Letter: A

  • Anand, D. (PC, Mississauga—Malton)

    • Appointments to agencies/boards/commissions/etc.
      • Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, board of governors, A410–A411
      • Ontario Media Development Corp., board of directors, A424–A425
      • Social Benefits Tribunal, A423
    • Auditor General
      • reports
        • COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report
          • follow-up reporting, P422
          • general remarks, P422
    • Automobile insurance
      • regulatory environment, F987
    • Automobile insurance rates
      • in other jurisdictions, F987
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (Bill 213), G964–G965
    • Budget 2020
    • Business environment
      • corporate migration, F970
      • foreign investment
        • general remarks, F970
    • Chief Coroner of Ontario, Office of the
    • Child care spaces
      • sector capacity, F945
    • Committee procedure
    • Committee process
      • broadcast of proceedings
    • Coroners
      • data collection and management
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
      • general remarks, G965
    • COVID-19 - government response
      • general remarks, P482
      • high-transmission communities, P442
    • COVID-19 study - heritage, tourism, sport and culture industries, F1454, F1641, F1816
    • COVID-19 study - small and medium enterprises, F2567
    • COVID-19 - testing
      • target populations
        • international travellers, P446
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • international travel
    • Film and television industry - COVID-19
      • and other jurisdictions, F1816
    • Food safety
      • impact on international trade, P352
    • Government finances
      • and COVID-19, G965
      • risk management
        • Chief Risk Officer, P463
        • general remarks, P463–P464
        • OPS enterprise risk management framework, P464
    • Hospitals - staff
    • Housing construction
      • construction standards, JP294
    • Immigration and refugee services
      • workplace integration, F954
    • Long-term care
      • government strategy, SP249
    • Mining industry
    • Motions
      • COVID-19 Preparedness and Management Special Report, request for Auditor General follow-up
        • responded to, P422
    • New home construction industry
    • New home construction industry - reform
      • consultation process, JP289–JP290
      • warranty administration
        • single- vs. multi-provider model, JP289
    • Nurses
      • scopes of practice
        • review and expansion of, F973
    • Ontario Forensic Pathology Service
    • Opioids
      • data collection
        • for prevention of fatalities, P400
    • The People's Health Care Act, 2019 (Bill 74), SP249, SP258–SP259, SP268, SP288, SP293, SP325
    • Rebuilding Consumer Confidence Act, 2020 (Bill 159), JP289–JP290, JP294–JP295, JP303–JP304
    • Reports referred to committee
      • 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Auditor General of Ontario), P352
      • 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of the Solicitor General, Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensice Pathology Service (Auditor General of Ontario), P396–P397, P400–P402
      • 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health (Auditor General of Ontario), P528, P530
      • 2020 Annual Report: Ministry of Health, Ontario Health, Canadian Blood Services (Auditor General of Ontario), P543–P544, P546–P547
      • 2020 Annual Report: Public Accounts of Ontario (Auditor General of Ontario), P463–P464
      • 2020 Annual Report: Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (Auditor General of Ontario), P502–P503
      • 2020 Special Report: COVID-19 Preparedness and Management (Auditor General of Ontario), P442–P443, P446, P481–P482
    • Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA)
    • Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, SO 2016, c 12, Sched. 1
    • Retirement homes
      • resident protections
        • public awareness, P503
    • Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority
    • School facilities
      • repurposing
        • for child care, F945
    • SickKids Hospital
      • revenue generation, F979
    • Social Benefits Tribunal
      • hearings
        • interpretation services, A423
        • legal representation, A423
        • virtual and written, A423
    • Special events industry - COVID-19
      • capacity limitations, F2567
    • Tarion Warranty Corp.
    • Taxation policy
      • general remarks, G965
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
    • Waste management - producer responsibility model
  • Andrew, J. (NDP, Toronto—St. Paul's)

    • Art galleries and museums
      • donations
        • matching programs, F1785
      • government supports
        • operating grants, F1748
    • Art galleries and museums - funding
      • Community Museum Operating Grant
        • annual allocation, E464
    • Arts and culture
    • Arts and culture - COVID-19
      • dance studios
      • ethnic and cultural media
        • government supports, F1845
      • galleries and museums
        • retrofitting, cost of, F1781
      • government supports
        • funding for PPE, F1892
        • for individual artists, E464
      • layoffs as a result of, F1835
      • live performance
        • digital programming
          • and audience experience, F2540
        • financial assistance, F2540
        • health and safety measures, F1828
        • performer maintenance, F1892, F2540
      • venues
        • health and safety
    • Arts and culture - funding
      • annual allocation, E463
      • for equity-seeking communities, E461
      • Indigenous Culture Fund, E461, F1917
      • for individual artists, E464, E487
      • Ontario Arts Council
        • during COVID-19, F1823
        • general remarks, F1893
        • grant eligibility
          • by sector
        • sector eligibility, E488
    • Black Youth Action Plan
      • government funding, E461
    • Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, F1917
    • Business - COVID-19
      • other commercial rent assistance, F1739
    • Business - COVID-19, loans and grants
    • Carding
    • Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
    • Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act, 2019 (Bill 68), JP12
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
      • federal
        • Safe Restart Agreement
          • for heritage, sport, tourism and culture, E461
    • COVID-19 study - heritage, tourism, sport and culture industries, F1731–F1732, F1738–F1740, F1748, F1757–F1758, F1781, F1785–F1786, F1823, F1827–F1828, F1835–F1836, F1844–F1845, F1854–F1855, F1862, F1878, F1892–F1893, F1912, F1917
    • COVID-19 study - municipalities, construction and building sector, F2205–F2206
    • COVID-19 study - small and medium enterprises, F2540–F2541
    • Eating disorders
    • Eating Disorders Awareness Week Act, 2020 (Bill 61), M253–M259, M265–M268, M272–M273, M278–M280
    • Eating disorders - public education and awareness
    • Eating disorders - treatment programs
    • Fashion industry
      • body inclusion, M258
    • Festivals
      • government funding
    • Film and television industry
      • government strategy
        • general remarks, E462
    • Film and television industry - COVID-19
    • Film and television industry - film festivals
      • by festival
        • Regent Park Film Festival, F1912
    • Health
      • weight, measurement of
    • Health care workers
      • diversity and representation, M258
    • Libraries
      • government funding, F1855
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
      • tribunal membership
        • heritage expertise, F1912
    • Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
    • Ontario Trillium Foundation
      • community grants
        • Community Building Fund, E463
      • grant eligibility
        • accumulated deficit, E463
    • Police officers
    • Police services oversight - reform
      • Tulloch report (2017), recommendations, JP18
    • Professional artists
    • Public education campaigns - health
    • Public libraries
      • government funding, F2206
        • general remarks, E465
    • Statements by stakeholders
    • Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
      • community outreach programs, F1845
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19, government response
    • Tourism industry - funding
  • Armstrong, T.J. (NDP, London—Fanshawe)

  • Arthur, I. (NDP, Kingston and the Islands)

    • Abattoirs
    • Affordable housing
    • Affordable housing - development
    • Affordable housing - supply, F136, F141
    • Aggregate
      • recycling and reuse of, G454
      • use in infrastructure development, G454
    • Aggregate extraction
    • Aggregate Resources Act, RSO 1990, c A.8
      • regulations under
        • drafting timeline, G522
    • Aggregate sites
      • rehabilitation
        • general remarks, G439
    • Aggregate sites - by site
    • Aggregate sites - licences and permits
      • appeal process
        • cost and financial support, G446
        • general remarks, G497
    • Aggregate sites - vertical zoning
    • Agricultural lands
      • development on
        • and Indigenous communities, F546
      • farm forestry exemption, F956
    • Agriculture industry
      • aging workforce, impact of, F642
      • and climate change
        • carbon sequestration, F956
      • climate change, impact of, F642
    • Agri-food industry
      • beef industry
        • environmental impact, F546
      • economic development, F2541
      • impact of food guide reform on, F546, F551
      • local food production
        • in northern Ontario, F280
    • Alcohol retail expansion
    • All-terrain vehicles (ATV)
      • industry regulation
      • mandatory safety training
        • for those under 16
    • Arts and culture - COVID-19
      • cultural festivals
        • government supports, F1711
      • galleries and museums
        • government supports, F1801
        • socially-distant events, F1780
      • government response to, F1725–F1726, F1818
      • live performance
        • digital programming
          • revenue streams for, F1765
        • government supports, F1773
      • publishing industry
    • Autism services
      • treatment services
        • service level transitions, F1122
    • Autism services - reform
      • advisory panel recommendations
    • Automobile insurance
      • claims process
        • designated assessment centres (DACs), F666
      • profitability of, F751
    • Automobile insurance rates
      • in other jurisdictions, F987
    • Automotive industry
      • government strategy, F464
    • Bankruptcy - commercial
      • personal liability protection, F2409
    • Beef industry
      • environmental impact
        • pasture-raised vs. feedlot beef, F1141
      • public perception of, F1140–F1141
    • Beef industry - COVID 19
      • impact on production capacity, F2833
    • Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132), G425, G431–G432, G436–G437, G439, G445–G446, G450, G454, G459–G460, G464, G467–G468, G475–G476, G478, G494, G497, G504–G505, G511–G512, G517, G522, G525–G526, G533–G534, G541, G543
    • Blind and partially-sighted persons
      • workplace supports, F1118
    • Broadband infrastructure
      • technological change, F3043
    • Broadband infrastructure - expansion
    • Budget 2019
    • Budget 2020
    • Budget 2020 - allocation
    • Business
      • human resources
        • recruitment and retention, F1124
    • Business - COVID-19
    • Business - COVID-19, government response
    • Business environment
      • development support
        • government funding, F1190
    • Business - small and medium-sized
      • capital generation
      • rural investment tax credit proposal, F1125
      • support organizations
    • Cannabis retail
      • access points, F850
    • Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 (Bill 4), G14–G15, G17, G20–G21, G29, G34–G35, G38, G47, G50
    • Cap-and-trade
    • Cap-and-trade cancellation
    • Carbon sequestration
      • through afforestation, F1108
    • Carbon tax - federal
      • economic impact, F416
      • government response to, advertising campaign, F825
    • Cement and concrete industry
      • cement kilns
        • efficiency of, F410
      • environmental impact, F411
      • products
    • Centres of excellence
      • and employment creation, F646
    • Child and Youth Advocacy Centres
    • Child care
    • Child care - financial assistance
      • Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) credit
        • disbursement timeline, F3216
    • Child care - regulatory reform
      • general remarks, G186
    • Child protection system
      • government funding, federal
    • Children's aid societies (CASs)
      • government funding
        • funding formula review, F1069
    • Clean technology
      • development to implementation timeline, F1180
      • promotion of, F1180
    • Climate change
      • effect on health, SP131
      • impact by industry
      • impact on ice road access, F1056
    • Climate change mitigation
    • College of Midwives of Ontario
      • government funding, F660
    • Colleges and universities
      • graduation rates, F1091
      • performance measurement
        • strategic mandate agreements
          • consultation on development of, F1092
      • revenue generation
        • international student fees, F1091
    • Commercial tenancies - Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA)
    • Commercial tenancies - COVID-19
      • general remarks, F2337
      • personal liability protection, F2409
      • provincial rent assistance
        • in other provinces, F2421
    • Committee procedure
      • vice-chairs
        • party affiliation
          • oversight committees, F3203
    • Committee process
      • amendments
      • general remarks, F3179
      • order and decorum, F3073
      • schedules and agendas
        • closed session discussion of, F2933
    • Community health centres (CHCs)
      • health transition supports, F1101
    • Conservation authorities
      • financial management
        • budget allocation, F3115
      • governance
      • mandate and responsibilities, F3115
      • mandatory programs
      • non-mandatory programs
    • Conservation authorities - reform
    • Construction industry
    • Correctional facilities
      • inmate demographics
        • Indigenous persons, F1106
    • Cost of living
      • in northern Ontario, F1014
    • COVID-19
      • travel restrictions
        • to the United States, F2445
    • COVID-19 - economic impact
      • on equity-seeking groups, F2892
    • COVID-19 - economic recovery
    • COVID-19 - essential service workers
    • COVID-19 - financial supports
    • COVID-19 - government response
    • COVID-19 - provincial reopening
    • COVID-19 study - finance, F1301–F1302
    • COVID-19 study - heritage, tourism, sport and culture industries, F1547, F1708–F1711, F1725–F1726, F1765–F1766, F1773–F1774, F1780, F1801, F1805–F1807, F1818–F1820, F1944, F1973
    • COVID-19 study - small and medium enterprises, F2336–F2337, F2348–F2349, F2388–F2389, F2409–F2410, F2421, F2444–F2445, F2504–F2505, F2541–F2542, F2833, F2845, F2867–F2868, F2892–F2893
    • COVID-19 - transmission
      • contact tracing
    • Craft breweries
      • domestic crops, F2445
      • point-of-sale locations
    • Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 25
      • overlap with Endangered Species Act, 2007, F288
      • species protection under, F288
    • Dairy industry
      • cheesemaking
        • labour shortage, F1256
        • regulatory environment, F1256
      • fluid milk products
        • package size regulations, F1255
    • Dementia and other neurodegenerative conditions
      • support services
        • First Link program, F1075
    • Distilleries
    • Doctors
      • compensation models, F506
      • scope of practice
        • in rural and remote areas, F1026
    • Driver licences
    • Economic policy
      • Mazzucato, Mariana
    • Education
      • financial literacy
        • via Junior Achievement programs, F1229
      • general remarks, F1184
      • outcome measurement
    • Education - COVID-19
    • Education - COVID-19, school reopening
    • Education funding
    • Education funding - post-secondary
      • determination of
        • consultation process, F1092
      • tied to performance indicators, F743–F744
      • tuition fees, 10% reduction
        • impact on institutional revenue, F1091
    • Education - online learning
      • delivery model, public vs. private, F1116
      • mandatory courses, F995
      • prerequisite skills, F1111
      • student outcomes, F1111, F1116
      • technological requirements, F1004
    • Education - post-secondary
      • access to, F1037
      • student outcomes
        • employment readiness, F579
    • Education reform
      • public response to, F1111
    • Electric vehicles
      • projected uptake, P375
    • Electricity generation
    • Electricity generation - water power
      • facilities
        • water extraction permits, G517
    • Electricity rates
      • affordability
        • for industrial users, F971
      • impact on business environment, F855, F1048
      • time-of-use (TOU) pricing, F671, F951
    • Electricity rates - reduction
      • government strategy, F1227
      • Northern Industrial Electricity Rate Program, F274, F289
    • Electricity sector
    • Emergency preparedness
      • in Far North
        • operational coordination, F1000
    • Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6
      • overlap with Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994, F288
    • Energy and Water Benchmarking program, O Reg 506/18
      • mandatory vs. voluntary reporting, G437
    • Energy generation
    • Energy policy
    • Environmental policy
    • Environmental protection - administrative monetary penalties
    • Environmental protection plan
    • Fair Hydro Plan
      • general remarks, F1227
      • impact on future hydro rates, F1048
    • Farms and farming
    • Film and television industry
      • digital streaming services
        • Canadian content quota, F653
      • economic impact, F3122–F3123
    • Film and television industry - COVID-19
      • and insurance coverage, F1817
    • Firefighters
    • Flood management
    • Flood management - flooding events
      • impact on tourism, F3115
    • Food processing facilities
      • and COVID-19
        • health and safety, F2542
    • Forest access roads
      • government funding, F264
      • maintenance, F1049
      • wildfire suppression, role in, F289
    • Forest industry
      • and climate change, F295
      • electricity rate mitigation programs
      • regulatory environment
    • Forests
    • Fuel industry
      • transition in, F490
    • Gender-based violence
    • Government credit ratings, F283
    • Government debt
      • repayment of, F671
    • Government debt - annual deficit
    • Government expenditures
    • Government finances
      • government strategy, F983
      • revenue generation, F951
    • Government record
      • PC (2018-present)
        • land use planning, F3090
    • Green economy
      • economic impact, G47
    • Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018 (Bill 34), SP103–SP104
    • Greenhouse gas emissions
    • Greenhouse gas emissions - reduction
    • Greenhouse industry
      • business risks
        • due to climate change, F551
    • Hazelnut industry
      • corporate partnership with Ferrero, F624
      • general remarks, F624
    • Health care
      • prevention
        • social prescribing
          • impact on health care costs, F1101
    • Health care - administration
      • governance model, F260
    • Health care facilities
      • nurse practitioner-led clinics
        • vs. family health teams, F1129
    • Health care funding
    • Health care services - billing
      • billing structure, F1129
    • Health care services - delivery
      • operational efficiency, F973
    • Health care system
      • cost management, F992
      • in Indigenous communities, F286
    • Health care system - reform
      • administrative centralization
        • impact on employment, F754
    • Highways in northern Ontario
    • Home insurance
      • impact of climate change, F976
    • Hospital funding
    • Hospitality industry - COVID-19
      • economic impact
        • hotels and accommodation sector, F2504
      • government supports
      • reopening process, F1726
    • Hospitality industry - COVID-19, government response
    • Hospitals
      • capacity and overcrowding
        • in northern Ontario, F261
    • Hospitals - staff
      • job creation/loss, F673
    • Housing construction
      • material costs
        • impact on unit price, F3281
      • in northern Ontario
    • Housing development
      • accessibility requirements, F429
      • regulatory environment
        • approval timelines, F676
      • secondary suites, F676
      • site selection, F1018
      • transit-oriented, F439
      • zoning, impact of, F698
    • Housing development - development charges
      • community benefits charge
        • general remarks, F872
      • deferral
      • determination of
        • land value, appeal of, F872
      • general remarks, F698
      • reform
        • collection during transition period, F872
    • Housing development - inclusionary zoning
      • effectiveness of, F845
      • use restrictions, F872
    • Housing market
      • price appreciation, F3281
    • Immigration and refugee services
      • employment support programs
      • international qualifications
    • Indigenous communities
      • cost of living, F1056
      • jurisdiction regarding, F1031
    • Indigenous communities - education
      • schools, on-reserve
        • jurisdiction over, F1031
    • Indigenous communities - Far North
      • airports
        • infrastructure upgrades
          • government funding, F1028
      • cost of living, F1056
      • impact of climate change, F1056
    • Indigenous relations
      • treaties
        • Treaty 3 population, F1017
    • Industrial contracting industry
      • regulatory environment, F499
    • Infrastructure - social
      • government funding, F469
    • Innovation and technology industry
      • development to implementation timeline, F1180
      • government procurement
        • local preference policies, F687
      • invention to maturity timelines, P372
      • as means of reducing GHG emissions, P372–P373
      • promotion of
        • regional innovation centres, F424
      • role in policy development, F1180
    • Innovation and technology industry - entrepreneurial support services
    • Innovation and technology industry - human resources
      • international qualifications, recognition of, F687
    • Insurance industry
      • return on equity, F987
    • Inter-provincial trade
    • Justice system
      • Indigenous persons, F746
    • Lakehead University
      • student demographics, F1037
    • Land use planning
      • and community relations, F846–F847
      • developer-community relations, G425
      • economic impact, F847
      • and environmental policy, F3090
      • federal lands, unused
      • revenue generation
      • transit planning, F439
    • Land use planning - development charges
      • deferral
      • education development charges
        • school board eligibility, F948
    • Landscaping
      • naturalized
        • cost effectiveness, G454
    • Legal proceedings, against government
    • Legislative drafting
    • Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)
    • Local Planning Appeal Support Centre
    • Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
      • appeal process
      • appeal process reform
    • Long-term care
      • transition support
        • First Link program, F1075
    • Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan
    • Manufacturing industry
      • decline and recovery, F537
      • innovation and market trends, F940, F971
    • Mental health and addictions funding
      • Indigenous communities
    • Mental health and addictions services
      • community programs
        • Portage Mother and Child Program, F958
    • Mental health and addictions services - children and youth
      • increased demand for, F595
    • Mental health and addictions services - Indigenous communities
    • Midwives
      • compensation
    • Mills
      • greenhouse gas emissions
        • reduction plans, F295
    • Mines
      • closure approval
        • Indigenous participation, G543
    • Minimum wage
      • and cost of living, F1014
    • Minimum wage increase
      • economic impact, F589
    • Ministerial communications, G467
    • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
      • local offices
    • Municipal governments
      • service delivery
        • public vs. private, F983
    • Municipal-Industrial Strategy Abatement (MISA) standards
      • determination of
        • set through site Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs), G431
    • MUSH sector
      • "non-construction employer" designation
    • Natural gas expansion
      • government funding, F658
      • project determination
        • impact of ROI analysis, F657
      • target communities, F657
    • Natural resources
      • policy development
    • Northern Ontario
      • population retention, F1014
    • Nurses - registered nurses (RNs)
    • Obesity
      • health care costs, F1093
    • Occupational health and safety
      • new employee training, F763
    • Office of French Language Services Commissioner
      • transfer of role, F140
    • Office of the Environmental Commissioner
    • Ontario Autism Program (OAP) - interim
      • implementation process, F1122
    • Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
      • optometry services
    • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
      • general remarks, F679
    • Optometry and optometrists
      • scope of practice, F1214
      • service access
    • Personal support workers (PSWs) - training
      • partnerships, F286
    • Pesticides
    • Plan to Build Ontario Together Act, 2019 (Bill 138), F842–F843, F845–F847, F850, F854–F855, F863, F872
      • as omnibus legislation, F863
    • Policy development
      • general remarks, G445
      • Indigenous consultation
        • duty to consult, G543
    • Political fundraising events
      • attendance by members and political candidates, F157–F159
    • Printed media
      • shift to digital-only delivery, F1219
    • Propane
      • as vehicle fuel, F586
    • Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures) 2020 (Bill 229), F3028–F3029, F3035, F3043–F3044, F3073–F3074, F3090–F3091, F3094–F3095, F3114, F3122–F3123, F3140
    • Protecting the People of Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2021 (Bill 260), F3213–F3214, F3216, F3232–F3233, F3252–F3253, F3268–F3269, F3281
    • Protecting What Matters Most Act (Budget Measures), 2019 (Bill 100), F720, F733, F738, F740, F743–F744, F746, F751, F754, F756, F763, F769, F789, F795–F796, F807
    • Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth
      • transfer of role, F176
        • impact on children and youth, F122
    • Public assets
      • management of, F174
    • Public education campaigns - cultural
      • Egyptian Heritage Month, F863
    • Public libraries
      • board meetings
        • minimum number, G478
      • digital services
        • as source of broadband access, F269
      • government funding, F269
    • Public sector
      • employees
    • Public sector compensation
    • Public services
      • private delivery of
    • Rail service
      • high-speed passenger service, F582
    • Refugees
      • climate refugees, F749
    • Regulations
      • amendment process, G522
    • Regulatory environment
      • effect on business environment, F720
      • general remarks, F424, G231
    • Renewable energy
    • Renewable energy contracts
      • contracted rates, F1227
    • Renewable energy contracts - cancellation
    • Rent control
    • Rental housing
      • Ontario Development Charges Rebate Program, cancellation, F129, F141
    • Rental housing - development
      • purpose-built
        • return on investment, F389
    • Reports referred to committee
      • 2019 Annual Report: Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks: Climate Change: Ontario's Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Auditor General of Ontario), P366–P367, P370, P372–P375, P378
    • Restaurant industry - COVID-19
    • Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, 2019 (Bill 66), G164–G165, G167, G179–G180, G192–G193, G203
    • Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 (Bill 57), F105, F116, F119–F120, F122, F124–F126, F129–F131, F134, F136, F141–F142, F150–F151
    • School facilities - capital projects funding
    • Sewage and wastewater management
      • sewage/chemical dumping and overflow
    • Skilled trades
    • Skilled trades - promotion of
    • Skilled tradespeople
    • Small Business Support Grant
      • accountability and transparency
      • eligibility appeals, F3213
      • eligibility criteria, F3213
      • general remarks, F3214
    • Snowmobile industry
      • member communications, F1219
    • Solar energy
      • cost per kilowatt hour
      • generation infrastructure
      • government contracts
    • Special education
      • integrated classrooms
        • effectiveness of, F264
        • resource requirements, F264
    • Sports and recreation - COVID-19
      • performer maintenance, F1944
    • Stratford Festival
      • COVID-19
    • Student debt
    • Students - elementary/secondary
      • behavioural supports, F945
    • Students - post-secondary
      • cost of education
        • socioeconomic differences, F679
      • graduation rates
        • international vs. domestic students, F1091
    • Taxation
      • provincial land tax
        • in unorganized areas, F271
    • Teachers
    • Teachers - labour dispute
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
      • property assets
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) expansion
      • existing plan, redevelopment of, F807
    • Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) - subway
      • infrastructure development and maintenance
        • transfer to provincial jurisdiction, F134, F655
    • Tourism industry
      • impact of climate change, F939
      • impact of housing shortage, F939
      • worker wages, F939
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19
      • economic impact
        • post-secondary-education communities, F1708
      • financial supports, F1547
        • and regulatory reform, F1709
    • Tourism industry - COVID-19, domestic tourism
    • Township of Ignace
      • community revitalization projects, F298
    • Toxic substances
    • Toxics Reduction Act, 2009, S.O. 2009, c. 19
    • Transit funding
    • Transit infrastructure construction
      • business disruption due to, F951
      • and municipal planning, F439
    • Transit systems
    • Tree planting
    • Truck drivers
    • Trucking industry
      • long-combination vehicles
        • cost-effectiveness, G450
    • Tuition fees
      • reduction
    • Unorganized land
      • ownership of, F271
      • provincial land tax, F271
    • Vaping and youth
    • Vaping products
      • manufacturers
        • cost-recovery, F961
      • as smoking cessation tool, F663
      • taxation, F961
    • Victims of crime
    • Wages
    • Waste management
      • cement kilns, F410
    • Waste management - producer responsibility model
      • general remarks, G450
    • Water extraction
      • for commercial bottled water, G517
      • permits
        • water power generation industry, G517
        • for water-power industries, F633
    • Water protection
      • general remarks, G464
      • supply
        • in other jurisdictions, G460
    • Watersheds and wetlands
      • development on
        • impact on insurance rates, F3140
      • protection of
        • impact on property values, F3036
    • Women
      • labour market participation
    • Workers' rights
      • hours of work, G203
    • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
      • coverage exemptions
        • culturally appropriate healing, F303
    • YMCA
      • child care programs
        • before-/after-school care
          • staff recruitment and retention, F1094
        • general remarks, F1093
      • government funding by region
        • YMCA of Central East Ontario, F1093
      • health programs, F1093
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