FAQs - Art à la Carte

I'm an artist who is under the age of 18. Can I participate?
No, only those 18 and older can participate. However, we do have a Youth Arts Program that you are welcome to apply for.

I am from Ontario but currently live in another province/country. Can I participate?
No, only current Ontario residents are eligible to participate.

I am a sculptor; can I submit a 3D piece of work?
At this time, we are only accepting 2D works.

Will my artwork be insured at the Legislative Building?
Yes, each piece will be individually insured while it is at the Legislative Building.

Is the In Camera Dining Room a climate controlled environment?
No, the In Camera Dining Room does not have the same climate controls as an art gallery.

What if somebody wants to buy my piece?
If your piece is for sale, we will put any interested buyers in touch with you. Buyers cannot take the piece until the end of the show.

My piece is not for sale, can I still participate?
Yes. If your piece is not for sale, we will indicate this on the label.

I live far away from Toronto, how will I get my piece to the Legislative Building?
You are responsible for getting your piece to the Legislative Building in Toronto – you can drop it off or ship it. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario will ship your piece back to you.

Do the display periods have themes?
No, the display periods do not have themes. Portraiture, and artwork depicting nude, political or violent images will not be accepted.

Does my piece have to be complete by the time I apply?
No, your piece does not have to be completed when you apply. If this is the case, you must submit a photo of the piece in progress, as well as a photo of a completed piece in similar style.

How do I apply?
Fill out the online application. Applications are accepted from October 1 to November 30 yearly.

Can I submit multiple applications?
No, only one application per artist will be accepted.

Can I participate in this program more than once?
Yes, artists are welcome to submit an application even if they have previously participated in the program.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?
You can contact Parliamentary Protocol and Public Relations at pppr@ola.org or 416-325-8094.