
Infrastructure is everywhere. It’s our roads, transit, schools, hospitals, technologies, water, housing, energy grids — everything that connects people to the things they need to live their lives. Our infrastructure is critical for commerce and helps support a high quality of life in today’s digital economy.

Rebuilding Ontario: An Infrastructure Plan for the People focuses on elevating Ontario through well-managed, modern and resilient infrastructure that meets today’s needs and anticipates tomorrow’s challenges. Most importantly, it puts people at the centre of all our decisions to protect what matters most: good jobs, world-class education and health care, and an affordable quality of life.

Our Plan identifies actions that will provide a clear and stable path forward for sustainable service delivery. These actions will meet the needs of the people of Ontario well into the future without burdening future generations with infrastructure that is in poor condition and underutilized. Our Plan will allow us to make the right investments at the right time, in the right place.

Rebuilding Ontario will guide our efforts to deliver modern, resilient infrastructure that makes our province open for jobs and makes our communities world-class places to live and do business. As we move forward with the Plan, we will continue to keep you updated on our progress. We look forward to continuing to work with you to make sure your voice is reflected in our shared priorities.







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Updated: November 21, 2019