
Need more help or want to learn more about the data catalogue? Contact the Open Government team — we’ll gladly answer any questions you might have!

Q. I cannot find the dataset I’m looking for.

A. Try using the catalogue search page. Enter your keywords in the search bar and refine your search, using the filters provided.

Q. How do I download datasets?

A. On each page in the catalogue, where data is available, you will find the data icon under the heading Data and Resources.

To the right of the data icon, you will find a either a Download or Open button.

A screenshot of the data and resources section of the dataset description page. Each file in the dataset is listed. To the right of each file is a preview button and a download button. An arrow is overlaid onto the screeshot that points to the download button.
Figure 1: The location of the Download button on the dataset page.

Click the Download button and the data will be downloaded immediately to your computer.

Click the Open button to find out how to access the dataset (which may be hosted outside the catalogue).

A screenshot of the data and resources section of the dataset description page. Each file in the dataset is listed. To the right of each file name is an open button and an about button. An arrow is overlaid onto the screeshot that points to the open button.
Figure 2: The location of the Open button on the dataset page.

Q. What does the Preview button do?

A. The Preview option lets you see a dataset without downloading it. You will see this option for files that are stored as common file types, like CSVs.

A screenshot of the data and resources section of the dataset description page. Each file in the dataset is listed. To the right of each file name is a preview button and a download button. An arrow is overlaid onto the screeshot that points to the preview button.
Figure 3: The location of the Preview button on the dataset page.

When you click the Preview button, you will get to a page that:

  • describes the files (including a description of the file and the web address where the file is stored)
  • allows you to see the data in a few different ways - in a spreadsheet, as a graph or geographic map
A screenshot of the file description page. The file name, text description, and web address is found at the top. A visualization tool is found underneath that allows users to transform the contents of the file from spreadsheet to graph to map.
Figure 4: A file preview page showing the file description and the contents of the file visualized as a spreadsheet.

The Graph and Map options are available just above the dataset.

A screenshot of the section of the file description page that lets the user transform the contents of the file from spreadsheet to graph to map. The three buttons visible at the top left above the visualization are grid, graph, and map. An arrow is overlaid onto the screeshot that points to the graph and map buttons.
Figure 5: The Graph and Map options on a preview page.

Q. How does the Graph option work?

A. When you click the Graph button, you will get to a screen that allows you to set the parameters of the graph you want to see.

A screenshot of the section of the file description page that lets the user transform the contents of the file from spreadsheet to graph to map. The graph button has been selected and there is a message instructing the user to fill out the form at the right to specify the type of graph, along with axes that they want.
Figure 6: The screen where you can set the parameters for your graph.

Once you select your graph type, and your axes, you should see a simple graph:

A screenshot of the section of the file description page that lets the user transform the contents of the file from spreadsheet to graph to map. The graph button has been selected and the user has chosen a line graph and both axes and a simple line graph is visible.
Figure 7: Ontario livestock prices (Bull Slaughter file), graphed in the data catalogue

Q. How does the Map option work?

A. When you click the Map button, you will get to a screen that allows you to identify the mappable information (latitude and longitude) in the file. You should then see a simple map:

A screenshot of the map visualization.
Figure 8: Bridge conditions data, mapped in the data catalogue.

Q. What if I don’t see a Preview button?

A. If there is no Preview button for a dataset, then you will see an About button. This means that the dataset contents cannot be previewed as a spreadsheet, graph or map by the catalogue.

When you click About, you will get a description of the file.

A screenshot of the file description page when the file is not in a format or structure the catalogue can easily transform. The file name, text description, and web address is found at the top. There is no section for visualizations below.
Figure 9: A description of a dataset, including its web address.

Q. What if a dataset isn’t available in the format I need?

A. For any issues related to our datasets, email us at or send us a message through our contact us form. We will review your issue and reply.

Q. How do I request an updated version of a dataset?

A. Start by checking the Update frequency field to see how often the dataset should be updated.

If the dataset hasn’t been updated as frequently as stated, send an email to the dataset maintainer, using the Maintainer Name and Maintainer Email fields.

If a maintainer isn’t listed, email us at or send us a message through our contact us form.

Q. How do I report errors/issues/provide feedback (for example, inaccurate, outdated data)?

A. Start by sending an email to the dataset maintainer, using the Maintainer Name and Maintainer Email fields.

If a maintainer isn’t listed, email us at or send us a message through our contact us form. Please specify which dataset(s) you’d like us to review.

Q. Why isn't the data for a dataset available?

A. There are three reasons why the data for a dataset might not be available:

  • The dataset is To be opened (you will see this on the catalogue page). The government has screened the files for any privacy concerns and is prepping them to share with the public.
  • The dataset is Under review. The government has not finished screening the files. The data will not be available in the short-term and may never actually be published in the case that screening determines it isn’t safe to share with the public. You can check back to see if the status changes.
  • The dataset is Restricted. The government has screened the files and determined that they are not safe to share with the public.

Q. Can you notify me when the catalogue is updated?

A. Yes, you can get data catalogue updates by RSS feed. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) lets you know when our data catalogue has been updated.

To receive RSS updates:

  1. Install an RSS reader on your device
  2. Choose the updates you want to receive

Available updates:

  • Any dataset is updated or added to the catalogue
    RSS URL:
  • A specific dataset is updated
    RSS URL:[name-of-specific-dataset]
  • A dataset with a specific tag is updated or added
    RSS URL:[name-of-tag].atom
  • A dataset based on your custom search term is updated or added
    RSS URL:[custom search term]
  • A specific ministry updates or adds a dataset
    RSS URL:[name-of-specific-ministry].atom