Image Gallery

Photos of the Legislative Building and surrounding grounds. 

Ontario flag above the centre block of the Legislative Building, south side.
Architect Richard A. Waite’s initials, carved into the top of a column by the south entrance of the Legislative Building.
Arches by south entrance of the Legislative Building.
Close-up of a figure on the frieze located above the south entrance of the Legislative Building.
East driveway of the Legislative Building.
Spring daffodils on the south grounds of the Legislative Building.
View of the Legislative Building in the winter
Face carved into the sandstone by the south entrance of the Legislative Building.
Face carved into a column by the east entrance of the Legislative Building.
Eastern White Pine tree with the Legislative Building in the background
Intricate leaf motif carved into the sandstone of the south entrance of the Legislative Building.
Rose windows in the west tower of the centre block of the Legislative Building
View from the attic of the Legislative Building, looking south-east.
Tulip beds on the east grounds of the Legislative Building.
Heritage lamp post near the south entrance of the Legislative Building