Law Program

Law Program

Onsite education programs are currently suspended. Learn more about virtual program options.

Students will participate in a series of engaging activities that relate to key concepts of the law curriculum. This program includes a visit to the Legislative Chamber, a tour of the historic Legislative Building, and a participatory activity designed to support related components of the curriculum. Please note, when the House is in session, students will observe a legislative debate from the public galleries. 

Maximum 70
Group type
Grades 11, 12

(House sitting)
11:30 am; 1 pm; 2:30 pm  EDT

(House not sitting) 
10 am; 11:30 am;
1 pm; 2:30 pm EDT


*Consult the Parliamentary Calendar 

90 minutes

Advanced registration required.
Visitors (16 years of age +) must show a piece of government-issued photo identification upon entry.
Questions? Contact 416-325-0061 or 
Note: Due to parliamentary events, program times and activities are subject to change without notice.


Topics covered:

  • Democracy, origins of Parliament, Parliamentary Privilege
  • Branches of Government (Executive, Legislative & Judicial)  
  • Parliament vs. Government 
  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Interactive Session

Students will review legislative process as well as look at the significance of various legal documents including Orders in Council, Votes and Proceedings, Petitions and Bills. This program is designed to enhance concepts studied in the classroom and teachers are encouraged to review the legislative process with students prior to their visit. Consult our Teaching Resources.