Committee speaker index

Letter: E

  • Elliott, Hon. C. (PC, Newmarket—Aurora)

    • Advancing Oversight and Planning in Ontario's Health System Act, 2021 (Bill 283), SP1003–SP1010
    • Advertising
      • jurisdiction over, E52
    • Agricultural workers
      • and COVID-19
        • infection control
          • general remarks, E557
    • Alternate-level-of-care (ALC)
      • general remarks, E6, E62
      • reactivation care centres, E509
    • Ambulance services
      • land ambulances
        • government funding, E43
    • Applied behaviour analysis
      • regulation of
    • Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
      • delivery models
        • service contracts, E618
      • funding allocation
        • general remarks, E528
    • Auditor General
      • reports
        • 2017 Annual Report: Ch. 3.10 - Public Health: Chronic Disease Prevention, E49–E50
    • Blood and plasma donation - plasma
      • paid donations, E619
    • Business - COVID-19
      • essential businesses, EM62
      • in-store capacity
    • Cancer
      • screening programs
        • backlog remediation funding, E566
    • Cancer Care Ontario
    • Consumption and treatment services
      • general remarks, E14
      • government funding, E34
      • review and consultation process, E14
    • Consumption and treatment services - sites
      • geographic distribution, E14
      • licensing criteria, E33
    • COVID-19
      • case rates, EM59
      • data collection
      • and immunity, EM73
      • mental health and addictions
      • transmission prevention
        • isolation facilities, EM82
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
      • compensation
        • pandemic pay
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • consultations, public health, E540
      • COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open (2020)
        • general remarks, E501
      • decision-making structures
        • general remarks, E498
      • general remarks, E498
      • high-transmission communities, E499, E567–568
      • Public Health Ontario
      • public health units
    • COVID-19 - health command table
      • advisory tables, E498
    • COVID-19 modelling, EM67–EM68, EM73–EM74, EM77–EM78, EM82
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • asymptomatic, E498
      • capacity, E498
      • government funding, E529, E609
      • physician services, E500
      • rapid testing, E498, E529
      • strategy, E498–E499
      • surveillance testing, E609
      • target populations
        • international travellers, E498
      • testing locations
        • general remarks, E529
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • contact tracing
        • case and contact management system, E499
        • COVID Alert app, E499
        • staff, E499, E569
      • data collection
        • general remarks, E499
        • Ontario Health Data Platform
      • high-transmission communities, EM56, EM77
    • COVID-19 - vaccination
    • COVID-19 - vaccination, target populations
      • general remarks, E512
      • health care workers, E532
      • Indigenous communities
      • students and education workers, E531–E532
    • Crisis services
      • mobile crisis teams, E14
    • Dental care
      • community access points, E23, E64
      • via hospital and primary care, E16, E64
    • Doctors
      • and COVID-19
        • physician services
        • virtual care, E500
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
    • Emergency orders review, EM56, EM58–EM59, EM61–EM64, EM66
    • Government expenditures
      • budget allocation
        • health and long-term care, E5
    • Health and Supportive Care Providers Oversight Authority
    • Health care
      • equity
        • northern Ontario, E516
    • Health care - administration
    • Health care facilities
      • nurse practitioner-led clinics
        • general remarks, E589
    • Health care funding
      • Northern Health Travel Grant
        • calculation formula, E516
    • Health care - primary care
      • service capacity
        • rural and northern Ontario, E606
    • Health care services - delivery
    • Health care services - virtual delivery
    • Health care system
    • Health care system - digital reforms, E6, E12
      • Digital First for Health Strategy
        • general remarks, E534
      • Digital Health Playbook, E65–E66
      • funding allocation
        • platform development and updating, E46, E69
      • general remarks, E46, E65
    • Health care system - reform
    • Health care workers - COVID-19
      • compensation
      • general remarks, E614
      • recruitment and retention, E500
    • Health professionals - regulation
      • scopes of practice
        • expansion of, E16
        • revision of, E612
    • Home and community care
    • Home and community care - administration
      • care coordination
        • care coordinators, E65
        • general remarks, E533
        • Home and Community Care Support Services, E507
    • Home and community care - COVID-19
      • government funding, E507
    • Home and community care - funding
    • Home and community care - reform
      • general remarks, E564
    • Home and community care - service delivery
      • post-surgical
        • virtual delivery, E518
    • Home and community care - staff
      • compensation
        • personal support workers, E539
      • recruitment and retention
        • personal support workers, E539
    • Home and community care - workers
    • Hospital construction
      • general remarks, E509
      • reactivation care centres, E509
    • Hospital funding
      • allocation
        • cancer services, E566
      • base funding, E15
      • capital projects, E15, E59, E509, E623
      • Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund, E509
      • small- and medium-sized
        • stabilization funding, E499
      • surge funding, E15
    • Hospital services
      • emergency and acute care
        • dedicated offload nurses program, E509
        • wait times, E5
      • transition out of care
        • cross-agency communication, E5
        • Southlake@Home program, E6, E62
    • Hospitals - capacity and overcrowding
    • Hospitals - COVID-19
    • Indigenous communities - health
    • Long-term care - administration
      • licensing applications
        • temporary emergency licences, E15
    • Long-term care - funding
      • government funding, E34
    • Long-term-care beds
      • new
        • development timeline, E14
        • general remarks, E34, E39
        • vs. spaces, E40
      • redevelopment
      • sector capacity, E14, E34
    • Long-term-care facilities - COVID-19
      • and Ontario Health teams, E506
    • Long-term-care facilities - new, E14–E15
    • Mental health and addictions
      • general remarks, E13
      • sector consultations, E47
    • Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
    • Mental health and addictions funding, E13, E27
    • Mental health and addictions funding - children and youth, E31
      • school vs. community allocation, E31
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • access
      • community programs
        • structured psychotherapy pilot program, E509
      • and COVID-19
      • government strategy, E13–E14
      • wait times, E13
    • Mental health and addictions services - Indigenous communities
      • general remarks, E510
    • Mental health and addictions services - Roadmap to Wellness
    • Mental health and addictions services - service delivery
      • general remarks, E47
    • Midwives
      • education and training
        • bilingual education, E503
        • Laurentian program closure, E503
    • Ministry of Health
    • Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
    • Nurses - nurse practitioners
      • scope of practice
        • diagnostic imaging, ordering of, E602
    • OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare Program
      • eligibility, E10
      • second payer model, E10
    • Ontario Drug Benefit Program
      • formularies
        • new drug coverage, E71
    • Ontario Health
      • agencies transferred under, E7, E506–E507
      • and COVID-19
        • general remarks, E507
      • general remarks, E619
      • implementation process
      • role and responsibilities, E7–E8
    • Ontario Health - administration
      • performance measurement
        • reporting on, E17
    • Ontario Health - governance
      • board of directors
        • membership, E8
    • Ontario Health teams
      • care coordinators, E65
      • caseload, E19
      • and COVID-19
        • support services, E506
      • general remarks, E6–E7, E20, E505–E506, E586, SP1006
      • implementation process
        • applications, E7, E41
        • general remarks, E506
        • timeline, E7
      • membership
        • doctors, E7
      • number of, E19, E506, E586
      • patient experience, E19
      • performance measurement, E7
      • selection criteria
        • population size, E573
      • services
        • division of providers, E45
        • primary care, E606
    • Ontario Health teams - administration and governance
      • care coordination, E506
      • funding allocation
      • governance structure, E65
    • Opioid addiction
      • cost to health care system, E34
    • Opioids
      • manufacturer liability lawsuits
        • general remarks, E34
    • Palliative care
      • service capacity, E41
    • Paramedic services
      • community paramedicine
        • government funding, E562
      • government funding
        • COVID-19 support, E500
    • People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74)
      • proclamation of, E17
    • Personal health information
      • patient access, E68
    • Personal protective equipment
      • procurement
      • production
      • supply, E581
    • Personal support workers (PSWs)
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - compensation
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - education and training
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - recruitment and retention
    • Physician assistants
    • Prescription drugs
      • coverage through Trillium Drug Program, E11
    • Public health - funding
      • provincial-municipal cost-sharing, E8, E43
    • Public Health Ontario (PHO)
    • Public health - programs
      • dental care
      • smoking cessation
        • administrative agency, change in, E561
    • Public health units
    • Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 26, Sched. 3
      • general remarks, E25
    • Supply Ontario
    • Surgical procedures
      • backlog
        • funding allocation, E522
      • geographic transfers, E522
    • Task Force on Environmental Health
      • annual report
        • release timeline, E618
    • Trillium Drug Program
      • as backstop for coverage gaps, E11
    • Vaping
      • pulmonary illness due to
        • reporting requirements, E52
    • Vaping and youth
      • prevalence, E52
    • Vaping products
      • e-juice
        • nicotine content, E52
      • marketing and display
        • restrictions, E52
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