets to provide their drivers with a letter of experience upon request, to review the current underwriting rules and risk classification that gravely affect truck owner-operators, and to re-evaluate the current truck driver training standards and costs.

motionApril 29, 2021Guy Bourgouinmoved-
motionApril 29, 2021-debated-
motionApril 29, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 149 Mr. Babikian (Scarborough—Agincourt)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should consult with stakeholders and interested parties about expanding the jurisdiction of the Condominium Authority Tribunal to better serve and protect condominium owners.

motionApril 12, 2021Aris Babikianmoved-
motionApril 12, 2021-debated-
motionApril 12, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 148 Mr. Glover (Spadina—Fort York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should commit to addressing the homelessness crisis by immediately acquiring emergency shelter space that will ultimately be converted into permanent supportive housing, and over the next decade, to building at least 69,000 affordable housing units, and at least 30,000 supportive housing units accompanied by wraparound supports including overdose prevention, employment programs, and mental health and addictions resources for those hardest to house.

motionMarch 29, 2021Chris Glovermoved-
motionMarch 29, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 29, 2021-question putvote deferred
motionMarch 29, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 147 Ms. Lindo (Kitchener Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should declare anti-Black racism a public health crisis and take the necessary steps to strengthen the Anti-Racism Directorate as part of a whole-of-Government anti-Black racism strategy that is clearly articulated, adequately funded and culturally responsive.

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Moved without notice Mme Collard (Ottawa—Vanier)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Franco-Ontarian flag should be permanently displayed in the Legislative Chamber and on the Legislative grounds.

motionMarch 10, 2021Lucille Collardmoved-
motionMarch 10, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 146 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should create a provincial food strategy that includes affirmation of access to food inclusive of fresh fruits and vegetables as a human right and culturally and regionally addresses marginal, moderate and severe food insecurity for all Ontarians, including seniors, ODSP/OW recipients, BIPOC, artist and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, fixed or low-income households, sole-parent families, persons with disabilities, injured workers and others disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and the social determinants of health in general.

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Motion 145 Ms. Stiles (Davenport)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should establish a Child and Youth Post-Pandemic Recovery Secretariat to develop and implement a Youth Recovery Action Plan to help mitigate the pandemic’s impacts on children, youth and young adults, particularly those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

motionMarch 9, 2021Marit Stilesmoved-
motionMarch 9, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 9, 2021-question putvote deferred pursuant to s.o. 30(h)
motionMarch 10, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 144 Ms. Begum (Scarborough Southwest)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, to avoid the dangerous exclusion of vulnerable populations in high-risk communities, implement a COVID-19 vaccination strategy that prioritizes age and targets communities hardest hit by the virus in keeping with the advice of the Provincial Science Table and National Advisory Committee on Immunizations.

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Motion 143 Ms. Berns-McGown (Beaches—East York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should establish a rent relief program issued directly to residential tenants who have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic to help ensure no tenant faces eviction for pandemic-related rent arrears or debts both during and after the pandemic.

motionMarch 11, 2021Rima Berns-McGownmoved-
motionMarch 11, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 11, 2021-question putvote deferred pursuant to s.o. 30(h)
motionMarch 22, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 142 Mr. Mantha (Algoma—Manitoulin)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should develop a COVID-19 internet strategy that focuses on rate relief for increased internet usage in northern and rural communities, removes the provincial portion of the HST from residential and small business users, and helps ensure that no Ontarian loses access to internet service during the pandemic.

motionMarch 8, 2021Michael Manthamoved-
motionMarch 8, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 8, 2021-question putvote deferred pursuant to s.o. 10(c)
motionMarch 8, 2021-votelost on division
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Motion 141 Ms. Sattler (London West)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of its COVID-19 response strategy, immediately implement a provincially-mandated paid sick leave program in accordance with the advice of Ontario’s boards of health and medical officers of health, Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM), municipal councils, organized labour and business advocacy groups.

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Motion 140 Mr. Kanapathi (Markham—Thornhill)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should increase student awareness and education about the importance of conservation for future generations and the benefits of ecological initiatives such as planting trees and protecting air, water, and land through opportunities including student volunteer hours and taking part in the Provincial Day of Action on Litter.

motionMarch 1, 2021Logan Kanapathimoved-
motionMarch 1, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 1, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 139 Ms. Singh (Brampton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, as part of a strategy to address issues of inadequate pay in the health sector, immediately increase the permanent pay of Ontario’s PSWs by four dollars per hour.

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Motion 138 Mrs. Tangri (Mississauga—Streetsville)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should take action to keep our roads and communities safe by increasing penalties for stunt driving and other dangerous offences under the Highway Traffic Act.

motionFebruary 22, 2021Nina Tangrimoved-
motionFebruary 22, 2021-debated-
motionFebruary 22, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 137 Ms. Stiles (Davenport)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should establish a pandemic recovery school safety advisory group comprised of public health experts, parents, students, teacher and education worker unions, and school boards as a part of a COVID-19 safe schools plan that fully implements the advice and recommendations of public health experts as follows: (1) comprehensive in-school asymptomatic testing; and (2) appropriate funding to cap class sizes at 15 students per class and provide adequate ventilation in classrooms and other learning spaces.

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Motion 136 Mr. Natyshak (Essex)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should establish targeted COVID-19 relief programs for small and medium enterprises with an emphasis on businesses that do not fit current criteria to access existing provincial and federal initiatives, focus on adequate commercial rent and payroll supports directly accessible by businesses, and incorporate an arts sector strategy that preserves the viability of venues impacted by the pandemic.

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Motion 135 Mr. Hassan (York South—Weston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should implement an equity-based COVID-19 response strategy for disproportionally impacted communities that includes community hub-based approaches to information and vaccine distribution; the use of culturally-appropriate and language-specific resources; ongoing consultation and regular, in-progress evaluation to help ensure effective engagement; and the implementation of paid sick-days, commercial and residential rent relief and eviction protection, a dedicated fund for small businesses facing historic and systemic barriers to access to capital and other interim measures to help manage pandemic response.

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Motion 134 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government shall immediately protect Ontario workers by implementing a safe workplaces plan that will: • Guarantee 10 paid sick days for all Ontario workers without requiring a certificate from a qualified health practitioner as evidence; • Mandate increased inspections in workplaces and increased penalties for employers who are not complying with public health guidelines; • Mandate that workplaces provide proper PPE for all staff to keep workers safe and provide space for meals and breaks that enable physical distancing in compliance with public health guidelines; • Introduce an awareness campaign to encourage workers to report unsafe working conditions, and ensure that the reporting process is easily accessible; • Provide immediate funding to increase rapid testing at warehouses and other workplaces where there have been continued outbreaks; and • Outline a vaccination roll-out strategy for essential workers in high risk workplaces, starting in hotspot regions, that includes paid time off for workers to receive their COVID vaccine.

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Motion 133 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of the House, the Government of Ontario should immediately include the art form of comedy as a part of Ontario’s culture sector, and acknowledge the benefits it provides to cultural tourism and job creation by providing the funding necessary to strengthen the industry.

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Motion 132 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately include fashion as part of Ontario’s culture sector and provide the funding necessary to strengthen and promote the fashion industry both domestically and abroad.

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Motion 131 Mr. Glover (Spadina—Fort York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, after consulting with survivors and advocates, amend the Provincial Offences Act and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act to allow provincial fines and outstanding OSAP debts to be forgiven on compassionate grounds for victims of human trafficking.

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Motion 130 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately implement a “Little Jamaica” Small Business Economic Health and Community Wellness Strategy to invest in and protect “Little Jamaica’s” Eglinton West small business and local community from the disproportionate impacts of longstanding construction associated with the Metrolinx Eglinton LRT Crosstown (2011) and COVID-19 (2020), which would include: up to $30,000 in compensation for Eglington West businesses impacted by COVID-19, flooding and LRT construction; mandated transparent and timely communications between Metrolinx, the Ministry of Transportation and “Little Jamaica” small business and local community members through the establishment of a joint Small Business Task Force for the area; commercial rent relief for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and a moratorium on commercial evictions; historical designation of “Little Jamaica” and an arts and culture strategy that recognizes the social and economic contributions made by the community; and the building of real affordable housing within the community, prioritizing inclusionary zoning in all new builds.

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Motion 129 Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should provide clear direction to operators that the Trespass to Property Act does not permit them to issue trespass notices to exclude substitute decision makers and guests of the occupants of retirement homes, long-term care homes, and other congregate care accommodations when they raise concerns about their loved ones’ living conditions.

motionMarch 4, 2021Joel Hardenmoved-
motionMarch 4, 2021-debated-
motionMarch 4, 2021-votecarried
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Motion 128 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ontario Government provide funding to and work in partnership with transit agencies in the GTHA to implement two-hour, flat-rate fares so riders can freely access all municipal transit systems for up to two hours on a single flat fare and to increase service levels to match any changes in ridership.

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Motion 127 Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario needs to ensure a clear and transparent COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan that includes prioritizing high-risk Ontarians, bi-weekly reporting of key statistics, and monthly appearances before the Select Committee on Emergency Management Oversight.

motionDecember 8, 2020John Frasermoved-
motionDecember 8, 2020-debated-
motionDecember 8, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 126 Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should, after consulting with the public and municipalities, table legislation that gives municipal councils the ability to institute measures to remove members of council who have been found guilty of serious acts of misconduct, including sexual misconduct.

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Motion 125 Ms. Morrison (Toronto Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should immediately take additional steps to help protect residential tenants by reinstating the temporary moratorium on residential evictions until Ontario has entered a post-pandemic recovery period and by prohibiting evictions for nonpayment of rent for the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

motionDecember 8, 2020-question put-
motionDecember 8, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 124 Mrs. Karahalios (Cambridge)

That, in the opinion of this House, use of the courtesy flagpole should no longer be extended to flying the National Flag of the People’s Republic of China as that country is a one-party state under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.

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Motion 123 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford government should fully transfer, without cost, all surplus properties owned by Metrolinx along the planned Hamilton LRT route to the City of Hamilton as a provincial contribution to the development of affordable housing along the route, whether or not the Ford government proceeds with this long-anticipated municipal transportation priority.

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Motion 122 Mrs. Martin (Eglinton—Lawrence)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should mandate a collaborative approach for school boards, community police services and other partners to develop and adopt an Anti-Human Trafficking Protocol to prevent, identify and recognize human trafficking and develop responses to facilitate early and appropriate intervention.

motionDecember 3, 2020Robin Martinmoved-
motionDecember 3, 2020-debated-
motionDecember 3, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 121 Mrs. Martow (Thornhill)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should encourage the Attorney General to modernize and digitize our legal system by making temporary emergency measures put in place for COVID-19 for the virtual witnessing of wills and powers of attorney permanent in Ontario.

motionNovember 30, 2020Gila Martowmoved-
motionNovember 30, 2020-debated-
motionNovember 30, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 120 Mrs. Martow (Thornhill)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adequately recognize the contribution of the Moroccan community by proclaiming the month of November to be a celebration of Moroccan heritage in Ontario.

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Motion 119 Mr. Wilson (Simcoe—Grey)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should continue to support planning work for the redevelopments and construction of both the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital and Stevenson Memorial Hospital in the Town of New Tecumseth, given the government’s commitment to modernizing Ontario’s healthcare system and ending hallway healthcare and, given population growth projections for Simcoe—Grey.

motionNovember 23, 2020Jim Wilsonmoved-
motionNovember 23, 2020-debated-
motionNovember 23, 2020-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the House revert to “Introduction of Bills”.

motionNovember 2, 2020Gilles Bissonmoved-
motionNovember 2, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 118 Ms. Fife (Waterloo)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should implement a 15% cap on commission fees charged to restaurants by third-party app based food delivery platforms for delivery or pick-up orders for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Motion 117 Mr. Arthur (Kingston and the Islands)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should designate Kingston an Area of High Physician Need and take all necessary steps to address the lack of access to primary physician care in the city.

motionNovember 19, 2020Ian Arthurmoved-
motionNovember 19, 2020-debated-
motionNovember 19, 2020-question putvote deferred pursuant to s.o. 30(h)
motionNovember 23, 2020-votelost on division
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Motion 116 Ms. Ghamari (Carleton)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should continue to improve community safety by incorporating the training that is needed to recognize the link between animal abuse and human violence to all police officers as defined in Section 2 of the Police Services Act and any other persons who would benefit during the course of their duties by receiving such training.

motionOctober 22, 2020Goldie Ghamarimoved-
motionOctober 22, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 22, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 115 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should permit municipalities to set their own noise bylaws in connection with construction, with the exception of essential construction directly related to the healthcare sector.

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Motion 114 Ms. Hogarth (Etobicoke—Lakeshore)

That in the opinion of this House, to help reduce gun and gang violence in our cities, the Government of Ontario urge the Government of Canada to crack down on violent gun crimes, gun traffickers, and those who use firearms for violence and intimidation, by immediately strengthening Criminal Code bail provisions for all charges related to trafficking of firearms and violent firearm offences, and to explore mandatory-minimum sentences for gun trafficking.

motionOctober 6, 2020Christine Hogarthmoved-
motionOctober 6, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 6, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 113 Ms. Stiles (Davenport)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should ensure that our publicly-funded schools meet the needs of their local communities by removing restrictions (O. Reg. 20/98) on the collection of Education Development Charges by the Toronto District School Board, and allow all school boards to use revenue collected from Education Development Charges not only for land acquisition, but also for school expansions, retrofits, repairs, and renewal projects.

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Motion 112 Mr. Oosterhoff (Niagara West)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should continue to improve environmental sustainability, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote economic growth and good jobs by removing regulatory barriers to the expansion of hydrogen technologies in the Province of Ontario, and by encouraging the federal government to support this emerging industry as a way to help Canada meet its carbon emissions reduction targets.

motionOctober 1, 2020Sam Oosterhoffmoved-
motionOctober 1, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 1, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 111 Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, as part of its COVID-19 response strategy, the Ford Government should implement a provincial paid sick days program accessible to everyone not covered by the Federal Government’s paid sick leave program.

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Motion 110 Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That, in the opinion of this House, the government must rise to meet the urgent needs facing Ontarians during the COVID-19 pandemic and address worsening issues in housing, poverty, mental health, long-term care, education, job creation, crime, and violence; and that calling an election before the fixed date in 2022 would put politics ahead of public health and interrupt the ongoing COVID-19 response with a serious human toll in the short and long-term.

motionOctober 5, 2020Mitzie Huntermoved-
motionOctober 5, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 5, 2020-question putvote deferred pursuant to s.o. 10(c)
motionOctober 5, 2020-votecarried on division
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Motion 109 Mrs. Wai (Richmond Hill)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should recognize the importance of respecting parents’ roles and rights as their children’s primary educators; support parental engagement in our quality education system; work to ensure Ontario’s education system communicates with parents and guardians; and provides them with ample opportunity for active involvement, knowledge and decision-making in their children’s education.

motionOctober 1, 2020Daisy Waimoved-
motionOctober 1, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 1, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 108 Mr. Hatfield (Windsor—Tecumseh)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario should ensure that its current review of charitable gaming regulations includes consideration of the need for Royal Canadian Legion Branches and service clubs to raise funds to maintain their social and financial vitality by using local 50/50 and progressive draws.

motionOctober 8, 2020Percy Hatfieldmoved-
motionOctober 8, 2020-debated-
motionOctober 8, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 107 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should implement and fund a province-wide retrofit program to enhance and improve public sector buildings, homes and businesses in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs as part of Ontario's COVID-19 recovery plan; and That the program shall include only home and building retrofits that improve energy performance to save money on energy bills, reduce climate pollution, address and implement public health measures such as improving indoor air quality, and/or improve accessibility for elders and people with disabilities; and shall facilitate the delivery of training programs with a focus on providing more opportunities for women and people of colour in the trades.

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Motion 106 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should provide the funding necessary to establish the safest classroom environment possible and work with school boards, parents and educators to reduce class sizes to a maximum of fifteen students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

motionSeptember 17, 2020Andrea Horwathmoved-
motionSeptember 17, 2020-debated-
motionSeptember 17, 2020-votelost on division
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Motion 105 Mr. Yarde (Brampton North)

That in the Opinion of this House, the Ford Government should provide immediate urgent assistance to the Peel Public Health Unit for increased staffing, testing, community outreach and pro-active workplace inspections to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

motionSeptember 17, 2020Kevin Yardemoved-
motionSeptember 17, 2020-debated-
motionSeptember 17, 2020-votecarried on division
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Motion 104 Miss Taylor (Hamilton Mountain)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should implement a COVID-19 plan to meet the needs of children with special needs and their families with a sector-wide strategy for reopening that includes: immediate respite services for families and equitable access for Northern and rural communities; adequate resources for schools and additional education assistant support; provides workers with personal protective equipment; increases funding and shortens wait times for SSAH reimbursements; fast tracks development of the needs-based Ontario Autism Program; and features proactive, regular communication from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.

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Motion 103 Mrs. Gretzky (Windsor West)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately implement a COVID-19 Essential Caregiver Strategy to remedy the government’s failed guidelines restricting essential caregivers in congregate care settings during the pandemic, which would include policies that: (a) recognize essential caregivers (including support persons) are more than just visitors, and that individuals have the right to safely access their essential caregivers in their agreed upon, preferred manner; (b) ensures the provincial government cannot unilaterally develop policies regarding essential caregivers, and must consult those who have been affected by policies restricting essential caregivers, such as residents, patients, families, experts and workers; (c) ensures that individuals cannot be prevented from accessing their essential caregiver(s), including during the state of emergency or the pandemic (COVID-19), while giving congregate settings the resources they need to safely implement this; and (d) includes a strategy that stabilizes staffing and ensures the role of essential caregivers is to supplement care and support.

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Motion 102 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 197, An Act to amend various statutes in response to COVID-19 and to enact, amend and repeal various statutes, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the legal opinions it received regarding the potential liabilities related to the revocation of existing environmental protections and changes to development charges processes.”

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Motion 101 Ms. Stiles (Davenport)

That in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should implement an emergency action plan to ensure a safe return to school in September for all Ontario students, education workers and families that: • Guarantees that parents will continue to be able to access job-protected leave and benefits until school and child care fully resumes; • Provides immediate funding to stabilize the child care sector; • Hires more teachers and other education workers to allow for more, smaller classes; • Provides immediate funding for urgent school repairs and upgrades, including infection control measures such as touch-free sinks and soap dispensers; • Provides immediate funding for more school busses to better allow physical distancing by students; • Provides additional fully-funded support for students with special needs or who are struggling; • Addresses the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black, Indigenous and racialized communities and the potential ramifications on students and their families; • Strikes a COVID-19 recovery school advisory group that includes teacher and education worker unions, parents, students and school boards; • Consults with all levels of government to find ways to use available public infrastructure to allow school and child care centres to resume in-person for as many children as possible in a safe and healthy way; • Guarantees that no essential workers currently receiving emergency child care will lose child care provision when the emergency child care program ends; • Guarantees paid sick leave for all workers in keeping with current efforts to control the potential spread of COVID-19.

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Motion 100 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 195, An Act to enact the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on its consultations regarding potential liabilities related to the proposed modifications to existing emergency management processes.”

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Motion 99 Ms. Berns-McGown (Beaches—East York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should declare homelessness a public health crisis and respond with interim measures such as the funding of hotel rooms and other spaces that would allow homeless Ontarians impacted by COVID-19 to appropriately self-isolate, and a long term plan to fund and develop supportive, transitional, and permanent housing solutions for unsheltered Ontarians.

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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That, pursuant to Standing Orders 116(b) and (c), the following changes be made to the membership of the following Committees: On the Standing Committee on Government Agencies, Mlle Simard and Mrs. Martin be added; On the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, Mme Collard and Mrs. Tangri be added; On the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills, Mr. Blais replaces Ms. Hunter; On the day following the day on which the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs deposits its final report pursuant to the Order of the House dated May 12, 2020, Ms. Hunter and Mr. Thanigasalam be appointed as permanent Members of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs; and That the temporary membership of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs set in the Order of the House dated May 12, 2020 be amended such that Ms. Lindo replace Ms. Andrew as a non-voting member.

motionJune 3, 2020John Frasermoved-
motionJune 3, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 98 Mr. Burch (Niagara Centre)

That in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should work with the federal government to address systemic financial challenges facing Ontario’s municipalities that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 emergency by implementing both the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ recommendations for immediate financial assistance to help with the delivery of essential services during and after the pandemic, and the joint proposal from the Association of Municipalities Ontario and CUPE Ontario to help strengthen the delivery of municipal services on a long-term basis.

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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 46(b)(iv.1), the time allotted to Independent Members for debate on the Opposition motion scheduled for debate today shall be up to a maximum of 25 minutes, which may be shared among the Independent Members.

motionMay 19, 2020John Frasermoved-
motionMay 19, 2020-votecarried
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Moved without notice Ms. Sattler (London West)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 46(b)(vi), the Official Opposition be permitted to file an Opposition Day motion to be debated on Tuesday May 19, 2020.

motionMay 12, 2020Peggy Sattlermoved-
motionMay 12, 2020-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the Member for Ottawa South (Mr. Fraser) be permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes on the debate for Third Reading of Bill 141, An Act respecting registration of and access to defibrillators.

motionMarch 11, 2020John Frasermoved-
motionMarch 11, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 97 Mr. Nicholls (Chatham-Kent—Leamington)

That in the opinion of the House, the Government of Ontario should take action to ensure that recent economic growth will benefit rural communities who were left behind by the previous government, doing so with innovations in infrastructure, services, and job creation.

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Moved without notice Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That the Order of the House dated February 20, 2020 referring Bill 162, An Act to amend the Legislative Assembly Act, the Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998, the Members’ Integrity Act, 1994 and the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 to the Committee of the Whole House be discharged and that the Bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.

motionMarch 3, 2020Randy Hilliermoved-
motionMarch 3, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 96 Mme Gélinas (Nickel Belt)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 175, An Act to amend and repeal various Acts respecting home care and community services, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on the consultation process that informed the drafting of the Bill, detailing the scope and methods of outreach employed by the Ministry and a detailed summary of the responses received from stakeholders impacted by the proposed changes to legislation.”

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Motion 95 Ms. Lindo (Kitchener Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adequately fund the Anti-Racism Directorate as part of an overall strategy to address rising incidents of antisemitism, and immediately re-establish the Directorate’s subcommittees on antisemitism, anti-Black racism, Islamophobia and anti-Indigenous racism to help collect the data necessary to address racism in all of its forms.

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Motion 94 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the government of Ontario should convene a Select Committee on Education to examine Ontario’s public and separate school systems with the purpose of improving and modernizing Ontario’s education system; and That the membership of the Committee include members from all recognized parties, including Independent Members; and That the Committee shall focus on specific issues of concern, including but not limited to: 1. Improving the collective bargaining process and examining issues with province-wide collective bargaining; 2. Examining the impacts from school board amalgamations, including the diminished role of elected trustees and parents; 3. Examining the province’s ability and options to accommodate and improve outcomes for students with specialized needs and learning disabilities; 4. Examining the increasing role and influence of teachers’ unions have on public education; 5. Examining the increasing mental health challenges young people face; 6. Examining options to address the increasing violence in classrooms; 7. Examining options and models for public funding of private and charter schools; 8. Examining the implementation and effectiveness of e-learning; and That the Committee shall be empowered to review and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on any issues relating to education.

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Motion 93 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly be amended to provide for the establishment of a Standing Committee on Indigenous Relations to investigate matters related to Indigenous affairs, address complaints and provide recommendations on Indigenous policy; and That the membership of the Committee include members from all recognized parties, including Independent Members; and That the Chair of the Committee shall not be a member of the governing party; and That the Committee shall focus on specific issues of concern, including but not limited to: 1. Indigenous land claims; 2. Indigenous treaties; 3. Provision of provincial services on reserves; 4. Indigenous impact benefit agreements; 5. Development of resources on native lands; 6. Education and curriculum; and That all Bills and regulations that affect Indigenous peoples be referred to this Committee; and That the House is excluded from referring Bills at Second Reading that do not relate to Indigenous policy to the Committee; and That the Committee shall be empowered to review and report to the House its observations, opinions and recommendations on any issues relating to Indigenous policy.

motionMarch 5, 2020Randy Hilliermoved-
motionMarch 5, 2020-debated-
motionMarch 5, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 92 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 171, An Act to enact the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 and make related amendment to other Acts be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a detailed analysis of the potential impact of the proposed regulatory changes that would expedite environmental assessment processes and modify the current expropriations process.

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Motion 91 Ms. Park (Durham)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should include nuclear energy and the development of Small Modular Reactors as a clean energy option in its environment, climate change and clean energy planning and policies.

motionMarch 5, 2020Lindsey Parkmoved-
motionMarch 5, 2020-debated-
motionMarch 5, 2020-votecarried on division
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the Order of the House dated December 4, 2019 concerning changes to the Standing Orders be amended by adding after the words “Standing Order 81(c) is deleted” and the following substituted: “81(c) Without unanimous consent, no government bill shall be called during Orders of the Day during an evening meeting of the House if that same bill has been called on both the morning and afternoon meetings of the House on that same sessional day.”

motionDecember 11, 2019Mike Schreinermoved-
motionDecember 11, 2019-debated-
motionDecember 11, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 90 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, and the Auditor General each should be instructed to conduct investigations regarding any threat to data and/or personal privacy and the full extent of Huawei’s commercial relationships with the Provincial Government, subordinate agencies, provincially funded institutions and our academic institutions, with each to report back to this House no later than May 1, 2020.

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Motion 89 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adopt a Provincial Intersectional Gender Equity Strategy that includes thorough inter-ministerial Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) on the impacts of each government policy change prior to the introduction of any Government Bills, Motions, Budgets, and Regulations, with the results of such analysis fully disclosed to the public.

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Motion 88 Ms. Karpoche (Parkdale—High Park)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should provide free menstrual hygiene management products, such as tampons and pads, in all public-facing provincially-run and/or funded facilities and Government of Ontario workplace washrooms in an effort to address the health and social inequality caused by stigma, shame, or cost in accessing menstrual hygiene management.

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Motion 87 Mr. Wilson (Simcoe—Grey)

That in the opinion of this House, the Minister of Health should immediately approve the redevelopments and construction of both the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital and Stevenson Memorial Hospital in the Town of New Tecumseth.

motionFebruary 25, 2020-withdrawn by member pursuant to s.o. 56removed from the Orders and Notices paper
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Motion 86 Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should reform the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) to better meet the needs of people with disabilities, including by mandating, funding and enforcing timely access to assistive devices, and repairs to assistive devices.

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Motion 85 Mr. Gates (Niagara Falls)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ontario government should follow the lead of eight other Canadian provinces and ensure PSA testing for preventative prostate cancer diagnoses is an eligible procedure for coverage underneath OHIP.

motionSeptember 24, 2020Wayne Gatesmoved-
motionSeptember 24, 2020-debated-
motionSeptember 24, 2020-votecarried
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Motion 84 Ms. Singh (Brampton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ministry of Education should commit to a fully independent, comprehensive public investigation of the charges of anti-Black racism within the Peel District School Board, and to presenting its findings and plan for action to the House, detailing the resources to be allocated to address this long-standing systemic issue.

motionNovember 28, 2019Sara Singhmoved-
motionNovember 28, 2019-debated-
motionNovember 28, 2019-votecarried on division
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Moved without notice Mr. Coteau ()

That, in the opinion of this House, Ontario and its government shall oppose any law that would seek to restrict or limit the religious freedoms of our citizens; and, that Ontario’s Legislature should affirm that we value our diversity and assert that we shall promote and protect free expression and the rights of religious minorities, consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

motionNovember 7, 2019Michael Coteaumoved-
motionNovember 7, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 83 Mrs. Tangri (Mississauga—Streetsville)

That, in the opinion of this House, it is crucial to educate Ontario Secondary School Students in the areas of life-saving CPR techniques and the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in an effort to increase public awareness and improve the rates of bystander intervention in medical emergencies.

motionNovember 7, 2019Nina Tangrimoved-
motionNovember 7, 2019-debated-
motionNovember 7, 2019-votecarried on division
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 35(e), the Green Independent Member (Mr. Schreiner) and the Liberal Independent Member for Ottawa South (Mr. Fraser) split the time allocated for responses for Independent Members on today’s Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Finance.

motionNovember 6, 2019Mike Schreinermoved-
motionNovember 6, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That notwithstanding the Order of the House dated October 31, 2019 relating to allocation of time on Bill 124, An Act to implement moderation measures in respect of compensation in Ontario’s Public Sector, the Standing Committee on General Government be authorized to meet until 6:30 p.m. on Monday, November 4, 2019.

motionNovember 4, 2019Gilles Bissonmoved-
motionNovember 4, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 82 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That, in the opinion of this House, a Select Committee should be established to develop a comprehensive plan to reform and strengthen the public appointment process in Ontario; and That the Committee should be comprised of representatives from the Government, Official Opposition, and Independent members, with no party holding a majority; and That, in developing its plan and recommendations, the Committee should consider: Including merit-based criteria; Standardizing transparency measures; Making the results of Integrity Commissioner investigations public when appropriate; Adding a public complaints and investigation process; and Establishing goals to ensure diversity and gender parity in the selection process; and That the Committee should present a report on its findings to the House no later than one year from its inception.

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Moved without notice Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That any mention of Myles Kulperger be expunged from the electronic version of the Official Report of Debates (Hansard) for May 28, 2019 as well as any future printed editions of that Hansard.

motionOctober 29, 2019Joel Hardenmoved-
motionOctober 29, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 81 Mr. Gates (Niagara Falls)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately implement section 83(4) of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 to help improve the protections available to indirectly hired temporary help agency workers.

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Motion 80 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should fully reverse its funding cut to the Ontario Music Fund (OMF) in an effort to maintain the OMF’s current investments in Ontario artists, artist development and job creation.

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Motion 79 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should fully reverse its cuts to Ontario Arts Council (OAC) base funding for 2018-19 and 2019-20 in an effort to maintain the current level of service to the OAC’s six priority groups identified as historically underfunded and underrepresented in the arts: Indigenous artists, artists located in regions across Ontario, artists of colour, deaf artists and artists with disabilities, Francophone artists and new generation artists (18-30 years old).

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Motion 78 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should fully reverse its decision to cut the Indigenous Culture Fund (ICF) and restore its $2.5 million in remaining funding to maintain its current level of service to Indigenous communities in keeping with the “language and culture” focus of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action.

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Moved without notice Mr. Coteau ()

That notwithstanding Standing Order 98(a)(iv), Independent Members shall be permitted to share time during consideration of Private Members’ Public Business on June 6, 2019.

motionJune 6, 2019Michael Coteaumoved-
motionJune 6, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Downey (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte)

That, notwithstanding Standing Order 38(b), today's adjournment debate take place before 6:00 p.m., and that at the conclusion of the adjournment debate the Speaker shall adjourn the House.

motionJune 5, 2019Doug Downeymoved-
motionJune 5, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Downey (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte)

That the requirement for notice be waived for ballot item number 79 in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Public Business.

motionJune 5, 2019Doug Downeymoved-
motionJune 5, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 77 Mr. Sandhu (Brampton West)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should resume and complete the environmental assessment for the GTA West Transportation Corridor in order to alleviate congestion and provide more and better transportation options for GTA commuters.

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Motion 76 Mr. West (Sudbury)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should declare the opioid overdose crisis in Northern Ontario a public health emergency and commit funding for comprehensive, evidence-based local health and community initiatives such as harm reduction strategies, awareness programs, anti-stigma training, residential treatment, and overdose prevention services, that will address persistent health inequities in the region.

motionOctober 31, 2019Jamie Westmoved-
motionOctober 31, 2019-debated-
motionOctober 31, 2019-votelost on division
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Motion 75 Ms. Stiles (Davenport)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should provide free menstrual products in school washrooms in an effort to ensure no student is held back because of stigma, shame or cost in accessing menstrual products.

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Motion 74 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 115, An Act to amend the Liquor Control Act with respect to the termination of a specified agreement, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the legal opinions it received regarding the potential liabilities related to the cancellation of the Master Framework Agreement.”

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Motion 73 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 115, An act to amend the Liquor Control Act with respect to the termination of a specific agreement, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Minister of Finance with a request that the Financial Accountability Officer examine and report back to the House the costs that may be incurred by the enactment of the Bill.”

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Motion 72 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 117 An act to amend the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now be read a Second time but be referred to the Attorney General with instructions to report back to the House on if the Bill, if enacted, is inconsistent or in contravention of the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice in Bogaerts v. Attorney General of Ontario 2019.”

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Motion 71 Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 115, An Act to amend the Liquor Control Act with respect to the termination of a specified agreement, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to provide a report to the House outlining the cost to business and the number of jobs that will be lost due to the changes proposed by the Bill.”

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Motion 70 Mr. Tabuns (Toronto—Danforth)

That, in the opinion of this House, a Select Committee on Climate Change should be established immediately to develop comprehensive provincial strategies and an action plan to address climate-change related threats to our society, environment and economy.

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Motion 69 Ms. Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul's)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ford Government should fully reverse its 50% funding cut to the Ontario Library Service-North and Southern Ontario Library Services so that libraries can maintain the current level of service provided to families, children, seniors and vulnerable populations such as newcomers and under- and unemployed people.

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Motion 68 Mr. Harden (Ottawa Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should release a plan of action on accessibility in response to David Onley's review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act that includes, but is not limited to, a commitment to implement new standards for the built environment, stronger enforcement of the Act, accessibility training for design professionals, and an assurance that public money is never again used to create new accessibility barriers.

motionMay 30, 2019Joel Hardenmoved-
motionMay 30, 2019-debated-
motionMay 30, 2019-votelost on division
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Motion 67 Mr. Mantha (Algoma—Manitoulin)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately start the implementation of the ten recommendations from the Report of the Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Illnesses Task Force, as posted on the Government website in April 2018.

motionJune 6, 2019Michael Manthamoved-
motionJune 6, 2019-debated-
motionJune 6, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Ms. Armstrong (London—Fanshawe)

That the Late Show standing in the name of the Member for Essex (Mr. Natyshak) be rescheduled to Wednesday, May 15, 2019.

motionMay 14, 2019Teresa Armstrongmoved-
motionMay 14, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Coe (Whitby)

That the Member for Kitchener—Conestoga (Mr. Harris) be allowed to speak a second time on debate on the amendment to Government Notice of Motion Number 61.

motionMay 14, 2019Lorne Coemoved-
motionMay 14, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 43(a)(iii), the Member for Guelph (Mr. Schreiner) shall be permitted to speak for up to five minutes during the time allotted for the Opposition Day scheduled for May 13, 2019.

motionMay 13, 2019Mike Schreinermoved-
motionMay 13, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Des Rosiers ()

That notwithstanding Standing Order 43(a)(iii), the Member for Ottawa—Vanier (Mme Des Rosiers) shall be permitted to speak for up to five minutes during the time allotted for the Opposition Day scheduled for May 13, 2019.

motionMay 13, 2019Nathalie Des Rosiersmoved-
motionMay 13, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 66 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 108, An Act to amend various statutes with respect to housing, other development and various other matters, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the rationale for reducing municipal jurisdiction over planning while expanding the Minister’s powers to unilaterally resolve disputes.”

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Motion 65 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 107, An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act and various other statutes in respect of transportation-related matters, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House explaining the rationale used to arrive at a framework for the upload of rapid transit projects in the absence of final recommendations from the Province of Ontario–City of Toronto Realignment of Transit Responsibilities Review.”

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Motion 64 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 108, An Act to amend various statutes with respect to housing, other development and various other matters be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore with the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred to the Government with instructions to incorporate the results of consultations with the public on the Endangered Species Act, and to incorporate feedback from experts and planners on the best way to increase housing supply without opening up greenspace or farmland for development.”

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Moved without notice Mme Des Rosiers ()

That notwithstanding Standing Order 98(a)(iv), Independent Members shall be permitted to share time during consideration of Private Members’ Public Business on May 2, 2019.

motionMay 2, 2019Nathalie Des Rosiersmoved-
motionMay 2, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 63 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, Standing Order 69(a) should be amended to read: “Private Members’ Public Bills may be co-sponsored by up to four members of the House. It shall be the responsibility of the co-sponsors to select which among them will move the motion for Introduction and First Reading of the Bill. Any of the co-sponsors shall be entitled to move the motions for Second or Third Reading of the Bill. The names of the co-sponsors shall be indicated on the introduction copy of the Bill and shall thereafter be printed on the face of the Bill.”

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Motion 62 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders of the House pertaining to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bill should be amended to include that the Committee shall review regulations to ensure that the regulation does not make any unusual or unexpected delegation of power.

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Motion 61 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders of the House should be amended such that any Member is permitted during Introduction of Bills to table a motion requesting a review and debate upon the merits of any regulation filed with the Registrar of Regulations; and that, if this motion is passed, the Government ensure the motion is debated within that Session of Parliament and allow up to two hours of debate.

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Motion 60 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, Standing Order 28(d) should be amended to remove the sentence “An abstention shall not be entered in the Votes and Proceedings or the Journals” and Standing Order 28(e) should be amended to read “The names of the members voting on each side of the question and members abstaining from the question shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings and the Journals, except on dilatory motions when the number only shall be entered.”

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Motion 59 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, Standing Order 43(b)(vi) should be repealed.

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Motion 58 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders and the practices of the House should require that the Assembly not be adjourned earlier than 6:00 p.m., except by unanimous consent, if there are Private Members’ motions on the Order and Notices Paper that have not been debated and that those motions will be debated in the chronological order of their introduction. Debate should rotate between all parties starting with the Official Opposition; should a party not have a motion in the queue or a mover of a motion is not present at the time of debate, that party’s slot is lost in that round.

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Motion 57 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders and practices of this House should be changed to allow for the co-sponsorship of motions by up to four members of the House.

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Motion 56 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders and practices of this House should be changed to require night sittings in the last two weeks of every session reserved for Private Members’ Public Bills which await Third Reading and that their Third Reading be compelled in those reserved times.

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Motion 55 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Orders and the practices of the House should be modified so that all motions and resolutions presented to the Legislative Assembly be read aloud at the time of their tabling and be included in Routine Proceedings in the time allotted for “Motions”.

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Motion 54 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to (a) consider changes to the Standing Orders which would compel the Speaker to call at least one backbench motion to be called for debate each month; (b) study the practices of other Westminster-style Parliaments with regards to backbench motions being called before the House, especially the practices that Speaker Bercow of the British House of Commons has implemented with regards to Early Day Motions; (c) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; and (d) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this Order.

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Motion 53 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to (a) study the cost and feasibility of streaming every committee room with simultaneous interpretation and multiple camera angles, as the Amethyst Committee room is; (b) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; (c) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this Order; and (d) in the time before these recommendations are enacted, the Legislative Assembly make available streaming of all committee rooms even if they are only streamed in one language or presented in a static wide-angle shot.

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Motion 52 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly should be instructed to (a) consider the removal of the Government’s monopoly on calling Bills for Third Reading; (b) propose any necessary modifications to the Standing Orders and the practices of the House; and (c) report its findings to the House no later than six months following the adoption of this Order.

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Motion 51 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, Standing Committees of this House should be compelled and required to hear all Bills ordered to them for review.

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Motion 50 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, to ensure that Lyme disease and Chronic Lyme disease are diagnosed and treated with more effectiveness, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care should examine the diagnosis regimen of jurisdictions that are experiencing a higher success rate for diagnoses.

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Motion 49 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the College of Physicians should recognize the impact of Chronic Lyme disease on people in Ontario and free physicians to use their best judgment in treating patients with Chronic Lyme disease, including the prescribing of a regimen of antibiotic treatment beyond the current recommended guidelines without fear of reprimand.

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Motion 48 Mr. Hillier (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be amended to enshrine property rights for Ontarians, as follows: (1) The following section is inserted after section 7: 7.1(1) In Ontario, everyone has the right not to be deprived, by any Act of the Legislative Assembly or by any action taken under authority of an Act of the Legislative Assembly, of the title, use, or enjoyment of real property or of any right attached to real property, or of any improvement made to or upon real property, unless made whole by means of full, just and timely financial compensation, and that this section refers to any Act of the Legislative Assembly made before or after the coming into force of this section. (2) This amendment may be cited as the Constitution Amendment, 2012 (No Expropriation in Ontario without Compensation), and reference to the Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982, shall be deemed to include a reference to the Constitution Amendment, 2012 (No Expropriation in Ontario without Compensation).

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Motion 47 Ms. Shaw (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 100, An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact, amend and repeal various statutes, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining which Canadian jurisdictions have implemented changes to Crown liability similar to those found in Schedule 17 of the Bill.”

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Moved without notice Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the late show standing in the name of the Member for Sudbury (Mr. West) be rescheduled to Wednesday, April 17, 2019.

motionApril 16, 2019Gilles Bissonmoved-
motionApril 16, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 46 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Provincial Government should match municipalities' funding contribution to operating and maintaining municipal transit systems across Ontario and funding should not be used to replace or reduce municipal contributions to transit.

motionDecember 12, 2019Jessica Bellmoved-
motionDecember 12, 2019-debated-
motionDecember 12, 2019-votelost on division
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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the following changes be made to membership of the following Committees: On the Standing Committee on Estimates, Mr. Gravelle replaces Mr. Fraser; and On the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Mr. Fraser replaces Mr. Gravelle.

motionApril 3, 2019John Frasermoved-
motionApril 3, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 45 Ms. Karpoche (Parkdale—High Park)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should empower the Opioid Emergency Task Force to re-evaluate the current policy to limit the number of OPS/CPS sites to 21, make recommendations for specific additional funding and resources in instances where there is an identified shortfall and declare a public health emergency in relation to the opioid overdose crisis.

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Motion 44 Ms. Karpoche (Parkdale—High Park)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should take immediate action, informed by the Office of the Chief Coroner's Inquest into the death of Bradley Chapman, to address the growing poisonous drug and opioid overdose crisis through the development of a comprehensive provincial strategy that incorporates but is not limited to: the assignment of a provincial coordinator within the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care; the approval and funding of all existing overdose prevention sites and Supervised Consumption Sites (OPS/SPS); and the resumption of regular meetings of the Opioid Emergency Task Force.

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Motion 43 Mr. Kernaghan (London North Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately provide Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre with the $607,408 necessary to maintain its current level of family resource and residential/respite programs provided to London area families.

motionApril 18, 2019Terence Kernaghanmoved-
motionApril 18, 2019-debated-
motionApril 18, 2019-votelost on division
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Moved without notice Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That the Member for Scarborough—Guildwood (Ms. Hunter) assumes the place of the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Members’ Statements.

motionMarch 21, 2019Mitzie Huntermoved-
motionMarch 21, 2019-votecarried
back to top

Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the late show standing in the name of the Member for Ottawa South (Mr. Fraser) be rescheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2019.

motionMarch 20, 2019John Frasermoved-
motionMarch 20, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 42 Ms. Lindo (Kitchener Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should, before June 6, 2019, provide a firm funding commitment and a clear timeline for the delivery of frequent, two-way, all-day electrified GO rail service along the full length of the vital Kitchener GO corridor.

motionApril 4, 2019Laura Mae Lindomoved-
motionApril 4, 2019-debated-
motionApril 4, 2019-votelost on division
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Motion 41 Mr. Crawford (Oakville)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should promote organ and tissue donation and transplantation and should consider including this as a component of the Ontario Secondary School curriculum; to heighten awareness, knowledge and empathetic understanding of organ tissue donation and transplantation, and to equip young people to make an informed decision, engage discussion on social issues and responsible citizenship, and ultimately increase the number of donors.

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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That, notwithstanding the Order of the House dated March 5, 2019 relating to allocation of time on Bill 66, An Act to restore Ontario’s competitiveness by amending or repealing certain Acts, the Independent Green Party member of the Committee be permitted to ask questions of the witnesses during any portion of the 14 minutes that is not used by either recognized party.

motionMarch 18, 2019Mike Schreinermoved-
motionMarch 18, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the Member for Ottawa—South (Mr. Fraser) assumes the place of the Member for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston (Mr. Hillier) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionMarch 7, 2019John Frasermoved-
motionMarch 7, 2019-votecarried
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Motion 40 Mr. Glover (Spadina—Fort York)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should make it easier for low and middle income students to access higher education and relieve their debt loads by converting all future OSAP loans into grants, and ending the practice of the Provincial Government charging interest on existing student debt.

motionMarch 28, 2019Chris Glovermoved-
motionMarch 28, 2019-debated-
motionMarch 28, 2019-votelost on division
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Motion 39 Ms. Bell (University—Rosedale)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Ontario Government should direct Metrolinx to fully reinstate GO bus service to the York University Keele Campus, and work with York Region Transit to fully reinstate bus service to the York University Keele Campus, at no additional cost to students and workers.

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Motion 38 Mme Gélinas (Nickel Belt)

That, in the opinion of this House, all materials and legal documents produced in the Ontario Legislative Assembly in the French language should be written with an “inclusive writing” style which eliminates the focus on the male gender and use gender neutral language (langage épicène).

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Motion 37 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 74, An Act concerning the provision of health care, continuing Ontario Health and making consequential and related amendments and repeals, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the impact that the proposed changes will have on the public administration and public delivery of health care services.”

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Motion 36 Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 68, An Act with respect to community safety and policing, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on the consultation data used to substantiate the proposed changes and outline how the Tulloch Report informed the drafting of the Bill.”

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Moved without notice Mr. Bisson (Timmins)

That the late show standing in the name of the Member from Kiiwetinoong (Mr. Mamakwa) be rescheduled to Wednesday, February 27, 2019.

motionFebruary 21, 2019-debated-
motionFebruary 21, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the Member for Guelph (Mr. Schreiner) assumes the place of the Member for Glengarry—Prescott—Russell (Mlle Simard) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionFebruary 21, 2019Mike Schreinermoved-
motionFebruary 21, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the Member for Ottawa South (Mr. Fraser) assumes the place of the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionFebruary 19, 2019John Frasermoved-
motionFebruary 19, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Coe (Whitby)

That the requirement for notice be waived for ballot item numbers 47 and 48 in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Public Business.

motionFebruary 19, 2019Lorne Coemoved-
motionFebruary 19, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the Member for Ottawa—South (Mr. Fraser) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionDecember 19, 2018John Frasermoved-
motionDecember 19, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Downey (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte)

That notwithstanding Standing Order 98(a), the House shall not meet to consider Private Members’ Public Business on Thursday, December 20, 2018.

motionDecember 19, 2018Doug Downeymoved-
motionDecember 19, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 35 Ms. Fife (Waterloo)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 66, An Act to restore Ontario’s competitiveness by amending or repealing certain Acts, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on the consultation data used to substantiate the proposed repeal of regulations for unlicensed child care, the proposed repeal of the Toxics Reduction Act and the Bill’s proposed exemptions from current source water protections and currently established Greenbelt protection provisions.”

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Moved without notice Mme Lalonde ()

That the Member for Orléans (Mme Lalonde) assumes the place of the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Members’ Statements.

motionDecember 18, 2018Marie-France Lalondemoved-
motionDecember 18, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 34 Ms. Skelly (Flamborough—Glanbrook)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should implement a province-wide industry stewardship plan promoting a no cost program that encourages unwanted clothing and textiles be donated to local charitable and non-profit organizations instead of sending these items to landfills.

motionMarch 7, 2019Donna Skellymoved-
motionMarch 7, 2019-debated-
motionMarch 7, 2019-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Lalonde ()

That the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) assumes the place of the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionDecember 5, 2018Marie-France Lalondemoved-
motionDecember 5, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the late show standing in the name of the Member for Guelph (Mr. Schreiner) be rescheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2018.

motionDecember 4, 2018Mike Schreinermoved-
motionDecember 4, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That the Member for Scarborough—Guildwood (Ms. Hunter) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionDecember 4, 2018Mitzie Huntermoved-
motionDecember 4, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 33 Mme Gélinas (Nickel Belt)

That, in the opinion of this House, the government should: involve people living with HIV in all decisions made across government that relate to the health, well-being, and dignity of people living with and affected by HIV; encourage people living with HIV to start and stay on treatment; and dismantle HIV stigma on the community, clinical, and personal levels by adopting the Ontario Accord and endorsing the Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) campaign.

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Moved without notice Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the Member for Ottawa—Vanier (Mme Des Rosiers) assumes the place of the Member for Don Valley East (Mr. Coteau) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionDecember 3, 2018Nathalie Des Rosiersmoved-
motionDecember 3, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 32 Mr. Arthur (Kingston and the Islands)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should end mandatory time-of-use pricing for residents, farmers and small business electricity consumers, and develop a fairer price structure that meets conservation goals while not punishing people for having farms, businesses and families.

motionFebruary 21, 2019Ian Arthurmoved-
motionFebruary 21, 2019-debated-
motionFebruary 21, 2019-votelost on division
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Motion 31 Mr. Gates (Niagara Falls)

That, in the opinion of this House, the government should enhance front-line mental health services in the Niagara region by funding three 24/7 mental health and addictions drop-in centres in Niagara Falls, Welland and St. Catharines to provide early intervention, resources, support for caregivers, and crisis services for those struggling with mental health and addictions issues.

motionDecember 6, 2018Wayne Gatesmoved-
motionDecember 6, 2018-debated-
motionDecember 6, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 30 Mr. Hassan (York South—Weston)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should create 27,000 new, paid work opportunities for students, recent graduates and unemployed youth in the public and private sector and the skilled trades so they can move into the workforce with real world experience and a path to full-time employment.

motionFebruary 28, 2019Faisal Hassanmoved-
motionFebruary 28, 2019-debated-
motionFebruary 28, 2019-votecarried on division
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Motion 29 Ms. Shaw (Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 57, An Act to enact, amend and repeal various statutes, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the rationale used to substantiate the elimination of the non-partisan and independent offices of the Environmental Commissioner, French Language Services Commissioner and the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth.”

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Moved without notice Ms. Wynne (Don Valley West)

That the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Members’ Statements.

motionNovember 20, 2018Kathleen O. Wynnemoved-
motionNovember 20, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Lalonde ()

That the Member for Orléans (Mme Lalonde) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionNovember 20, 2018Marie-France Lalondemoved-
motionNovember 20, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Ms. Karpoche (Parkdale—High Park)

That, the Member for Parkdale—High Park (Ms. Karpoche) be permitted to make a second “Members’ Statement”.

motionOctober 31, 2018Bhutila Karpochemoved-
motionOctober 31, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Oosterhoff (Niagara West)

That, the Member for Niagara West (Mr. Oosterhoff) be permitted to make a second “Members’ Statement”.

motionOctober 31, 2018Sam Oosterhoffmoved-
motionOctober 31, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 28 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should act immediately to create a climate change plan that meets Ontario’s portion of Canada’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, and maximizes the province’s opportunities in the $26 trillion global clean economy.

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Moved without notice Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That the Member for Ottawa—South (Mr. Fraser) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionOctober 29, 2018John Frasermoved-
motionOctober 29, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 27 Ms. Fife (Waterloo)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 47, An Act to amend the Employment Standards Act, 2000, the Labour Relations Act, 1995 and the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 and make complementary amendments to other Acts, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on its consultations regarding the economic impact of existing personal leave provisions, including sick leave, family responsibility leave and bereavement leave, that are being repealed by the Bill.”

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Motion 26 Miss Surma (Etobicoke Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should recognize the success of the International Languages Program provided by the Toronto Catholic District School Board, and upon the completion of this transition funding period, the Toronto Catholic District School Board should find mechanisms so that they can permanently support the study of international languages in the primary division in schools under its jurisdiction.

motionNovember 22, 2018Kinga Surmamoved-
motionNovember 22, 2018-debated-
motionNovember 22, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the Member for Ottawa—Vanier (Mme Des Rosiers) be permitted to share time with the Member for Don Valley West (Ms. Wynne) during debate on the motion for Second Reading of Bill 34, An Act to repeal the Green Energy Act, 2009 and to amend the Electricity Act, 1998, the Environmental Protection Act, the Planning Act and various other statutes.

motionOctober 22, 2018Nathalie Des Rosiersmoved-
motionOctober 22, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the following changes be made in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Public Business:- Mme Des Rosiers assumes ballot item number 34; Mr. Schreiner assumes ballot item number 51.

motionOctober 22, 2018Mike Schreinermoved-
motionOctober 22, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the following changes be made in the Order of Precedence for Private Members’ Public Business:- Ms. Wynne assumes ballot item number 39; Mme Des Rosiers assumes ballot item number 51; Mr. Gravelle assumes ballot item number 79.

motionOctober 18, 2018Nathalie Des Rosiersmoved-
motionOctober 18, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Walker (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound)

That sign-language interpreters may be present on the floor of the Chamber today to interpret Statements by the Ministry and Responses.

motionOctober 18, 2018Bill Walkermoved-
motionOctober 18, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Walker (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound)

That the Members' Code of Conduct on Harassment be amended as follows: 1. By adding the following new subsection: 2.2 The Code shall not derogate from, (a) the parliamentary privileges of the Assembly and its Members, and (b) the authority of the Presiding Officers of the Assembly, including its Committees, under the Standing Orders. 2. By deleting subsection 18.2

motionOctober 4, 2018Bill Walkermoved-
motionOctober 4, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 25 Mme Des Rosiers ()

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should use the funds in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account only for initiatives that reduce gas emissions and not on the administration costs for the dismantling of the cap and trade program.

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Moved without notice Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the Member for Guelph (Mr. Schreiner) be permitted to speak earlier during the Independent Members’ rotation for debate on Bill 36.

motionOctober 2, 2018Mike Schreinermoved-
motionOctober 2, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 24 Mr. Vanthof (Timiskaming—Cochrane)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should create a 10-year $1 billion fund for bringing broadband service to rural and northern Ontario to better support the economic growth of the province.

motionNovember 15, 2018John Vanthofmoved-
motionNovember 15, 2018-debated-
motionNovember 15, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mme Lalonde ()

That the Member for Orléans (Mme Lalonde) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Oral Questions.

motionSeptember 25, 2018Marie-France Lalondemoved-
motionSeptember 25, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That the Member for Scarborough—Guildwood (Ms. Hunter) assumes the place of the Member for Thunder Bay—Superior North (Mr. Gravelle) in the Independent Members’ rotation for Members’ Statements.

motionSeptember 20, 2018Mitzie Huntermoved-
motionSeptember 20, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 23 Mlle Simard (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario integrate linguistic identity data for both official languages of Canada on the Ontario Health Card; and that the Government of Ontario should respect the taxpayer by maximizing the potential of invested human and fiscal resources, and the quality of care through the use of that data.

motionOctober 4, 2018Amanda Simardmoved-
motionOctober 4, 2018-debated-
motionOctober 4, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 22 Mr. Fraser (Ottawa South)

That, in the opinion of this House, a Select Committee of all parties represented in the House should be struck to establish parameters to prevent the routine use of the Notwithstanding Clause in Ontario’s governance, and to study the impacts of the use of the Notwithstanding Clause on the rights and freedoms that protect all Ontarians.

motionOctober 25, 2018John Frasermoved-
motionOctober 25, 2018-debated-
motionOctober 25, 2018-votelost on division
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Motion 21 Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the Motion for Second Reading of Bill 31, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the Education Act and to revoke two regulations be amended by deleting all the words “That” and substituting therefore with the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but referred to the Government with instructions to incorporate therein a process for consulting the people of the City of Toronto on the governance of their City and delay the implementation of the Bill until all appeals in matters related to the constitutionality of the Better Local government Act have been exhausted.”

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Motion 20 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 31, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001, the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the Education Act and to revoke two regulations, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House on its consultations regarding the constitutionality of the Bill.”

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Motion 19 Mr. Schreiner (Guelph)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 31, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001, the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and the Education Act and to revoke two regulations be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore with the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred to the Government with instructions to incorporate consultation with voters in the City of Toronto regarding the composition of Toronto City Council and delaying changes to the structure of Council until after the 2018 election, as well as incorporating consultation with Ontarians on the proper use of notwithstanding clause.”

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Motion 18 Mr. Kramp (Hastings—Lennox and Addington)

That, in the opinion of this House, a monument should be erected on the grounds of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to honour the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who fought during the war in Afghanistan; and to stand as a testament to the sacrifices made by our troops.

motionSeptember 13, 2018Daryl Krampmoved-
motionSeptember 13, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 13, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 17 Mr. Walker (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adopt a new symbol featuring a dynamic individual, known universally as the “Modified International Symbol of Access”, and that the new symbol be used when a new accessible parking space is being created or when the sign needs to be replaced.

motionSeptember 13, 2018Bill Walkermoved-
motionSeptember 13, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 13, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 16 Ms. Morrison (Toronto Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should affirm that affordable housing is a basic human right by reducing the waitlist for rent-geared-to-income housing, funding at least one-third of the costs of municipal social housing capital repairs, and funding the construction of new rent-geared-to-income homes in Ontario.

motionSeptember 27, 2018Suze Morrisonmoved-
motionSeptember 27, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 27, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 15 Mr. Burch (Niagara Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should provide a firm funding commitment and a clear timeline for the delivery of year-round GO Transit rail service, serving all stops between Niagara Falls and Toronto with a final project delivery deadline of no later than 2023, a project that will create jobs, connect Niagara to vital GTHA transit hubs, decrease traffic congestion, and grow the local economy.

motionSeptember 27, 2018Jeff Burchmoved-
motionSeptember 27, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 27, 2018-votecarried
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Moved without notice Mr. Yarde (Brampton North)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately ban the ongoing practice of carding also known as street checks, which is the discriminatory and arbitrary stopping of individuals by police as it violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and human rights legislation; and to instruct all Police Forces to destroy existing information that has been collected and retained through the discriminatory practice of carding.

motionAugust 9, 2018Kevin Yardemoved-
motionAugust 9, 2018-debated-
motionAugust 9, 2018-votelost on division
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Motion 14 Mr. Piccini (Northumberland—Peterborough South)

That, in the opinion of the House, the Government of Ontario should promote organ donation and should make the completion of the renewal or issuance of a health card or driver’s licence conditional on a declaration that forms part of the card or licence renewal process; and that specifies whether or not the person consents to having their organs or tissue used for transplant purposes after the person’s death; and that in the event more than one such valid consent is made, the most recent declaration prevails over all previous ones.

motionSeptember 20, 2018David Piccinimoved-
motionSeptember 20, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 20, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 13 Mr. Yarde (Brampton North)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should immediately ban the discriminatory and arbitrary stopping of individuals known as carding or street checks as it violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and instruct all Police Forces to destroy existing information collected and retained in databases through this practice.

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Motion 12 Miss Taylor (Hamilton Mountain)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should honour its commitments and work in the best interests of all Ontarians, regardless of ability, occupation, income or socio-economic status, by immediately reversing its callous decisions to (a) slash expected increases to social assistance rates in half, dragging Ontario backwards and pushing vulnerable Ontarians deeper into poverty, and (b) cancel the Basic Income Pilot Project in Hamilton, Brantford, Brant County, Lindsay and Thunder Bay, a project that has lifted thousands of Ontarians out of poverty and was in the process of collecting invaluable data about the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of such a program.

motionSeptember 20, 2018Monique Taylormoved-
motionSeptember 20, 2018-debated-
motionSeptember 20, 2018-votelost on division
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Motion 11 Ms. Armstrong (London—Fanshawe)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Premier should immediately stop cutting mental health funding by over $330 million per year, and instead commit to increasing mental health, addictions, and supportive housing funding by at least $2.4 billion over the next four years in order to address the crisis in mental health care and reduce wait lists.

motionAugust 9, 2018Teresa Armstrongmoved-
motionAugust 9, 2018-debated-
motionAugust 9, 2018-votelost on division
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Motion 10 Mr. Anand (Mississauga—Malton)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should work with communities to reduce youth unemployment by committing to creating and protecting jobs for young people and correct 15 years of neglect from the previous government.

motionAugust 9, 2018Deepak Anandmoved-
motionAugust 9, 2018-debated-
motionAugust 9, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 9 Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 5, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore with the words “this Bill be NOT now be read a Second time but be referred to the Government with instructions to incorporate therein a process for consulting the people of the City of Toronto on the governance of their City and delay the implementation of the Bill until after the 2018 regular election.”

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Motion 8 Mr. Tabuns (Toronto—Danforth)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 5, An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House outlining the method and scope of public consultation measures that informed the drafting of the Bill.”

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Motion 7 Ms. Horwath (Hamilton Centre)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should not meddle in municipal or regional elections and should withdraw Bill 5 as the government did not campaign on interfering in elections in Toronto, Muskoka, Peel, York and Niagara and changing the rules of a democratic election in the middle of a campaign period is undemocratic, un-Ontarian, and un-Canadian; and fails to reflect widely held beliefs that decisions about our democracy should engage citizens so they have their say about any changes to the electoral processes.

motionAugust 2, 2018Andrea Horwathmoved-
motionAugust 2, 2018-debated-
motionAugust 2, 2018-votelost on division
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Motion 6 Mme Des Rosiers ()

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 4, An Act respecting the preparation of a climate change plan, providing for the wind down of the cap and trade program and repealing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016 be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore with the words “This Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to respect the posting provisions of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993; and to first provide the House with a Climate Change Plan and a full assessment of the potential legal liabilities of the cancellation of Cap and Trade Program.”

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Motion 5 Mr. Tabuns (Toronto—Danforth)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 4, An Act respecting the preparation of a climate change plan, providing for the wind down of the cap and trade program and repealing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016, be amended by deleting all the words after “That” and substituting therefore the words “this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to provide a report to the House on measures taken to ensure compliance with Sections 15 and 22 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993.”

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Motion 4 Ms. Dunlop (Simcoe North)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should identify and execute all the required actions to create an environment and training process that will expedite the creation of sufficient skilled trades people to make skilled labour a competitive advantage for Ontario and meet the requirements of a growing and vibrant economy in Ontario.

motionJuly 26, 2018Jill Dunlopmoved-
motionJuly 26, 2018-debated-
motionJuly 26, 2018-votecarried
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Motion 3 Ms. Fee (Kitchener South—Hespeler)

That, in the opinion of this House, the Federal Government should immediately pay its $200 million dollar share of the funding related to the costs of illegal border crossers.

motionJuly 26, 2018Amy Feemoved-
motionJuly 26, 2018-debated-
motionJuly 26, 2018-votecarried on division
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Motion 2 Mr. Tabuns (Toronto—Danforth)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 2, An Act respecting Hydro One Limited, the termination of the White Pines Wind Project and the labour disputes between York University and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3903 be amended by deleting all the words after "That" and substituting therefore the words "this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to provide a report to the House outlining the scope of potential legal liabilities related to the changes proposed by Schedule 2 of the Bill."

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Motion 1 Ms. Hunter (Scarborough—Guildwood)

That the motion for Second Reading of Bill 2, An Act respecting Hydro One Limited, the termination of the White Pines Wind Project and the labour disputes between York University and Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3903 be amended by deleting all the words after "That" and substituting therefore with the words "this Bill be NOT now read a Second time but be referred back to the Government with instructions to first provide a report to the House containing a full assessment of the compensation package, prior to the statutory termination of contracts and permits, as well as the legal costs incurred to defend the Act in front of any tribunal or board of arbitration."

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