
Hon. Ted Arnott

Portrait of Hon. Ted Arnott

Ted Arnott was first elected to the Legislature at age 27 in 1990 as the MPP for the riding of Wellington and has since been re-elected seven times. Once the youngest MPP in the Ontario PC Party caucus, he is now one of the longest-serving MPPs in the Legislature. Ted became Ontario’s 42nd Speaker on July 11, 2018.

During his time at the Legislature, Ted has served as a deputy presiding officer, parliamentary assistant to several ministers, and critic to several ministers, among other parliamentary roles.

Ted lives in Fergus with his wife, Lisa, who teaches French immersion. They have three sons, all of whom are enrolled in Ontario universities. 


Education and past work

At Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ted received a bachelor of arts degree with a major in political science and, later, a diploma in business administration.

Like most students, he worked in a variety of jobs: construction labourer, factory worker, and retail store clerk. After graduating, Ted worked in the office of Jack Johnson, MPP for Wellington.


At age 16, Ted received a special certificate of commendation from the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, which recognized him for rendering “assistance which was instrumental in saving the life of a drowning man.”

In 2004, Wilfrid Laurier University named Ted as a graduate who is “making a difference around the world.”

Ted is well-known for his efforts on behalf of volunteer firefighters. In 2009, the Fire Fighters’ Association of Ontario made him an honorary  member. He is also an honorary member of the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors.