Parliament & Confederation

Parliament & Confederation

Onsite education programs are currently suspended. Learn more about virtual program options.

Students will participate in a series of engaging activities that relate to concepts in the curriculum, including a visit to the Legislative Chamber, a tour of the historic Legislative Building, and a participatory group activity.

Maximum 105
Group type
Grade 8, ESL

(House is sitting)
11:30 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 2:30 p.m.

(House not sitting)
10 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.;
1 p.m.; 2:30 p.m.


*Consult the Parliamentary Calendar 

90 minutes

Advanced registration required.
Visitors (16 years of age +) must show a piece of government-issued photo identification to enter.
Questions? Contact 416-325-0061 or
Note: Due to parliamentary events, program times and activities are subject to change without notice.


This Program will focus on the factors that led to Confederation, compare and contrast Parliament in 1867 to today, and examine the roles and responsibilities of the parliamentary players. Check out our Teaching Resources

To demonstrate the relevance of the material, students will participate in one the following group activities.

Program Options

Option A
Mock Debate

Students will choose between two debate topics:

Topic 1: Should Ontario have one or two official languages?

Topic 2: Which city should be the capital of Canada - Toronto or Quebec City?

Option B
Photo Scavenger Hunt

Students (using their own cellphone or iPads we provide) will capture key images and items in the Legislative Building that relate to Confederation. This will be followed by a brief group discussion about the relevance of the photos taken.